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advice from the kids please


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Hi Kids,


I am a mum to 7 and 10 year old boys. We are thinking of moving to Melbourne. My 10 year old is not very happy about it. Missing his friends making new ones etc etc.


Wanted to hear from any kids living in Oz who went through same thing, how have you got on since you moved to Oz? Any tips for getting friends quickly and settling in too. Any advice greatly appreciated.


My kids will soon be chatting on here with you guys too.:realmad:

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My youngest daughter Nikki came to oz with me when she was 12, she left behind in the uk many friends along with 2 sisters aged 18 & 21 - Nikki has settled very well here in Oz and loves it, she has made many friends and is in her words "havin a ball" - the kids at her high school clung to her like a magnet in the first few weeks as they just loved her accent -

Almost 2 years on, Nikki has the same friends she made when she first got here along with new friends too - she still keeps in touch with old mates in the uk via msn etc.

My advice to you as a mum would be to get your 2 lads into any sport,clubs etc that they enjoy as soon as you can when you get here - becuase the more they enjoy what they are doing & their surroundings the more eaiser they will get involved with the kids around them.

all the best


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My daughter was 11 when we moved and like Nikki, Alex has settled well, made friends and keeps in contact with her mates in England. My son was 7 and took to aussie life like a duck to water, our aussie neighbours are convinced he lived her in another life. Both Alex and Tom had interests and we promised that we would find ways of them keeping these up - finding a stables for Alex to ride and a soccer club for Tom. As Giz says, this has been great, Nigel and I have also met people through these activities too which is great (I've even ended up on the rooball committee - which wasn't planned).



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest swallowbride

hello my name is eddie and i am 10 we are going to brisbane. i am exactly the same as your 10 yr old

i am worried and i am glad im not the only one who is worried. i am worried about the rest of my family because there in pompey too. im not very good at making friends so it will be hard for me



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Scott Family

Hi, I have a 12 year old boy who is also not to happy about moving to OZ. He thinks he will miss his friends and it will be hard to keep in touch because of the time difference. I am sure all these children will settle but it is certainly nerve wracking putting them through this when you can't 100% be sure of the outcome.


If any good advice pops u please let me know..!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest17301

hi, i am an 11 yr old girl and in january we are moving to queensland in oz.

When my mum and dad first told me i was a bit worried and did not want to leave my family (ie:my nan, auntie.)but my mum showed me some houses on a website and that changed my mind!!!

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