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Hi guys,


My Girlfriend and I are planning on moving to Australia (NSW) around October this year (we still need to book the tickets!) and were wondering where we should consider moving to.

I have a PR visa (my Dad put me on his when he moved to Sydney 5 years ago and it expires in November so I have to be there before then!) My Girlfriend has a 90 day working Visa.


My Dad has lived in Sydney for 5 years now, we would like to move somewhere that isn't too far from him maybe maximum 45 mins drive from Sydney.


We would like to be somewhere that doesn't feel too far out from everything (beaches, shopping centers, gyms etc) and would like to find work fairly quickly.


Where would be the best areas for us to consider moving to?


I'm 23 and my girlfriend is 25.


Thanks a lot!



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At first I thought you were looking at NSW, which is enormous, you could drive for twelve hours in a straight line and still be in it, but I gather you are moving to Sydney and want to know about Sydney areas. And Sydney just stretches and stretches on, suburbs all blend into one, it is not like the UK where there are distinct towns and nothing inbetween. So again, I am going to presume you mean you want to be 45 minutes from the CBD?


Nice areas for a young couple like yourselves might include Bondi or Manly, but to be honest it depends upon budget and you haven't mentioned what that is.


By the way, I am pretty sure there is no such thing as a 90 day working visa, so it would be worth clarifying what visa your girlfriend will be on?

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My apologies, my girlfriend has a working holiday visa which lasts 12 months from the date we enter the country.


Our budget would be a range between 2500-4000 per month. We would be getting average jobs nothing crazy and we have been saving a while so have a fair amount of money behind us already.


We are thinking more towards Forestville, Wahroonga, Manly areas further north. I think Bondi would be way too expensive for us unfortunately.


What's the CBD?



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My apologies, my girlfriend has a working holiday visa which lasts 12 months from the date we enter the country.


Our budget would be a range between 2500-4000 per month. We would be getting average jobs nothing crazy and we have been saving a while so have a fair amount of money behind us already.


We are thinking more towards Forestville, Wahroonga, Manly areas further north. I think Bondi would be way too expensive for us unfortunately.


What's the CBD?



Look at stops on the North Shore line from Wahroonga, as you mentioned to North Sydney. Wollstonecraft is nice, Crows Nest, although it's a further walk to a station, has a few nice bars and deli's. Chatswood has the Westfield shopping centre. Any stops from Wollstonecraft in to the CBD, (Central Business District) will let you walk around the Opera house and back in a couple of hours across the harbour bridge.

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My apologies, my girlfriend has a working holiday visa which lasts 12 months from the date we enter the country.


Our budget would be a range between 2500-4000 per month. We would be getting average jobs nothing crazy and we have been saving a while so have a fair amount of money behind us already.


We are thinking more towards Forestville, Wahroonga, Manly areas further north. I think Bondi would be way too expensive for us unfortunately.


What's the CBD?




Rents are never quoted in months in Australia it is always weeks and actually that budget is quite high at the upper end of your range anyway for a young couple. It is quite a big range though so still hard to work out where you could aim for.


Forestville and Wahroonga, very suburban, not somewhere many couple in their twenties are going to head. We thought they would be a bit too quiet for us and we are in our 40s and don't go out very much. There certainly would be no need to go to Manly "further north" though, why not just Manly and the top of your budget would easily stretch to Bondi. Of course I am assuming you want an apartment here, not a four bed with pool?

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Thanks alot for the info guys it's all great help! We will definitely check these places out!


If it's weekly then our joint budget would be about $400-500 per week for an apartment or maybe even a small house like a bungalow or something. Shared pool would be pretty cool but it's it'dnot something that we desperately need haha! Especially being surrounded by beaches.

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Thanks alot for the info guys it's all great help! We will definitely check these places out!


If it's weekly then our joint budget would be about $400-500 per week for an apartment or maybe even a small house like a bungalow or something. Shared pool would be pretty cool but it's it'dnot something that we desperately need haha! Especially being surrounded by beaches.



Ok well that is a long way off the $4000 per month in your budget range earlier, but that did seem an awful lot! :wink:


You are certainly in apartment territory with this weekly budget then rather than houses. You should find something, I think I would stick to one of the suburbs close to the beach if you can as there generally a bit livlier, Manly still might be possible, or you could go further north but sticking to the coast, maybe Dee Why?

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Yeah I don't know how I got that number I think I may have doubled it by mistake..


Okay sound good thanks a lot we are now getting a rough idea in our heads of where about to look for, a bit north of Sydney CBD but not too far inland. Stick to the coastline. Going to have a look at Manly, Dee Why, Forestville, Wollstonecraft, Curl Curl, Crows Nest and everything in between.


Thanks so much guys!

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we have also looked in that area


If you need to commute to the CBD (City centre) - it might be worth being a bit further west, near the train line. Depends on your circumstances etc


Prob more fun on the coast though tbh!


To be honest we won't really need to be going into the CBD much unless one of us works there but it's mostly office jobs which we are not looking to get. Girlfriend wants to work with animals and I'd like to do some labouring/building work.


My dad lives in Forestville now he's just moved there from cremorn point so around there would be cool too!

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Neutral Bay might be worth a look too. It has a very high percentage of under 30's and there is plenty to do. We have a friend who is moving out of his parents house in Lindfield and his first choice was Neutral Bay because of the relative affordability and nightlife.

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Neutral Bay might be worth a look too. It has a very high percentage of under 30's and there is plenty to do. We have a friend who is moving out of his parents house in Lindfield and his first choice was Neutral Bay because of the relative affordability and nightlife.


Sounds great mate will check there out as well thanks. Do you know what it's like for a young couple living out there by any chance? I mean I can't imagine it being a struggle and definitely not anything like living in London.. I can barely afford my car insurance let alone a flat and social life!

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He lives in Forestville now.


Isn't that where Mr Abbott also lives? Nice area, though you really need a car, as there will only be buses. It might be OK too, with family around. I used to go to an RSL club there with my brothers. Was it there? Killarney Heights? NO! Forestville! This was back in the 80's when I lived in Narrabeen.


Come and live in Surry Hills, where I live. It's got everything you want, walking distance to trains, even to Sydney itself, like living at the 'centre of a wheel' and you can travel along any particular 'spoke' to wherever you want to go. In Surry Hills itself, I walk everywhere, or get the train to the city.

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Sounds great mate will check there out as well thanks. Do you know what it's like for a young couple living out there by any chance? I mean I can't imagine it being a struggle and definitely not anything like living in London.. I can barely afford my car insurance let alone a flat and social life!


Do you mean is it like London cost wise? If so, yes Sydney is very like London on costs, it is about the best benchmark you will get.

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Do you mean is it like London cost wise? If so, yes Sydney is very like London on costs, it is about the best benchmark you will get.


Yes but it's more balanced than here. For example minimum wage in the UK is £6.50 but in Oz it's around £10 and the cost of living seems to be cheaper in Sydney than the UK. Petrol is 70p a litre in Sydney but it's £1.20 here just as an example.

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Isn't that where Mr Abbott also lives? Nice area, though you really need a car, as there will only be buses. It might be OK too, with family around. I used to go to an RSL club there with my brothers. Was it there? Killarney Heights? NO! Forestville! This was back in the 80's when I lived in Narrabeen.


Come and live in Surry Hills, where I live. It's got everything you want, walking distance to trains, even to Sydney itself, like living at the 'centre of a wheel' and you can travel along any particular 'spoke' to wherever you want to go. In Surry Hills itself, I walk everywhere, or get the train to the city.


Not sure who Mr Abbots is sorry! I will be getting a car asap when we move. We will check out Surry Hills as well that sounds like a nice area thanks a lot!

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Maybe it's easier to separate some of these costs. Purely in terms of housing (rent or mortgage) it's as expensive or even more expensive than London (subject to location).


But I would say the quality of the property and of living is much better in Australia than the UK. I'd rather pay £800 a month on a one bedroom flat by a beach check in Australia than at the top of a council estate in London!

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Well I'm not arguing. We are off there in 4 weeks hoping to be in a nice location and enjoy a new place to live.


Never totally got my head around costs. We are from Wrexham, so we certainly expect it to be more expensive. But others seem to manage (not sure if anyone can afford to buy a place though!).


I'm pretty sure as a fairly free, younger person with less responsibilities (than we have) you should be able to wing it without any bad consequences - so go for it :)

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Well I'm not arguing. We are off there in 4 weeks hoping to be in a nice location and enjoy a new place to live.


Never totally got my head around costs. We are from Wrexham, so we certainly expect it to be more expensive. But others seem to manage (not sure if anyone can afford to buy a place though!).


I'm pretty sure as a fairly free, younger person with less responsibilities (than we have) you should be able to wing it without any bad consequences - so go for it :)


Yeah man you're dead right, we don't have anything to lose really by at least trying it! Good luck mate might see you there then one day! Cheers :cool:

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  • 1 month later...

Hello :)

My husband & I are moving to Manly in October! We've been before & it's an awesome place!

If you want to be within 45mins of the CBD & on a beach with stuff going on then Bondi & Manly are your only two options really!

The main difference between the two is that Bondi is closer to the city & a bit easier to reach. It's got a massive backpacker scene & there's also a lot of money there too so it's rammed with bars & restaurants & young people so it has lively night life. It's a tad pretentious & quite full on, where as Manly on the other hand still has all the bars & restaurants etc but it's got more of a chilled out surfery type vibe & not so full on! It all depends what you're wanting? If you're planning on going out partying a lot & want to be with people your own age then you'd be better off in or around Bondi. From what we've seen looking on different real estate sites Bondi apartment prices cost a tad more each week but only say an extra $50-100. For a 1 bed half decent apartment you're looking at about $650-750 a week. If you want a complex with a pool etc or somewhere new & modern you'd be looking at $800+.

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Manly and Bondi are both great but not for everybody and it depends on other factors like where you are going to work and how much time you are willing to endure commuting.


Bondi is a horrible place to drive and park and if you want a car, then it might be hard to secure safe and free parking. It might be a better option to live at Bondi Junction with better access to public transport and shopping with its railway station / bus interchange and Westfield, so you are halfway between city and beach.


Cronulla is another option as it is the only Sydney beach with a railway station, about an hour to the city, and plenty going on there too.


Then there are quieter beaches like Bronte and Clovelly between Bondi and Coogee (which is similar to Bondi.) Maroubra might offer value too with an beach as good as Bondi but further away from the city.


And on the Northern Beaches, well take your pick. I like Narrabeen, having lived there twice, and I also like Avalon with its trendy village atmosphere.


But then again, much as I love the beach, I'd rather live in the inner city - Surry Hills, with more to do than Bondi or Manly, most things within walking distance, including the city itself, and go to any beach I fancy, most within 5 to 7 kilometres.

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