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The demise of the labour party


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I find it strange that so many Labour people hate Tony Blair, the only leader to win them an election in over 40 years. If they pick another more left wing leader in the same mould as Micheal Foot, Neil Kinnock, or Ed Miliband they will be in opposition for a long time.

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I find it strange that so many Labour people hate Tony Blair, the only leader to win them an election in over 40 years. If they pick another more left wing leader in the same mould as Micheal Foot, Neil Kinnock, or Ed Miliband they will be in opposition for a long time.



If Blair had been leader of the Tories, no one would have batted an eyelid. Even Thatcher liked him.


Times have changed. The traditional labour base no longer exists, except in billy Bragg songs.

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Well They said the Same thing here in Australia about the Liberals and National Parties.Now they are in Government as the Coalition Party. NON of them could ever win a general election in their own right.But there you go! Never say Die!

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Well i thought that the Tories would never ever get back in office,After The Tyrant Thatcher Destroyed Britain in the 70's that forced me and thousands like me to leave our homeland.Then The British public,Glutton for punishment.went and voted Cameron in office,Propped up by the Lib/dems in 2010.Then Low and behold they fiddle the boundaries,And The Tories get re-elected with only 37% of the Vote. There's lots of things gone in the UK, free speech, democracy and their Sovereignty but it seem the Brits have given up.They have excepted Zero Hours working reform.No future.No hope.just Slave Labour. Even worse than what Howard tried to introduce in Australia with his work Choices reform.Britain's only future is the UKIP.But the public Stabbed Farage in the Back.They deserve all what the Tories have in store for the ordinary British workers.Thatcher 's dream is coming true no strong unions to stop bad government .her dream of all that cheap labour from the EU is taking hold.After all that's what the Tories Joined the EU for.To make the rich richer,and get rid of the unions.And have a cheap labour economy.

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Well i thought that the Tories would never ever get back in office,After The Tyrant Thatcher Destroyed Britain in the 70's that forced me and thousands like me to leave our homeland.Then The British public,Glutton for punishment.went and voted Cameron in office,Propped up by the Lib/dems in 2010.Then Low and behold they fiddle the boundaries,And The Tories get re-elected with only 37% of the Vote. There's lots of things gone in the UK, free speech, democracy and their Sovereignty but it seem the Brits have given up.They have excepted Zero Hours working reform.No future.No hope.just Slave Labour. Even worse than what Howard tried to introduce in Australia with his work Choices reform.Britain's only future is the UKIP.But the public Stabbed Farage in the Back.They deserve all what the Tories have in store for the ordinary British workers.Thatcher 's dream is coming true no strong unions to stop bad government .her dream of all that cheap labour from the EU is taking hold.After all that's what the Tories Joined the EU for.To make the rich richer,and get rid of the unions.And have a cheap labour economy.


So many inaccuracies there it is hard to know where to start. Quite how Thatcher "destroyed Britain" in the 1970s while she was in the Conservative opposition with Labour presiding over wage freezes, high inflation and the so-called 'winter of discontent' I cannot imagine. Re-writing history. The Tories did not join the EU; there was a referendum. Thatcher was actually always a Euro-sceptic and it is currently Labour that have no issue with free movement of labour in the EU. Nobody stabbed Farage in the back. He is a clown but at least he used to be mildly entertaining and diverting - once under the microscope though his paranoia took over unfortunately. With strikes by the rail unions set for the next couple of weeks it seems the unions are still alive and kicking and happy to heap misery on everyone else - so no change there.

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Well i thought that the Tories would never ever get back in office,After The Tyrant Thatcher Destroyed Britain in the 70's that forced me and thousands like me to leave our homeland.Then The British public,Glutton for punishment.went and voted Cameron in office,Propped up by the Lib/dems in 2010.Then Low and behold they fiddle the boundaries,And The Tories get re-elected with only 37% of the Vote. There's lots of things gone in the UK, free speech, democracy and their Sovereignty but it seem the Brits have given up.They have excepted Zero Hours working reform.No future.No hope.just Slave Labour. Even worse than what Howard tried to introduce in Australia with his work Choices reform.Britain's only future is the UKIP.But the public Stabbed Farage in the Back.They deserve all what the Tories have in store for the ordinary British workers.Thatcher 's dream is coming true no strong unions to stop bad government .her dream of all that cheap labour from the EU is taking hold.After all that's what the Tories Joined the EU for.To make the rich richer,and get rid of the unions.And have a cheap labour economy.


What a load of drivel. To add to the errors already covered by GGS, the electoral boundaries were last changed when a Labour government was in power, following the 2007 boundary review. There were no changes made between the 2010 and 2015 general elections. Boundaries are widely believed to favour Labour at the moment as seats in Labour heartlands have lower than average registered voters (meaning more seats in those areas). Having said that, it would be unfair to "blame" Labour for boundaries that favour themselves as it is an independent commission that proposes where boundaries should lie.

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Well i thought that the Tories would never ever get back in office,After The Tyrant Thatcher Destroyed Britain in the 70's that forced me and thousands like me to leave our homeland.Then The British public,Glutton for punishment.went and voted Cameron in office,Propped up by the Lib/dems in 2010.Then Low and behold they fiddle the boundaries,And The Tories get re-elected with only 37% of the Vote. There's lots of things gone in the UK, free speech, democracy and their Sovereignty but it seem the Brits have given up.They have excepted Zero Hours working reform.No future.No hope.just Slave Labour. Even worse than what Howard tried to introduce in Australia with his work Choices reform.Britain's only future is the UKIP.But the public Stabbed Farage in the Back.They deserve all what the Tories have in store for the ordinary British workers.Thatcher 's dream is coming true no strong unions to stop bad government .her dream of all that cheap labour from the EU is taking hold.After all that's what the Tories Joined the EU for.To make the rich richer,and get rid of the unions.And have a cheap labour economy.


Well after reading your ill-informed nonsense, it's a wonder they ever went out of power with you backing the opposition!

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