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Bookies favourite for new Labour leader is?

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881



I can't help but wonder if the race card would work for the Labour party, a fresh new face is needed but how good is he and does anyone really know of him (Chuka Umunna)?


Who do you think stands a chance at the top spot for Labour?

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I can't help but wonder if the race card would work for the Labour party, a fresh new face is needed but how good is he and does anyone really know of him (Chuka Umunna)?


Who do you think stands a chance at the top spot for Labour?



If your narrow racist viewpoint is a representation of your average voter. I'd say the guy has no chance.

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Not the time for Labour to do something radical to get themselves a few votes. They need to get themselves a leader that will appeal to the working class and middle class people they are supposed to represent and some really good policies that challenge the bad ones that the Conservative party have.


That shouldn't be too hard.

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Guest Guest66881
If your narrow racist viewpoint is a representation of your average voter. I'd say the guy has no chance.


Not racist at all, making a valid observation bit like how Old Obama came out the woodwork in America to help bolster that parties votes tally.

I wonder why Tony Blair is so gung ho to get this guy in as leader?

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Chuka presents very well, well educated etc etc...........the unions will never accept him!


Like most people (hopefully) I don't care if he or she is blue, green, purple etc. Our politicians are there to represent us and nothing more. It is a job not a popularity contest, maybe Blair should be reminded of this.



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Guest Guest66881
Chuka presents very well, well educated etc etc...........the unions will never accept him!


Like most people (hopefully) I don't care if he or she is blue, green, purple etc. Our politicians are there to represent us and nothing more. It is a job not a popularity contest, maybe Blair should be reminded of this.





My point exactly, just that i got hit with the racial card, low but to be expected:wink:

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Never heard of him or seen him before. Same with quite a few of the other names that have been thrown about. I do hope that they do not go old school like Yvette Cooper. A fresh face and name would be best right now.

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