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Got new job in Australia, im nervous, what did you do?? Share your storie please.


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Sometimes life is really strange, 2 years ago a girl asked me to come down to aussie but it didn't work out and here I'm today with a job offer to Australia and about to move to Australia with my new girlfriend :)


I found out yesterday that I was selected for a job as project manager for a huge project so me and my girlfriend from Sweden got sponsored Visa to Australia.

We are getting apartment payed for 3 months, they are paying for the shipping of our stuff from here, health insurance and a lot of other benefits to move. The job is located in Brisbane.

This project needs to be completed within 14 months so the contract is only 14 months but I have the possibility to get my job extended.


This is a dream come true for many people I guess, get awesome well paid job, Australia etc.. and for me, but, im nervous. I'm swetting all the time, thinking of my family and relatives, because I'm very attached to my family, what if something happens to me, can I handle the job, because I will be responsible for a project with is veeeeeeeery expensive, my head is spinning faster then the earth It self...


For those who have migrated, have you been in same thoughts or for those who need to do same trip as I? Have you been nervous, what were your biggest fears.


Please share your stories and thoughts.

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They would not have offered you the job if they didnt think you had the ability to do it. focus on the positive not the negative. It is only 14 months if you hate it after that go home if you love it stay. Use the time wisely, during your leave time see as much of aus as you can, but not just the cities get out and see other parts of Aus. If you hate Brisbane in 14 monthe you could move to a different place. Good luck

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They would not have offered you the job if they didnt think you had the ability to do it. focus on the positive not the negative. It is only 14 months if you hate it after that go home if you love it stay. Use the time wisely, during your leave time see as much of aus as you can, but not just the cities get out and see other parts of Aus. If you hate Brisbane in 14 monthe you could move to a different place. Good luck


That is good advice! Focus on what could go right, not what could go wrong, look forward, not back. It sounds like your new employer are doing a lot of the hard work of migrating for you. No need to look for accomodation for a start. I doubt if your family would want to tell you to turn your back on the opportunity? And you would proabably regret it for the rest of your life if you turned it down now?


If you are really worried, and you have time before you go, see your GP and get a referral to a psychologist. They are usually very good with this sort of problem.

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You're bound to be nervous, but think of it as a massive opportunity. If you don't like it, you go home after 14 months. You don't want to look back and regret not trying it. I love living in Brisbane and am so much more relaxed here than I've ever been.


What have you got to lose??

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I think perhaps you need to not think of it as migrating, but a 14 month contract working away and it's not going to be forever and that you will see your family again. If it's such a big project, they'll have given some thought into who has the skills, knowledge etc to lead it - they wouldn't have offered you the job if they didn't think you were up to it.


Good Luck

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Same as you I got offered a job with an Ozzie employer who relocated us out here 8 years ago. I was really nervous too, especially as I was leaving a job I loved. It is natural to be concerned, but just think of it as a big adventure - 14 months is no time at all. I am sure that you are more than qualified to do the work - plenty of PMs here, so you must have something special to offer - my employer liked the large scale development exposure that many Brits have. Aussies don't really do or appreciate humble, so put your game face on and try not to worry. It's a great opportunity to build your experience - enjoy!

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