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Month long Reccie - advice on best travel options.... please?


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Hello all, we have about 50 days in July-August to chose the city we want to live in... any advice on cheapest way to see Perth, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide - is it worth hiring a camper van for the East Coast, are there plenty of campsites, approx cost of campsites, will we get enough time to sight see properly if we drive from Brisbane to Adelaide? Travelling with a five year old... any advice on cheapest options that don't involve tents... we have friends in Perth to stay with but the rest we need to pay for! Flight/drive/accommodation suggestions? Thank you!

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Will not be too many hot sunny days unfortunately when you are coming - you do know it is winter? Not the best time to come.You are trying to cover a huge continent in 50 days - I suggest you should narrow down your choices with research before you come to see where you might want to settle. There is no way you will get a feel for each state in 50 days.

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It sounds like you will be on a mission. I think a campervan is for when you are on holiday, not a mission. But as you are over to consider where you would want to live, I would suggest you fly between the major cities you are interested in and allow yourself some time in each.

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I personally wouldn't like to take a 5yr old,driving for that amount of time.My sister and her OH and kids drove years ago from Adelaide to Brisbane to see the outlaws and she told me,it was the worse trip ever.Kids get bored,need the toilet more often than adults etc.I'd fly between states and hire a car if it were me.Weigh up the costs of staying in a hotel to a static caravan.

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