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How has it effected children's education?


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been on the Gold Coast now of 7 months. Two of my children are 8 and 9. Years 3 and 4 here. I just wondered for those who have lived here and then gone back to the UK with school aged kids how has this effected their education? and how have the kids felt?

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Hi,my kids were 9 and 11 when we returned.They went to a great primary school in Sth Oz (we lived in a small country town).When we moved to the UK my eldest had to start high school?:elvis:Abit of a shocker as had we stayed in Oz she would of had another year of primary!But they both settled incredibly well into their new schools and made lots of new mates which helped.There were no problems curriculum wise to speak of either.I had also separated from their Dad (he was a lousy Dad anyway)so it didn't affect them that way. Yes they were upset about leaving their old mates behind (as was I)but that quickly settled down and they still keep in touch with them even now,years later.I wouldn't over worry it hon.I know you'd be a supportive parent/s and with that in mind,your kids will be fine.Both my kids did well in their own right.Eldest has 3 kids now and by choice is a stay at home Mum.The youngest studied law at uni here,got herself a great job (not law related),worked in that job for 2 years and has just scored herself a job in law,so all is good!

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We returned for the first time when our eldest was almost 9. She was adamant she didn't want to leave and wasn't going to like her new school.

We arranged a trial day for her - she came out beaming and settled straight away. She's 20 now and those girls she met on her first day are still her best friends despite us moving another couple of times.

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been on the Gold Coast now of 7 months. Two of my children are 8 and 9. Years 3 and 4 here. I just wondered for those who have lived here and then gone back to the UK with school aged kids how has this effected their education? and how have the kids felt?


Hi Kellie, how are you doing? I hope your OK and all's well.


They've (well I say our Son as our Daughter only started reception after we came back) come on leaps and bounds. Happy, settled, engaged and learning loads and having so much fun. Their awash with enthusiasm so it's great. Honestly, my Son had fallen behind (only behind as we had something to compare against) but has since recovered and is flying again TF. The School and teachers really got behind him and back on track and with his hard graft so it's all working out.


What's brought on the question? Bora.

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Hey Bora, lovely to hear from you. Thanks for the info. We have now been here 7 months and we just can't see this being forever! The kids are happy don't get me wrong but it's a lot harder here than we expected and really really missing family and friends in UK. I think it's a double whammy in terms of i now appreciate things more about the UK that I previously took for granted and Life here hasn't been what we expected. Yes the weathers better and it's a beautiful place. We just keep talking and talking comparing etc etc you know how it is. Our biggest worry is going back and regretting it mainly as we want to do the best for the kids. Im not that impressed with the education here so far and when I've spoken to other poms expecting reassurance they only confirm my suspicions. We have financial worries here that we never had in UK either which Is harder. Just everything Is so very different. We are going to give it more time but I'm just asking questions on here to get as much info as possible. How are you doing?

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My son went to a very alternative school in Australia and he was incredibly happy, it wasn't really like school more like an extended family. We were concerned how moving schools would be for him and we did do a lot of research to find a school that would not be such a huge leap in terms of philosophy.


His teacher 'to be' had all the kids in his class write letters to him and send photo's and that really helped. I would say he had zero problems adjusting, we moved back when he was 10 and he's the cool Aussie kid. It's hard to say academically because he's a real high flyer but he is excelling in everything and is two years ahead in maths - his teacher commented that she could tell he had been very well taught in Australia.


Most importantly our son is happy :)

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Hey Bora, lovely to hear from you. Thanks for the info. We have now been here 7 months and we just can't see this being forever! The kids are happy don't get me wrong but it's a lot harder here than we expected and really really missing family and friends in UK. I think it's a double whammy in terms of i now appreciate things more about the UK that I previously took for granted and Life here hasn't been what we expected. Yes the weathers better and it's a beautiful place. We just keep talking and talking comparing etc etc you know how it is. Our biggest worry is going back and regretting it mainly as we want to do the best for the kids. Im not that impressed with the education here so far and when I've spoken to other poms expecting reassurance they only confirm my suspicions. We have financial worries here that we never had in UK either which Is harder. Just everything Is so very different. We are going to give it more time but I'm just asking questions on here to get as much info as possible. How are you doing?

At least you will appreciate what the UK has to offer and see it in a new and better light....so many do....the grass aint always greener

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I went to school both in the UK and Australia...and whilst the Aussie education system is probably about 6 months behind the UK one, I'd say the Australian system is better as it gives a more rounded education. Looking back on it now I'm actually really glad I completed school in Australia as I know I wouldn't be where I am today without the support I received at school xx

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Hey Bora, lovely to hear from you. Thanks for the info. We have now been here 7 months and we just can't see this being forever! The kids are happy don't get me wrong but it's a lot harder here than we expected and really really missing family and friends in UK. I think it's a double whammy in terms of i now appreciate things more about the UK that I previously took for granted and Life here hasn't been what we expected. Yes the weathers better and it's a beautiful place. We just keep talking and talking comparing etc etc you know how it is. Our biggest worry is going back and regretting it mainly as we want to do the best for the kids. Im not that impressed with the education here so far and when I've spoken to other poms expecting reassurance they only confirm my suspicions. We have financial worries here that we never had in UK either which Is harder. Just everything Is so very different. We are going to give it more time but I'm just asking questions on here to get as much info as possible. How are you doing?



I know exactly where your coming from and so much of what your saying we have said ourselves so many times. We have been here 8 years now and from our experience with our two kids the education system here is way off what they had before. Just seems so layed back and lack of basic rules and regulations for starters.

As far as you returning to the UK and regretting it, I personally would perhaps just hang out a while to get your citizenship just so you don't close the door behind you so to speak.

It's a horrible situation to be in limbo when you think that this should be the happiest days of our lives. I promise you your not alone.


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