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Sound Insulation


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Has anyone attempted to sound insulate their house in Sydney? Was it effective and if so are there are specific recommendations you can make? Maybe company or brand of material?


I live in a semi detached and our bedroom backs on to the neighbours lounge. The tenants living next door have a loud TV and a tendency to stay up late!

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you could try acoustic insulation, google for closest suppliers.

not an easy thing to fix in all honesty, windows are likely to be single glazed, no or little loft insulation.

short of building an acoustically insulated sanctuary, or knocking down or rebuilding.


local bylaws could help, in some places it's illegal to be that loud that late.

moving to a different place is likely to be cheaper and easier, it's a shame though, they should change not you!

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They had some stuff on Better Homes a while back that was literally the thickness of a sheet of fibro and the difference it made was astonishing. Can't recall the brand name sorry


There's a bit more science to noise reduction than you might think. If you want to really do a good job there are companies out there that can do a noise survey to see what frequencies are causing the most grief and then recommend the right type of noise cancellation material that gets rid of those frequencies. Putting on the wrong stuff may make no difference.


Noise cancellation wall coverings come in a massive range of designs.

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