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Starting to get nervous now


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Is this a common thing? I have 5 days left at work, followed by 3 weeks of leave, and then Im off to Melbourne and immediately starting work.


I'm getting an increasing feeling of dread about leaving my job which I have been in for 11 years and jumping in to the unknown. Also the wife and kids are staying in the uk for a while so I can set up home and Im not looking forward to being without them.


Hopefully it will all settle down once I have arrived and gotten into the swing of our new Aussie life, but am really nervous now!

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When you get to Melbourne it will take a few days to get your bearings so to speak (not to mention jetlag)- can't you take part of your 3 weeks off as that time and fly there a bit earlier? Everyone ges nervous with a big step like that, it's normal. What part of Melbourne are you looking at? Melbourne covers many kms, it is a huge sprawly place.

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Hi Starlight,


My new employer has a guest house / hotel on site which is in Clayton on the Monash university site. So they are putting me up in there for 4 weeks. After that I will be looking for a 4 beds house within 10k of Clayton. On our visit last year, we looked at some suburbs and liked Mount / Glen Waverley, liked some of the places nearer to the coast, but we dont want too much of a commute and rents seemed to ramp up.


Ill be arriving on thursday 30th and starting work the monday 4th so there are a few days, but i want to keep the time I am apart from the family to a minimum!



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Big changes about to happen in your lives,so I'm not surprised at all by you feeling nervous.Its a big thing,leaving the security of home and work,thats major stuff in anyone's lives tbh and to be feeling nervous is completely justified imho. Ok so now you need to focus on the positives.Atleast you have a job to go to,and accomo when first arriving.Having a job is a huge plus right?Thats security in itself.Great to also have the accomo,albeit its temp but its a starting point and gives you some breathing space to sort stuff out.

Leaving your partner and kids is also huge but......it is only temporary so focus on that aspect!You'll no doubt be skyping etc on a regular basis,,and although you will miss them a lot,you will be starting your new job,and looking for a house for them,so that will be a nice distraction (if you know what I mean) Before you know it,by the time you've started settling into your new job,and house,you'll be collecting them from the airport and it will be fantastic to take them back to your new home! You would of found your feet by then and can show them around,so all will be good!

So summing up?Feel the nerves,because they're normal!Say to yourself "I'm feeling really nervous right now"and actually feel it.That way,rather than push those emotions to the side and pretend they're not happening?You will actually start feeling better about this move.You'll be fine hon,seriously! Keep your expectations realistic.Not every single thing will go your way,but hopefully the majority will. I am looking forward to your future posts,where you will be writing "Yes my family are now with me and we couldn't be happier!:cute:

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Hi Starlight,


My new employer has a guest house / hotel on site which is in Clayton on the Monash university site. So they are putting me up in there for 4 weeks. After that I will be looking for a 4 beds house within 10k of Clayton. On our visit last year, we looked at some suburbs and liked Mount / Glen Waverley, liked some of the places nearer to the coast, but we dont want too much of a commute and rents seemed to ramp up.


Ill be arriving on thursday 30th and starting work the monday 4th so there are a few days, but i want to keep the time I am apart from the family to a minimum!



I know the area well- grandson attends Monash and SIL works there! You won't go far wrong with Mt Waverley, Glen Waverley area it has shops , good restaurants, good schools etc.Will you be living in one of the campus flats at first?

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Thanks Jacaranda, this made me slightly emotional!


Big changes about to happen in your lives,so I'm not surprised at all by you feeling nervous.Its a big thing,leaving the security of home and work,thats major stuff in anyone's lives tbh and to be feeling nervous is completely justified imho. Ok so now you need to focus on the positives.Atleast you have a job to go to,and accomo when first arriving.Having a job is a huge plus right?Thats security in itself.Great to also have the accomo,albeit its temp but its a starting point and gives you some breathing space to sort stuff out.

Leaving your partner and kids is also huge but......it is only temporary so focus on that aspect!You'll no doubt be skyping etc on a regular basis,,and although you will miss them a lot,you will be starting your new job,and looking for a house for them,so that will be a nice distraction (if you know what I mean) Before you know it,by the time you've started settling into your new job,and house,you'll be collecting them from the airport and it will be fantastic to take them back to your new home! You would of found your feet by then and can show them around,so all will be good!

So summing up?Feel the nerves,because they're normal!Say to yourself "I'm feeling really nervous right now"and actually feel it.That way,rather than push those emotions to the side and pretend they're not happening?You will actually start feeling better about this move.You'll be fine hon,seriously! Keep your expectations realistic.Not every single thing will go your way,but hopefully the majority will. I am looking forward to your future posts,where you will be writing "Yes my family are now with me and we couldn't be happier!:cute:

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Im going to be working at the Australian synchrotron, and they have a hotel and apartments for visiting scientists.


I know the area well- grandson attends Monash and SIL works there! You won't go far wrong with Mt Waverley, Glen Waverley area it has shops , good restaurants, good schools etc.Will you be living in one of the campus flats at first?
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Is this a common thing?

Yes this is normal. What you are doing is enormous. You are giving up your job, your home, your friends, your family, your habits - everything. People who have not emigrated cannot understand even a fraction of what you are going through.


Personally, I'm not sure the three weeks leave was sensible; you will fry your brains and rattle around like a lost thing. I left work on the Wednesday, had stuff packed on the Thursday and flew on the Friday - no time to get anxious.


But you will get through it. Even in Australia, you will get moments of wondering what you have done and potentially getting tearful. But these moments do get less frequent and it starts to feel normal.


Good luck.

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Enjoy the 3 weeks. I had two weeks between leaving work and flying. Used to to see family and say goodbyes. Was very very emotionally draining!!


Ive been surprised though at how easy it is to Skype. It's not the same, obviously, as being in the same room, but I thought it would be terrible and awkward and forced and it's not.


Its a a huge shift in life. We've been unbelievably lucky since we arrived and the fist 7 months has flown.

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