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Switching from uni n UK to Oz


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Hi, my daughter is 20 and has almost completed her 1st year at Loughborough doing visual communication with illustration, like graphic design. We are looking at relocation to South Sydney, near Miranda. I have several questions. Would her 1st year from Loughborough be recognised or would she have to start again? Roughly how much are fees? Any recommendations for similar courses here?

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They should be able to credit her with modules, but it will depend on the course, the degrees here are very modular so she can catch up modules rather than a whole year. The degrees are three years for a basic degree you need an extra year to get an honours degree here.


as for costs these are on the uni web sites. If you are on a temp visa then she would be paying international fees which are very high. If you are PR then she will pay local fees, which are comparable to the UK at the moment BUT she will have to pay up front as loans are only available to citizens. No loans for living expenses either here so many live at home or work part time.


there are some scholarships available for good students though, for example if she had grade A Alevels, but this depends on the competition and the course etc.


best to contact the Unis direct to be honest.

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Honestly? Let her finish her degree where she's already 30% of the way through. Then she can join you with an honours degree under her belt in 2 years at a relatively lower cost. As long as she validates her visa she should be fine (making the assumption here that you're going for PR) to join you when she's done. If you're only planning on being in Aus on a temporary visa then any study is going to be prohibitively expensive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Most practical and economic way to start study would be transferring credit to NSW TAFE advanced diploma to degree (2nd year) pathway, they will assess credit, and make offer including how much (cheaper) study is needed to reach 2nd year at university. Such study would be accepted by all universities, if she still wishes to continue on that route.....

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