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The waiting.....


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OMG this waiting is awful...............


I am now week 9 1/2 into waiting for the results of my skills assessment... I have been checking my emails before bed and upon waking for weeks (was also waiting for AHPRA) and it seems like I have been waiting forever.


What's even more painful is knowing even once I get the skills assessment back, I have the long wait of waiting for the visa (which I imagine is even worse)!


Today I ordered a white board as it's 25 weeks on Wednesday till we migrate. I am hoping to do a 5x5 grid on it where the kids can cross out the weeks till we move. I am hoping that will make it seem like we are getting somewhere.



Is anyone else feeling like their entire life is just a waiting game???

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I am finding waiting for info is very difficult. Various plans are under way and I am waiting for responses from Australia. What is driving me mad is that things happen during our night and therefore not sleeping that well and having a sneaky check of my emails - it is driving my husband mad.


Good idea to do the chart - think I will pinch your idea!

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The interview went well and I was told I would be recommended for the job but had to wait for someone above to sign it off. Apparently there is more than one job and the 2nd candidate they put forward was late submitting the various paperwork and therefore my paperwork only went off to the people above on Friday. So I am hoping to hear in the next week.


I am hoping once we get the visa's time will go quickly!

@Peachy I know what you mean, I dose off around 11pm but wake myself up to check my emails one last time. It also slows me down in the morning as I have to log on before I get out of bed after my alarm has gone off. Sometimes checking my emails at 11pm wakes me back up too...

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OMG this waiting is awful...............


I am now week 9 1/2 into waiting for the results of my skills assessment... I have been checking my emails before bed and upon waking for weeks (was also waiting for AHPRA) and it seems like I have been waiting forever.


What's even more painful is knowing even once I get the skills assessment back, I have the long wait of waiting for the visa (which I imagine is even worse)!


Today I ordered a white board as it's 25 weeks on Wednesday till we migrate. I am hoping to do a 5x5 grid on it where the kids can cross out the weeks till we move. I am hoping that will make it seem like we are getting somewhere.



Is anyone else feeling like their entire life is just a waiting game???



when I did my skills assessment I got the email off them bang on the 13th week that as I recall they state as the processing time! Unfortunately my rubbish uni had not sent them my transcript despite promising to put it straight in the post that afternoon three months previous. Grrr! so I had to get that sent to them then I had email confirmation pretty quickly after that arrived. To be fair everything I have had to do so far in the whole process (ANMAC, VISA invite, POLICE CHECK etc) has been done in the exact time frame they quote. fingers crossed the same goes for the visa grant!

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I hated the feeling of not being in control lol. Just hanging in the limbo, waiting and hoping, was driving me nuts. I tried to keep myself busy but I found that after we made the decision to move, I was disengaged from everything, just desperate to move already and start a new chapter. Hope you get the job you interviewed for!

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I know exactly how you feel! We've just sent all of the documents over and are at the beginning of the skills assessment. We are using migration agents based over in Queensland and they have been great. Need to apply for ahpra today. We were told by our agents that the skills assessment takes 12 wks then 2 wks for the state sponsorship then around 5 weeks for the visa. We would just jump on a plane just now if we could. The only other thing we need to arrange is the medicals. I was hoping that the timescales given were worse case scenarios but after reading the threads here I'm probably being optimistic. The waiting is driving us nuts lol

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Hi Carolann, are you a nurse? My AHPRA wasnt too bad but ANMAC skills assessment is now 10 weeks (not nearly 11 weeks like I thought) and I believe I will be expecting 12-16 weeks timeframe. Also the visa is supposed to be 12 weeks but looking at applicants at present it appears to be 2 months to the day they are getting their visas for a 189. I am not sure about state sponsorship.


I live my life thinking of what I should/shouldnt be doing.


It's also hard as I am working hard at the moment, 72 hours this week to have the money end of April to pay for the visa. Then it's saving all the costs to migrate and have a backup fund in case of emergency. Everything in life is about the move. Budgetting our food, not buying clothes, not having family days out... I wish I could afford to do both and appreciate the UK but I feel guilty spending anything knowing we need a contingency fund in Australia.


I go to work and get my diary out on my break thinking about what evidence I need to get signed or upload. It really does take over.

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Hi Jacqui (guessing that's your name lol), yes I'm a nurse, I work in A&E. Desperate to go to Oz now, like everyone else on this site. You must be knackered working all those hours? I take it you are a nurse too? We're lucky as we sold our house last week, it was only on the market for 3 weeks but the couple that bought it are letting us rent our own house out yo us until we go, they still haven't sold theirs but had enough equity to buy ours so that was really lucky. Our agents are keeping us right, I can't afford any delays as I am 45 in August and am just reaching the 60 points with state sponsorship. It's all we think about here too. Let us in!!!

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I am sure you will have plenty of time, I am hoping to have the visa by August and I am not too far ahead of you.


I am a nurse but in MH. My initials were jac (before I got married) hehe. I am Julie :-)


You must be so excited. I sold my house in 2011 with this in mind, I have been planning it a long time!

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Hi julie, never assume anything lol!

my hubby has wanted to go for years and I have always dragged my heels until last November and it's like something just changed my mindset overnight and now I am desperate to move. Have you looked into jobs yet. I was thinking to join an agency until I get a job.

We have friends out in Victoria, and we want to move to a suburb around Melbourne. There's lots on this site that I am unfamiliar with but I'm sure I'll pick it up soon x

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Just ask away there are lots of nurses on here :-)


I am waiting for the 'official' outcome of a phone interview I had a fortnight ago. I have been recommended for the job by the panel who interviewed me but it has to be signed off by the powers above and I suppose until that happens, anything can happen!


We are now planning to live in Townsville. The HR dept appears to be keen to employ UK nurses and a few years ago came to London to recruit 50 families who made the move.


If you have an agent, let them deal with all the hard work.

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Thanks Julie,

i asked my agent if I should apply to Ahpra just now and he replied to wait until I get an invite from immigration as then it is realistic that I will get the visa, I'm now freaking out thinking is it not realistic? Sold my house. Jeez! Is there anyone that hasn't got an invite? I have over 10yrs A&E experience (currently the SCN of s busy ED), and I've worked in ITU for 2yrs in the past. How long does it take to get an invite? Is that the same as state sponsorship? So many questions.

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I think your agent should be confident you would get the visa. There are always changes they may make at any given time but these are extremely rare. I would be asking him why he is doubting your situation...


Is he MARA registered and recommended on here?


All employers currently wont look at you without AHPRA so if you want to look at getting a job before you go it's always handy to have.

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OMG this waiting is awful....


A watched kettle never boils, eh?


I didn't have anywhere near as long to wait as most of you guys, but it's still torture checking email constantly and waking up wondering etc.


I'd recommend getting busy with something else completely! Takes your mind off it and the time goes faster.


Best of luck :)

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Hi Julie

I am really happy with the agents and they were recommended to me, I'm just looking into things too much lol. He has never said anything to doubt me getting a visa but I am aware that the application needs to be in for the visa before I turn 45, to keep my points. It's a bit of a close call. Skills assessment documents should be received this week. So fingers crossed it all works out x

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I have found the worst part about the whole process is trying to get my previous employers to provide the references I need. HR depts have quickly sorted their part but the individual managers I have contacted have needed prompting several times!!! Very frustrating when you are trying to gather all your information. I know they are busy and it's not a priority for them but they don't realise how important it is for us.


I am constantly checking my emails except when I'm at work (only because don't get wifi coverage otherwise I would lol) I usually wake at about 3am and check too it's crazy!


My mind is constantly in overdrive too @jac2011 always what I need to do or what I'm waiting for.

@mungbean I love reading so have been doing that to take my mind off things have read so many books recently it seems to work lol - good advice. I see your in Sydney...how are you getting on? I will hopefully be moving over there in May all being well.


Sara :smile:

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This brings back a lot of memories. I was in the exact same position this time last year. Still can't quite believe that I now live in Brisbane!!!I returned from a reccie early last march and immediately started the ANMAC process. It took 16 weeks to get the result and felt like the longest time ever!!! And yes constantly checking emails 2am in the morning. I was also against the clock as I was approaching 40 and only just got the 60 points. Anyway got the skills assessment then did EOI, had to wait nearly another 2 weeks for reply to this as I had just missed the previous batch!! The wait for the visa itself was about 10 weeks I think, but didn't seem to long a wait, maybe because at that point the end was in sight. My main problem was and still is AHPRA. I only have a diploma and therefore knew I wouldn't get registration, although still had to go through the process of applying. It tool them til feb 2015 (applied aug 14) to refuse registration and refer me for the bridging course!! Well I am now doing the very overpriced course. It is the most soul destroying course I have ever done. How they think it will improve my skills, knowledge I will never know, but I want to work here so I will just have to grin and bear it!! I have to start my placements in a few weeks, in a 50 bedded private hospital!! I have come from an A&E in a 800 bedded hospital, not really sure that I am going to gain anything but there we are. They gain a free nurse for 4 weeks and I gain my registration at the end so I guess everyone wins in the end. I look forward to finishing so I can get on with my new life at last.Good luck to you guys. Time really does fly in the end. You'll be here before you know it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got permission to apply yesterday so all is good. Except after paying for flights and accommodation already I left myself £800 short so I have to wait till the end of the month. All is good though. I might try and upload some documents if it will allow. I also need to speak to moneycorp to make the money transfer. I have 5 months till we move.

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