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Hi all taking the leap.


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Hi all so I have just talked my wife to be round to taking the leap across the pond after a few years of trying. It's still early days we are getting married in July then we are hitting the savings hard in the new year we have worked out our income and should be able to go in 2.5/3 years. We are both 27 the Mrs is a care worked for adults with learning difficulties she has been in the care game for about 6 years and navy before that. I'm a rigger/ slinger singnaler machine mover and have been doing this for 5 years I do have lots of other qualification in this job and also ex army with a NVQ in mecanical engineering but not currently classed in this at the moment. We are looking at heading for the sunshine Coast. I could do with as much help and advice as I can get my hands on we have a labrador who will be coming with us and some of our house hold items ( what are people's views on this do I just sell everything and start fresh or ship it all over there's not going to be a lot probably a van full of that)


so so where's the best place to start who are the best company to go with.


Like ken I said I know it's early doors but would like to get things going.


thanks all

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Hi, You have plenty of time to start gathering information, do as much research as you can, the Sol and Csol lists change from time to time, so keep an eye on them regarding the job you do, look at what type of visa would suit you best or that you would qualify for.You would needs to get your skills recognised,Maybe speak to a MARA registered agent, they generally give good advice without charging,we arranged skills assessment and few bits ourselves but used agent for actually lodging visa. I shipped all my furniture, simply because I liked it, if you do sell and re buy here the prices are not too bad if you shop around.I also shipped my two dogs over.

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Hi all so I have just talked my wife to be round to taking the leap across the pond after a few years of trying.


If it's taken a few years to "talk your wife round", I'm worried. Is she really keen on the move or is she just worn down with you constantly harping on about it?


If you're going to emigrate, you both need to be 100% behind the idea. Browse around these forums and you'll find plenty of stories of couples where one was keen and the other wasn't but gave in. When they got to Australia and it wasn't all plain sailing - and it won't be, migration never is - the not-keen partner started to regret the move, blamed the other one, and they started to resent each other. Result, divorce.


So, in your own interests, talk to her. Ask her if she's got any concerns still, and listen to them. Be very sure she's not just going along with it for a quiet life.

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If it's taken a few years to "talk your wife round", I'm worried. Is she really keen on the move or is she just worn down with you constantly harping on about it?


If you're going to emigrate, you both need to be 100% behind the idea. Browse around these forums and you'll find plenty of stories of couples where one was keen and the other wasn't but gave in. When they got to Australia and it wasn't all plain sailing - and it won't be, migration never is - the not-keen partner started to regret the move, blamed the other one, and they started to resent each other. Result, divorce.


So, in your own interests, talk to her. Ask her if she's got any concerns still, and listen to them. Be very sure she's not just going along with it for a quiet life.


The mrs is 100% behind the idea its was her that said to me this time she wants to go.

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The first thing you need to consider are visas and if you can qualify for a visa - not everyone does.


The he statrting point is immi.gov.au and a lot of reading. in particular, look at the two occupation lists called SOL and CSOL. You occupation must be on one of them to be eligible. You then need to check what the requirements are for the occupation with regards to qualifications and experience. It may be worth speaking to a good agent such as Go Matilda.

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I agree with @VERYSTORMY that the first thing you need to do is to work out if you are likely to be eligible for a visa. TBH, from what you've written, I think you could have a problem. You haven't provided much detail but I can't see that either of you has an eligible occupation though I may be wrong. Get in touch with a good agent like Go Matilda. It won't cost much for an initial consultation and then you'll know if it's worth going any further with the plan and if it is, what your next step should be.

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I agree with @VERYSTORMY that the first thing you need to do is to work out if you are likely to be eligible for a visa. TBH, from what you've written, I think you could have a problem. You haven't provided much detail but I can't see that either of you has an eligible occupation though I may be wrong. Get in touch with a good agent like Go Matilda. It won't cost much for an initial consultation and then you'll know if it's worth going any further with the plan and if it is, what your next step should be.


When I 1st started looking at going about 4 years ago I went with global visa and they said I qualify for a visa and again about 2 years ago just to make sure I still could and again got a yes due to my mechanical engineering qualifications and the Mrs would get in on that. I'm going to update my cv tonight and send it to go matilda and see wot the out come is.

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Also your wife in care work?Is that qualified or does she have NVQ's?NVQ's aren't recognised in Australia so she will need to re train in that field.So in your first post you said you've "just"talked your wife round to emigrating?Then in your second post it was her idea?I'm confused?

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Hi all so I got a call from go matilda and there going to look in to my skill occupation a bit more but it's looking like I'm going to have to go down the working holiday visa route. I'm happy to do this but need more info on them. As anyone else still there and gone down this route is there a thread on hear any help and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Hi, Gene,

a lot of immigration lawyers would offer you a free first consultation to assess whether it is worth their while. I think the best way forward is to send them your CV and then have a chat.

A friend of mine used Visa Bureau in London and was very happy, then my friends in Sydney recommended homemigration.com. (Admin, please let me know if naming actual companies and lawyers is not encouraged here and I apologise beforehand!).

I haven't used them myself, but will get in touch with them shortly.

Where in UK are you both? I personally can't wait to get out from this depressing weather and the permanently black skies. :(

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Hi, Gene,

a lot of immigration lawyers would offer you a free first consultation to assess whether it is worth their while. I think the best way forward is to send them your CV and then have a chat.

A friend of mine used Visa Bureau in London and was very happy, then my friends in Sydney recommended homemigration.com. (Admin, please let me know if naming actual companies and lawyers is not encouraged here and I apologise beforehand!).

I haven't used them myself, but will get in touch with them shortly.

Where in UK are you both? I personally can't wait to get out from this depressing weather and the permanently black skies. :(


Sorry to go off track but......Permanent black skies? So in 2014 we enjoyed the best Summer since records began, and 2014/15 the sunniest and mildest Winter since records began. I'd be interested to know if you've lived in Australia before. If not, you may be be surprised to know that the incessant sunshine and scorching temperatures are, for some, the opposite end of misery and can be as depressing as what you cant wait to leave.

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