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189 visa lodged February 2015.


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Hi Guys, Not posted here for a very long time but I think I was the first after @Pinkestlady started the thread. Just read through it all there and its awsome to read the up and downs through the whole process and end result being visas granted. Gives us a lot of hope.


Our Story for anyone thats interested lol:


I started mine in March or early April I think after a 2 week holiday in Perth and decided to go down the 189 Skilled Independent Route via our migration agent who have been excellent.


Recently got word back the first part of the skills assessment has been accepted and just waiting for the skills interview now. I have been doing some of the IELTS training. Not done the medical or police check yet. Surprised to see how many people done these things so early on. We have basically been doing what is required when weve been asked by our agent and let them deal with it until the next instruction has came, its been a fairly stress free process so far thankfully and have the expectation that it should be granted within 9-12 months. Now its just looking at potential jobs and flats etc as weve pretty much narrowed down where we want to live to 2 or 3 areas. Exciting stuff.


Looking forward to any replies or questions from you guys


Hope everything works out the ways you want :D

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Thanks for reviving this thread! An update on my progress is that we arrived in Canberra on August 4th. On the 7th I had an interview at Canberra hospital for a registered Nurse job in ITU and thankfully I got the job! We are staying with my sister and her gorgeous family and are finally starting to settle down. We were very homesick initially. Having only really thought about the guilt of leaving my parents behind, it was quite a shock when I actually started to think about how I felt and just how much I miss them each and every day. It was never going to be easy. We had a tough time at the end. Desperately trying to finish our house ready for rental. The. My Mother in law became critically ill and was admitted to the ITU I had just left as a nurse. Sadly she passed away on the Wednesday, and we flew out on the Sunday missing her funeral. I don't know how we held it together, far too much stress to handle all at once. Things are getting easier now. We bought a second hand car to give us some independence. Once I start work and have an idea of what income I can expect each month we will start to look for rental houses. Anyway that's it from me for now. Will probably write a bit more in future. I hope everyone's plans at going swimmingly! Best of luck to you all!

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Hi, Sorry to hear about your mother in law. Your message is actually quite refreshing to read, its fantastic youve made the move and are settling in and have found a job so so soon, but doing while while having personal issues aswell is stuff that many people including ourselves are no doubt going to have to face as part of the process of chasing a new life elsewhere, not in direct contact of close family and parents. I wish no one would have to go through that but I personnaly am quite a realistic straight to the point kind of person and i know that one day we may have the same issues to face, and it will no doubt bring up questions like, is this the right thing to do, move away etc. I think it is because it will happen no matter where you are in life or what your doing. Its refreshing to see how youve went and are making the best of it and havnet lost sight of whats important to you.


Wish you all the best for the future!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,


Wish you all the best and I am glad Pinkestlady that you settle in :)

I have to hold our move as job market is pretty bad at the moment for Oil & Gas engineers and I am not brave enough to move with two little kids with no job perspective.


Wish you all the best !!!!

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Finally got my flights booked and I am heading to meet my family in Japan (they leave a week before me) on our way to Oz at the start of January. We are really excited but nervous at the same time. Everything has gone really smoothly and are looking forward to our new lives down under!

I am still applying for jobs but it is difficult to get teaching jobs unless you are already there. We are looking to head to Adelaide but could change our plans to the more expensive Sydney if a job comes up.


Hope everyone else is heading in the right direction and plans are going smoothly.

@Pinkestlady I am sorry to hear of your loss and please accept my condolences.

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