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WHV- Is it a good idea ??


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Basically I am considering going to Australia for a WHV at the end of August or the beginning of September, not quite sure yet. The reason im not quite sure yet is because I haven't really lived on my own for such a length of time and im not the best at making friends so would be worried that I would basically be on my own the whole time. I would love to go to Australia for a year, as it sounds like a once in a lifetime experience but certain things worry me such as not being able to find a job when I get there, not knowing anybody etc.


Any help/guidance would be appreciated.

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There's been a few people who have posted very similar messages! The general opinion is you need to go with as much positivity as possible. Staying in hostels will help you make friends, so many people go alone! I'm sure you'll meet plenty people. I don't know wether you'll definitely find it easy to get work but there's way around spending loads of money. You can do voluntary work for your accommodation and sometimes good. I can give you a website for that if you want.


Im aiming to go over late august/early September too so your welcome to come meet me if I do make it over in time. I'll be going alone too

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When I backpacked I had more fun in SE Asia, your money will stretch a lot further and therefore can do more fun activities. However travelling solo you can meet a lot of people you will be surprised how many others are in the same boat.

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I wish Australia was cheaper, it sounds so expensive!


LA007 if I can help in any way then just give me a message. I know some websites, Facebook pages etc that would probably be helpful to you


Getting cheaper by the day Stacey, with the change in exchange rates. Don't let the whingers fool you, the only thing I've found more expensive is going to the pub for a pint. What do you want to do while you're here that makes you think it's going to be more expensive than the UK?

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When I backpacked I had more fun in SE Asia, your money will stretch a lot further and therefore can do more fun activities. However travelling solo you can meet a lot of people you will be surprised how many others are in the same boat.


South East Asia is chockers with backpackers but as you rightly say value for money. Some prefer the alternative via USA route with stop overs in places like Fiji and Cook Islands, also fun if perhaps not as cheap as SE Asia.

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Getting cheaper by the day Stacey, with the change in exchange rates. Don't let the whingers fool you, the only thing I've found more expensive is going to the pub for a pint. What do you want to do while you're here that makes you think it's going to be more expensive than the UK?


I dunno lol I suppose the hostels can be quite expensive. I'll have to do some sort of work for accommodation scheme for a bit or else my money will run out quickly. Drink looks expensive too although I suppose there's backpacking bars

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I wish Australia was cheaper, it sounds so expensive!


LA007 if I can help in any way then just give me a message. I know some websites, Facebook pages etc that would probably be helpful to you


Yes if you could give me websites etc, that would be appreciated .


Also does anybody know if it's best to get a single ticket or an open return ticket (if it's possible to do so) ??

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If you get a open ended ticket it'll cost around 1k according to sta travel when I phoned. I'd only do that if your certain your coming back within a year. As long as you have the funds for the return part of your trip then you don't actually need a return ticket yet.


For free accomodation try helpx, wwoofing, workaway. Facebook pages - try backpacking mate. Type Australia working holiday into the search part. Also search Australia backpacking and a bunch of stuff should come up. I think one is a Facebook page from on here. You'll be able to ask questions on there and just have a general nosey around

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Basically I am considering going to Australia for a WHV at the end of August or the beginning of September, not quite sure yet. The reason im not quite sure yet is because I haven't really lived on my own for such a length of time and im not the best at making friends so would be worried that I would basically be on my own the whole time. I would love to go to Australia for a year, as it sounds like a once in a lifetime experience but certain things worry me such as not being able to find a job when I get there, not knowing anybody etc.




It is a scarey thing to go alone, especially if you haven't done anything on your own before - but that's part of the experience. You'll be staying in hostels so even if you are shy, you'll be surprised how many people you meet. It is a once in a lifetime experience and you will be a better person for it, so screw up your courage and do it!


You've got nothing to lose, really. After all,the worst that can happen is that you arrive, decide you don't like it, and go home early - all you've lost is the air fare and fees, which is not the end of the world.

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I reckon you'll get used to it especially after a few days. Maybe try go somewhere alone or even a weekend first - test the waters? I'm shy and didn't like going places alone but one day I just decided to book a trip to London alone for 3 nights which then turned into 5 nights. Then 3 months later I ended up going alone to work in the Channel Islands without knowing anybody or being there before. You should maybe book into a hostel in a different area of the UK for a night or two and test things out but I bet you'll have a great time in Australia!

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Honestly, you will meet & talk to new people and make new friends! The hostels all have social things on ...or book on a tour for a few days / week A small group of 10 people together, you all get to know eachother quite quickly!

And you find as you travel up or down the east coast particularly, you bump into the same faces again and again! Go for it!

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