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Are you moving to Australia in 2015?

Guest The Pom Queen

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Hi Sarah,


We (me: Lucy, my hubby Dan and 2 kids - 5 and 7) are starting the process and hoping to get a 190 (when new list comes out in July) or go for a 489 visa this year. Just putting all my paperwork together currently and getting ready to do the IELTS test. we are also looking at Adelaide. Have you decide which part of Adelaide you are going to settle in yet? We've got friends in Melbourne and Sydney so also excited but scared at the prospect! Any tips. hints you can give would be gratefully received, my friend in Melbourne said it was extremely stressful but people on Poms in Oz really helped her through it. Good luck :)

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Myself and Husband (38 yrs/30 yrs) and our 2 kids, Christopher (my son, OH stepson, 10 yrs) and Nathan (our son, 14 mths) + 2 dogs (Dexter, Jasmine) and 1 cat (Bo). Still in the beginning stages...working through an agent, passports, BC's and all other Home Affairs documents done, IELTS done and passed, VETASSESS submitted - awaiting results. Plan is to go to Brisbane if possible or Melbourne (really wherever the work is!). We are going on my husbands trade of Toolmaker (Fingers crossed) and I am a Project Manager/System Manager who will look for any work once we've got the kids settled. Total leap of faith as we're selling everything we've built up over the past 10 years (house, caravan, car) and pulling out our pensions/investments and whatever else we have here. We have no family in Australia, got a friend or 3 scattered in Canberra, Sydney and Perth. We are in South Africa by the way.




How did you find the IELTS test? did you practice lots, due to take mine in June and just wondering how you found it and if you've got any top tips.

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Got my IELTS results today and obtained the necessary marks - one step closer!! :)


Hi there, I posted another question about IELTS earlier, but have just seen yours and thought i'd ask if you've got any advice, hints / tips you to pass on? My friend said not to take it as read that if English is your first language that its easy. How did you find it? Well done :)

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My husband and I are hoping to move to Brisbane in September/October this year. He is 37 and grew up in Brisbane. I am 30, from SW of England and waiting for my partner visa to come through.


We currently work on yachts so are both planning to change careers upon moving. I want to move into accountancy so I intend to do a Masters to convert my Business degree, whilst starting a family. My husband hasn't decided on his career change yet. Luckily we have a house, his family and friends waiting for us so lots of support when we get there.


I can't wait! Just crossing my fingers that the visa gets granted.


Anyone else moving to Brisbane later this year, feel free to get in touch!




Hey, I'm moving to Brisbane in December with my Australian partner. I'm 38 and currently a scheduler for an Outside Broadcasting company. Hoping I can keep my job and work from home in Australia, fingers crossed. My partner is a Deputy SENCO in a high school.

I had a partner visa a few years back so I have now just received my Resident Return visa.


Do you know whereabouts in Brisbane you will be living?


It is very exciting, but scary also

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Morning all,


Most of you will not know me but that's OK as I am here to help out where I can. Huge apologies for taking so long to get back on here but I have been extremely busy with living life here in Brisbane and frickin loving it.


I am a Carpenter living in East Brisbane and have been here since arriving in October 2011 on a 176 Sponsored state visa, which was kindly changed to a PR. I had to complete the Carpentry assessment exam so if you have any questions regarding any tradie questions then pass them on. I also have recommendations in where to live, places to see, what to do on the weekends in the River City plus so much more so dont be shy, say hello.


Just a little about myself, I love to cycle (but no lycra shorts thank you very much), Kayak and Scuba dive. This great state offers it all. You can repay me in cups of Yorkshire Tea and / or fig rolls :wink: In addition I am originally from Manchester and know a sneaky place out west which has all the comfort foods of home.


Time for a brew

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Hi all, me my wife and 2 boys aged 7&5 are hoping to move over in September. Just waiting on a co to do medicals. I'm a bricklaying and we moving to wa not quite sure which area yet. I suppose we will go to where the work is, very nervous and excited at the moment, so much to consider work, houses, schools etc.. Any bricklayers or construction workers with info would be great.

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Me and Hubby just got a 489 visa moving to Sunshine coast late 15 early 16. Going over to visit in May this year to take a look around. Leaving our 3 grown up sons behind so guess its a difficult one for us. Exciting times.

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My hubby is a carpenter he was asking if its hard to find work out there we are heading to sunshine coast. We are coming over to visit in May with the hope of him putting feelers out for some work so he can start work as soon as we arrive, we are hoping to move over in March next year?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi all new to Poms in Oz me and my family of four (me the wife and 2 girls aged 12 and 9,oh yeah and the dog!!) are hoping to make the move over this year, I've been offered a 457 sponsored visa, form a Podiatrist in Ipswich about 30 minutes from Brisbane. Hoping to be over for Xmas do you think this is a realistic, time wise any advice would be helpful.


Cheers guys and girls hope you get where you want to be :wink:

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Hi Dan,


Great to hear you are making the move out here. I have not ventured of to WA just yet however I am making the move at the end of May for a few days to go Whale Shark diving. I can possibly tell you more then. As for the construction information, you will need your 'White Card' which is basically the same as the CSCS card that we had in the UK. The best place to do it online is https://bluedogtraining.com.au/courses/western-australia-white-card

Its pretty easy to complete and you do it online so you could complete it from over there. Without it, you will not be allowed on any construction site.


Are you bringing over your tools? I would recommend you do bring you own tools or as much as you can. I had a couple of friends who were bricklayers and I think they would struggle to get decent hand tools out here. They had Marshall Town gear which I am still struggling to see in the shops over here. The major construction shops are Bunnings, Masters and Mitre 10. Take a sneak peak at these just to familiarize yourself with what they have to offer.


The best piece of advice I can offer which I did before arriving is getting in touch with agencies. Get registered with them and notify them of the date when you will be looking for work. It helps to get the ball rolling before you even arrive so all you have to do then is just physically pop in one of the offices and sign a bit of paperwork and have an interview.


There is plenty to choose from but first take a look at Randstad and Hays Recruitment agencies. I definitely would get in contact with these two as they are based nationwide.


I hope this has helped in someway and if you have anymore questions then just PM me or reply on here.





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Hi Lissyqq,


Are you coming over this May?


QLD seems to be bustling with all sorts of work. There's plenty of projects in the pipeline to with a couple of them starting up next year. I am not entirely sure about Sunshine coast work, I believe there is the Sunshine Coast University Hospital which is currently being built up there. That is with Lend Lease Company.


As I mentioned in a previous message be sure your 'hubby' completes his White Card before arriving. Of course you can complete it when you arrive but to save time you can complete it online. https://bluedogtraining.com.au/courses/queensland-white-card You cannot get on site without this card.


I would also recommend registering his details with some agencies. When I arrived a few years ago I did exactly this so all I had to do was pop into one of the several agencies I joined up with online, show my face, they took copies of my certificates, licences etc. We had an interview and bingo, I had a job a week later. Of course its an agency job but everyone has to start somewhere and getting jobs through an agency will help get his foot in the door, make some contacts and learn the lingo. They do some things a little differently out here plus they call things a little differently out here....These aussies have some strange names for tools :)


Is your hubby planning on bringing all his tools over? 110v tools are not used on site over here. He could use them for personal use but not on site. Its a pain in the @rse really coz when I found this out I just sold my corded 110v tools which was a real shame.


Agencies your hubby should look into;


Telum.com.au (they can get excellent pay rates with extra add ons)

Hays (Nationwide agency so always handy to be involved with)

Randstad (Nationwide agency so always handy to be involved with)


I hope this has helped in some way and if you have anymore questions then you know where to find me :)



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Hi Alan Cooper,


I reckon it can be done in this time frame. There is a lot of preparation and organising to do which I am sure you are aware. Remember if you are sending stuff over here by container then this normally takes a minimum of 6 weeks to arrive.


Arriving at Christmas here will put you into the first month of Summer here in Queensland. If you have not been here before then it will certainly be a huge change for you. Humidity is normally the problem over here with anyone living here. Its not as bad as Darwin up North but we are just finishing up a summer as I write this. Its gone on far to long with humidity hanging around but finally its cooling down. The funny bizarre part about living here for sometime is how your body adjusts to the temperature. Heres an example, anything below 20c and I start to put on extra layers like a hoody or something! This coming from a guy from Manchester where 20c would be very hot for me....not anymore! Once you spend a few years out here its surprising what your body considers cold.


Australia is funny in what is deemed expensive for some unknown reason. If I were you I would stock up on bed linen, underwear and socks (you are probably laughing now but when you have to pay $15 for one pair of underwear, you will understand) its crazy. HDMI leads for some strange reason are very expensive unless Aldi has them on offer. Basically any summer clothing, bring with you! Curtains are expensive. But its not all doom and gloom, fuel is cheap compared to the UK, very cheap considering the exchange rate at the moment. Electrical devices such as TV's and laptops are pretty good to. Not sure on the white appliances though. Oh and one more crazy thing that is expensive that you would not believe.....Ferrero Rocher chocolate!! I dont know what it is but that stuff is more expensive than gold. It was on sale half price in supermarket last week but it was still $6 for 8!!! Its crazy. Oh and if you bring over some Ferrero Rocher, then be sure to bring some for me to :) They go well with a cup of Yorkshire Tea.....infact anything goes well with Yorkshire.


Right I reckon I have waffled on to much but I hope I have helped you in some way and if you need anymore advice or have any questions, then fire away :)









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Just a quick question, I'm wondering if its worth shipping household stuff over or buying new when I get over there? Is it expensive to ship or buy new. I've got a 2 bed house, thinking about price of TV's, sofas white goods, also power tools any tips would be great !!!!!!

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Just a quick question, I'm wondering if its worth shipping household stuff over or buying new when I get over there? Is it expensive to ship or buy new. I've got a 2 bed house, thinking about price of TV's, sofas white goods, also power tools any tips would be great !!!!!!



If you have 110v tools then would be best to sell them whilst you are still in the UK. No one uses them over here, all 230v on site. Unless you are doing things around the house then no worries.


TV's are pretty cheap out here, I think they're cheaper than the UK.


I have bought decent second hand furniture off Gumtree pretty cheap but if you have stuff off sentimental value then bring it over. Quality made furniture is also a must to bring over.


Bring bed linen, curtains etc as this stuff is expensive over here. Also other stuff like toothpaste, shower gel, vitamins etc are all expensive here.

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Hi All,

we are heading to Melbourne on the 28th May. It's come round so quickly, with so many unknowns it's doing my head in, so I'll be glad to finally move.

I'm moving (on PR Visa) with my wife, Cara (Aussie), and our 2 children ( Sophie 3 and Lucie 11mths).

We've done a fair bit of research and thinking about living in Greensborough, but Who knows, we may take 1 look and move to a different burb!


I'm an Accountant/Senior BA and my wife is a BA. Not started looking for jobs yet.


We're in the process of selling our house, which went on the market on Friday. Moving lock, stock and barrel which is a hugh risk for an accountant but I'm positive it'll be worth it.


We have a couple of family members in Melb, but most of Cara's family are in Brissy. We decided to move to Melb because of the weather as we both don't like the humidity of Brissy.


Good luck to everyone.



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Hi Guys

Andy here , im 29 almost 30 :( making the move to Brisbane or the Gold Coast on the 1st June .Im a fully qualified Mechanic specialising in plant,agricultural & HGV's. Moving on my own and leaving everything i know inc family behind.

It feels a bit daunting tbh and im sure I will have down days missing people back home but hopefully I can make some good friends and they will help me through it all :)


Very excited about the move tho !:wink:

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Hi Matt

Beyond Bunnings, Masters & Mitre 10, there's also Trade Tools (http://www.tradetools.com.au) and Total Tools (http://www.totaltools.com.au) and Home Hardware (http://www.homehardware.com.au) although there are fewer of them. Hope this helps.


And, OH & I do 3 monthly get-togethers for migrants at a park in North Lakes (postcode 4509). The next will be this Saturday, 18th April, from 2pm til you have to go, at Parkside Park/bbq area, Aurora Boulevard (by the roundabout) - behind Bounty Boulevard School, North Lakes. BYO food, drinks, etc. About 10 families come (with or without children). Just come and have a natter with others that have recently done the same & start new friendships. PM me if you have specific questions.

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Hubby has secured a 457 visa as a bricklayer and we are booked to fly over on 30/4/15!!! I just cannot wait!!

Its just us two, no little ones and will be moving over to Sydney.

Temp accommodation booked for 2 weeks via Airbnb so its all go go go when we arrive to get somewhere permanent.

I have applied for a few roles as I'm a recruitment consultant and have heard back from an agency who would like to meet up when I'm over there so hopefully that's a good sign, however if anyone knows of an agency who is looking for a successful recruiter and account manager let me know!!


:wink: xxx

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Hi everyone,


My wife and I will be moving to the sunshine coast around June/July. We were just granted a 189 visa. We're bringing our 4 kids with us, ages 17g, 13b, 11b & 9b. We're pretty excited and can't wait to jump into a new adventure in OZ! The kids can't wait to take surf lessons, pet kangaroos (at the zoo I guess), camp and explore. My wife and I love socializing, camping, fishing, scuba and working.


We'd love to meet some of you all when we get there! We fell in love with Noosa and spent several weeks there last year. That's where we're looking at settling down..... I know, I know .... It's expensive, so on and so forth but we love it!

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Hi everyone,


My wife and I will be moving to the sunshine coast around June/July. We were just granted a 189 visa. We're bringing our 4 kids with us, ages 17g, 13b, 11b & 9b. We're pretty excited and can't wait to jump into a new adventure in OZ! The kids can't wait to take surf lessons, pet kangaroos (at the zoo I guess), camp and explore. My wife and I love socializing, camping, fishing, scuba and working.


We'd love to meet some of you all when we get there! We fell in love with Noosa and spent several weeks there last year. That's where we're looking at settling down..... I know, I know .... It's expensive, so on and so forth but we love it!


The Noosa River is recognised as one of the better jewfish (mulloway) venues in Qld, mate.




Cheers, Bobj.

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The Noosa River is recognised as one of the better jewfish (mulloway) venues in Qld, mate.




Cheers, Bobj.


Thanks Bobj,


I can't wait to do some fishing there. The bar crossing looks like fun but we've a pretty rough bars in the Pacific Northwest. A lot of good salmon, halibut and tuna fishing here but ready for something different.


I'm going back and forth on bringing my 20' Northriver Seahawk over.


What do you think? A good boat for Queensland or am I better off waiting and buying on when I get there?


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Hubby has secured a 457 visa as a bricklayer and we are booked to fly over on 30/4/15!!! I just cannot wait!!

Its just us two, no little ones and will be moving over to Sydney.

Temp accommodation booked for 2 weeks via Airbnb so its all go go go when we arrive to get somewhere permanent.

I have applied for a few roles as I'm a recruitment consultant and have heard back from an agency who would like to meet up when I'm over there so hopefully that's a good sign, however if anyone knows of an agency who is looking for a successful recruiter and account manager let me know!!


:wink: xxx


Morning Birdy,


Also give Hays, Randstad, Adecco and Manpower a look into if you havent already. I dont know if they are hiring but they're some of the popular recruitment agencies around Australia.


Great to hear you are coming over to Oz, shame its not to the best City in Australia, Bris Vegas that is!! But Sydney is OK :)


Hope you guys have a nice safe journey and keep in touch on your progress :)



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Thanks Bobj,


I can't wait to do some fishing there. The bar crossing looks like fun but we've a pretty rough bars in the Pacific Northwest. A lot of good salmon, halibut and tuna fishing here but ready for something different.


I'm going back and forth on bringing my 20' Northriver Seahawk over.


What do you think? A good boat for Queensland or am I better off waiting and buying on when I get there?



As I know zilch about American prices, might pay to flog the tinny and buy one here. AUS$ =76US cents.


A smattering of tinnies about the same size.




Cheers, Bobj.

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Hi Matt!



Thanks for pointing me in the direction of Hays, they have a division in London that specialise in dealing with people who are moving over to Oz and they are calling me tomorrow!! Also had an email from another agency in Parramatta who said they would be interested in meeting up once we are over there, all good so far!




Morning Birdy,


Also give Hays, Randstad, Adecco and Manpower a look into if you havent already. I dont know if they are hiring but they're some of the popular recruitment agencies around Australia.


Great to hear you are coming over to Oz, shame its not to the best City in Australia, Bris Vegas that is!! But Sydney is OK :)


Hope you guys have a nice safe journey and keep in touch on your progress :)



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