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Moving back and passport question


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Hi there,

i have been in Aus 9yrs and married an austrakian and had 3 children here. We are looking at moving back to the UK for up to 5yrs and are in the very initial stages of the process.

My children don't have Aus passports (1 did but expired) I am a citizen and hubby. I am applying for their British passports. My question is when we fly to the UK can the children fly on their UK passports as they have dual nationality or do we have to get Australian passports too? I've been searching online but not getting a definitive answer. I'll call up next week but if anyone can help in the interim with similar exp it would be great.


Thank you

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Thanks Verystormy, and is this the case even if it's their 1st passport and they're british citizens and they're flying to the UK with their british mother too?

Was hoping to save double costs on UK and Aus passports especially as the Aus ones won't get used. :-)

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Sadly, you will have to get them as citizens are required to leave on Aus passports although I've yet to hear that the Aus authorities can actually detain you for failing to leave on an Aus passport (I thought that's what passports are for - free and unrestricted passage!). It'd be an interesting exercise for someone to try an leave on their UK passport just to see what the process would be! Probably only if you're prepared to handle the hassle - bit the bullet and bugger the cost!


your biggest issue is going to be whether your Aussie OH can get a visa for UK! Much harder!!!!

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Out of interest , do you leave aus showing your Aus passport and then whip out the British one when you arrive at passport control in the UK? Is it ok to do that?

And in opposite circumstances to OP, do British dual citizens Have to leave UK on British passport when migrating to Aus?

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I would seriously consider getting aus citizenship for you OH. if they are out of Aus for they will need an RRV to return anyway so worth doing.


oops re read post and realised you are all Aus citizens. Main stumbling block is the UK spouse visa unless your OH. can get ancestry visa. The new spouse visa has caused problems for many people as requirements are not easy to meet.

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Interesting to see comments re requirement to travel in/out of Australia on an Aust passport. Wife travelled in/out of Aust several times for 15 years on UK passport (while based in UK), even though an Aust citizen for over 20 years. (Had never held an Australian passport as she could not see the point in paying for two).

Each time on entry to Aust the Australian citizenship box was ticked, requiring immigration to go and look up their records to confirm. Each time they recommended she get an Australian passport as it would make transit through immigration quicker (& no doubt easier for them), but at no time were we told it was a "requirement"

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Out of interest , do you leave aus showing your Aus passport and then whip out the British one when you arrive at passport control in the UK? Is it ok to do that?

And in opposite circumstances to OP, do British dual citizens Have to leave UK on British passport when migrating to Aus?


I have dual citizenship, it's never been a problem which passport I use for entering or leaving.


Entering the UK on my new Aussie passport for the first time as a "foreigner" was quite fun.


Having two choices can help beat the queues too.

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... the Australian citizenship box was ticked, requiring immigration to go and look up their records to confirm


I guess that's what they mean by 'difficulties and delays' from the Australian citizenship site :) (http://www.citizenship.gov.au/current/travel/)


Once you have become an Australian citizen any visa you held ceases.


As an Australian citizen you must always leave and enter Australia on an Australian passport. If you also have a passport from another country you can use that for travel once you have left Australia.


People trying to enter Australia as an Australian citizen but without an Australian passport face difficulties and delays.


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Interesting to see comments re requirement to travel in/out of Australia on an Aust passport. Wife travelled in/out of Aust several times for 15 years on UK passport (while based in UK), even though an Aust citizen for over 20 years. (Had never held an Australian passport as she could not see the point in paying for two).

Each time on entry to Aust the Australian citizenship box was ticked, requiring immigration to go and look up their records to confirm. Each time they recommended she get an Australian passport as it would make transit through immigration quicker (& no doubt easier for them), but at no time were we told it was a "requirement"


Really? I'm surprised they let her on the plane to Aus without a valid entry document (passport or visa!) I've tried just showing my UK passport at UK check in but they've always required something that says I have right of entry to Aus!


And in answer to Bound4Tassie - my UK passport comes out as soon as I leave Aus and isn't put away again until I re-enter Aus! No, you don't need to enter UK on a UK passport bug if you enter on an Aus one your pp gets stamped with a 6 months only visitors visa.

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I have dual citizenship, it's never been a problem which passport I use for entering or leaving.


Entering the UK on my new Aussie passport for the first time as a "foreigner" was quite fun.


Having two choices can help beat the queues too.


As a citizen have you tried leaving Aus on your UK passport? What happened? I just wonder what they can do to you other than faff about and make life difficult for a few minutes.

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