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People in sydney...


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Hi everyone...

I just want to know if anyone experiences what I do...well I'v noticed that alot of people in sydney have a really bad habit of staring,its mostly the women.I find it really uncomfortable!went to manly beach yesterday,had a woman in front staring non stop over her sun glasses,and did not look elsewhere when I noticed she were just staring.I mean how rude is that,I got the same last week with a couple of people.I get very tempted to ask if they have a problem,it cheeses me off!!I mean I go to the beach to relax and have people staring.I'v been to brisbane and Melbourne and never had this prob with people thr,in melbourme everyone seemed really friendly,all smiles,randoms coming up to my daughter to talk,etc,and in brisbane people seem to all mind their own business.I find it rude and uncomfortable being stared at!

Has anyone else noticed anythong like this?

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Guest guest30085

No, you're not being paranoid, I've noticed it a lot, but I'm in Perth. I've tried staring back sometimes but they still don't back down :laugh:


I just keep thinking it's me being an uptight Brit as was always taught 'not to stare'. Just keep telling yourself you must have something special for them to want to look for so long :wink:

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No, you're not being paranoid, I've noticed it a lot, but I'm in Perth. I've tried staring back sometimes but they still don't back down :laugh:


I just keep thinking it's me being an uptight Brit as was always taught 'not to stare'. Just keep telling yourself you must have something special for them to want to look for so long :wink:

Phew!!thank god im not the only one lol...I seriously were also startin to think its me.n yes iv tried staring right back at them,but there really stubborn and dont look away,it feels awkward so im always the one to look away...haha my husband tells me the same,to tell myself 'I must be hot' everytime they stare lol

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People in Sydney have always been judgmental, so maybe it's an extension of that. You will be often asked which suburb you live in as an opening question in social situations. They haven't yet graduated to asking for a full credit report as an icebreaker but that will come no doubt...

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I think it's quite amusing that a Victorian labels the people of Sydney as judgemental. I have lived in and around Sydney for many,many years and never experienced this, nor people staring. Maybe I'm just not observant. If someone did stare at me for a time I'd ask if they needed help with anything.

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