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Best area in Australia for IT jobs


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Which part of Australia offers the richest prospect of IT jobs? I'm currently doing a computer science degree so would be nice to have an area with a good population of IT companies which I can hand my C.V into when I go next year :)




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Even experienced IT staff are struggling. Make sure you have a couple of years of good marketable experience before you come and stay away from generic roles e.g generalist BA. Specialise in something e.g SAP, Sharepoint, JavaScript, CRM so you have specific skills to flog. My gut feel is that IT roles will be harder to find as purse strings tighten here in Brisbane even though there seems to be a few opportunities arising due to Cloud development, outsourcing of services etc

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Malaysia or Indonesia.


Maybe, if you want to work in a phone support help desk role or a cold calling sales role, trying to pretend you are calling from Sydney. If you are looking for a software or something that needs a bit of training and knowledge, stay in Aus. Even liitle old Perth has a fair few IT jobs going, including decent systems Engineer, Project Manager, Software Engineering positions.


The company I work for had an idea a few years ago they could get some of the software we do done cheaper and just as well in India. They invested in a joint venture, the company magazine was full of shots of our logo on an Indian building, with some of the management team pictured with happy looking Indian guys. A year down the track they canned the lot after getting software packages back here that took longer to fix up than if we had written them in house in the first place.


Don't be put off if you have some decent experience. If the choice would really be moving to Malaysia or Indonesia or staying in the UK, I would stay in the UK. If, however I really wanted to come to Aus. be able to speak the language and feel "at home" from day one I would come here to whichever City you fancy and give it your best shot. If you are young and can't get an IT job get some bar work and have a good time.:wink:

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What visa will you be arriving with?


If it's a WHV, you'd be lucky to get an IT job. It takes about 2 years for an employee to really get to know a business domain and technology set.


If it's PR, you'll need a skills assessment first.


I agree you'd be lucky to get an IT job on a WHV without experience, however short-term contracts 3-6 months are quite normal in the industry and in the last 15 years I have only once stayed 2 years at the same place & that was because I took a permanent job when we first arrived in Australia.


I have employed people on WHV's but they have always had the skills already in both the business domain and the technology - the skill set required for contracts is higher than permanent roles because the employer is not going to take someone that needs training. Most degrees do not give you skills they give you knowledge.


Once you have some skills then currently it seems Sydney and Melbourne offer most opportunities from my business contacts still there. It is a very fluid situation though and 3 years ago I would have said Perth - whenever I advertised roles I had more applicants from the east coast who couldn't find work there than from WA.


I'd come back when you have the experience and ask the question again as it may have changed by then. For a WHV go where your heart leads - remember it's not just a working visa, it;s a holiday visa :)

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I second what the other people above have said. Do not come here expecting a job in IT without experience.


I recently advertised for a rather junior Developer in Sydney and got 200+ CVs - some with 10-15 years of local experience. Needless to say I didn't even look at any CVs from grads or WHV or 457. The IT industry in Sydney is very much an employers market at the moment and will be for sometime still. There are plenty of unemployed IT grads here already.

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