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Am I screwed?


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Hey all!


Frequent lurker first time poster here so sorry in advance for any mistakes. I am a 17 year old born in Australia in the process of emigrating to the UK on February 11th with the hope of joining the Marines over there. I won't be 18 until late June. I hold a current Australian passport but do not and have not ever held a British one despite being a dual citizen through my mother. I am also departing on a one way ticket. I am an idiot, I know, I should have applied for my passport earlier but between finishing high school and work I have had no time. I do have enough money to purchase a return ticket should things turn south over there but obviously I'd rather not have to use my get out of "jail free card".


I suppose what I am asking is will I get turned around travelling on a one way ticket on my australian passport or will I be able to use the 6months "tourist visa" to apply once I get over there?



I have visited to the UK three times before and really hope I don't have to put my current plans on hold because I am itching to get over there!


Kind Regards

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Several things strike me as a bit unlikely in your plan, to be honest! But the main one is: have you checked if the Royal Navy will accept applications from Australian citizens? I'm sure this is easily accessible information on Google/RN website, but have you actually looked into at all? And as a minor, do you have your parents' permission to leave Australia?


It's great that you have ambitions but I would be looking at the details a bit more, in your position (I say that as someone who has been around the block a bit more than you, age-wise). I hope someone with more knowledge will be along soon!

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You will need your British Citizenship before you get a look into the armed services but as a citizen you should be eligible - there may be a period of residency before you can sign up and some occupations have a prior residence requirement. You might struggle with the academic requirements - you may find you need a bit more UK study but the websites should be clear on what is required. Getting a British passport should be easy enough and IIRC they ask what passport you entered the country on so they can negate the tourist visa. You will need a lot of documents from your mum though! You might actually be better to enter on an Ancestry visa if you can, then you can work

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Up until recently there was no requirement for British citizenship and any Commonwealth, Irish or Nepalese male citizen could apply. For instance when I joined the Navy I went through basic training with people from St Vincent, Jamaica, Trinidad and Fiji. And after basic I have worked with people from all over the commonwealth many from South africa, zimbabwe (rhodesia as most of them call it) canada, ghana, new zealand never an ozzie mind.

A poor young ozzie joined the Rifles as he believed a career in the British military would allow him to see more action and be more of a soldier than he could in Oz, not my point of view may I add. Sadly that rifleman died not long after basic training in an IED.

I have a feeling the rules may have recently changed. I strongly advise you head over to www.Navy-Net.co.uk and speak to ninja_stoker either by starting a thread or by private message and ask him the ins and outs. The website is not official but he is a current recruiter and also very very knowledgable and helpful.

Good luck a career in the corps is a great choice and although not a bootie myself I spent 5 years as a sailor attached to an RM unit and loved every minute of it.


Any other questions give me a PM and I will try my best to help you.

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Several things strike me as a bit unlikely in your plan, to be honest! But the main one is: have you checked if the Royal Navy will accept applications from Australian citizens? I'm sure this is easily accessible information on Google/RN website, but have you actually looked into at all? And as a minor, do you have your parents' permission to leave Australia?


It's great that you have ambitions but I would be looking at the details a bit more, in your position (I say that as someone who has been around the block a bit more than you, age-wise). I hope someone with more knowledge will be along soon!



Sure. I'm not going in completely blind! I have kicked off the application here and the only real difference (as I can understand) between me and a British Resident's application is I have to apply for a residency waiver. I have two friends from Toowoomba who shipped over last year to join the Marines. They are 5 weeks into Recruit Training and loving it. I suppose I'm not really asking about the Navy application but whether or not I will be able to enter the UK on a return ticket and Australian passport, apply for Passport over there and enter the selection without too many dramas. Thanks again for all your help.

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It takes about 6-7 weeks to get a British Passport, so you have time before February to get one if you start the process now. Or you could always pay the extra and get it fast tracked?

Unfortunately, not for first British passports applied for from overseas. The overseas passport site says that it takes at least 8 weeks from when the application is received in the UK but I saw a post on another site just this morning where they're still waiting after 6 months and one a couple of weeks ago where it had taken even longer. Fast tracking is not available.


The OP will be able to enter on his Australian passport even with a one-way ticket. He should carry his BC and his parent's BCs with him to prove his right to British citizenship if there is any problem at his POE and should then apply for his British passport as soon as he arrives.

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