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Are the wheels falling off the Abott govmint bandwagon?


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Before Rudd and Gillard came into power were there only 4 people in detention ? ,the policy was changed and we find ourselves with the situation as it is


There you have it in a nutshell. If the boats had not been stopped, then there would have been thousands more continuing to arrive, with many drownings, and of course huge profits for the smugglers - ironic how there is no criticism of them.


Nobody has proposed any viable alternative to stopping the boats (and the ALP agrees that that policy has worked.)


Either the Australian Government controls who comes into our country, or we have no controls, unless you agree that anybody who says they are an asylum seeker IS an asylum seeker, and anybody who says that MUST be allowed into the country.

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They voted to keep the kids locked up then.

With respect, that is a really naive way of presenting it. There was a package of measures on offer and if you vote for them, you get them all, good, bad and ugly. It is quite legitimate to think that innocent kids should not be kept in jail, yet feel that walking away from your treaty obligations to offer permanent refuge to desperate people is not a price worth paying for that.

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With respect, that is a really naive way of presenting it. There was a package of measures on offer and if you vote for them, you get them all, good, bad and ugly. It is quite legitimate to think that innocent kids should not be kept in jail, yet feel that walking away from your treaty obligations to offer permanent refuge to desperate people is not a price worth paying for that.


One of the most depressing (its a hard call, there are so many!) aspects about this legislation being passed by the senate is the deportation to Nauru of 24 babies (and their families) born to asylum seekers in Australia, who have until now been living in the community. Thanks to the bill, these children are now 'illegal maritime arrivals', and as they are 'illegal', off they go!


They are being rounded up and sent to Nauru as we speak, starting as early as the same day the legislation passed, such is the haste with which Morrison is executing this aspect of his master plan.

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Oh dear oh dear. Make silly promises to try and con votes out of people has backfired spectacularly.


Is it Bishop time yet? really the only shining light in the cabinet.


Yes, I agree with you. There really is something of the Maggie T about Ms Bishop isn't there? Just what we need!

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Yes, I agree with you. There really is something of the Maggie T about Ms Bishop isn't there? Just what we need!


She seems to have a bit of substance to her, Tony is a good negative opposition leader but seems a bit out of his depth as PM.


The broken promises mounting, he has nobody to blame but himself on his ridiculous PPL scheme which was purely to help him get the female vote.

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Abbott still has time to get back into shallow water, unlike Krudd and Juliar. Who both drowned as soon as they got into the water. Unfirtunately, they also dragged the rest of us under with them.



??? How so? In a worse worldwide climate the Australian economy was performing far better than it is now.


If anything there has been a big downward spiral since the change of government. Just look at unemployment.

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GP co payment canned (at least for pensioners, kids, veterans etc)





This is too funny:


"We had good policy in the first place ... we've got better policy now, and what we've seen here is, I think, an intelligent and sophisticated response from the Minister, from the ERC, from the Cabinet, from the Government more generally, to the quite reasonable observations of the backbench and the community and that's the glory of our system."

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GP co payment canned (at least for pensioners, kids, veterans etc)





This is too funny:


"We had good policy in the first place ... we've got better policy now, and what we've seen here is, I think, an intelligent and sophisticated response from the Minister, from the ERC, from the Cabinet, from the Government more generally, to the quite reasonable observations of the backbench and the community and that's the glory of our system."


They are missing a major group - those with Cronic conditions. Many still work, or there partner works so they are not entitled to a consession card. People in this group often go to the doctor on a weekly basis or bi weekly .

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If you work, you pay..
Sounds similar to 'earn of learn'....does it help your little tory brain to understand things if you break them down into simple slogans?

I am sure a bright Tory (if such a thing exists) could distil this down to the desired three word length: Workers Will Pay. I imagine Abbott's Tories could find a variety of situations and issues where bringing out this slogan would help them do the [far] right thing.

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