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Are the wheels falling off the Abott govmint bandwagon?


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As the mother of two kids about to start University, this is fantastic news. Jacqui Lambie is going up in my estimation every day. And I loved the Glenn Lazarus quote http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/pyne-embarrassing-himself-over-uni-reforms-says-glenn-lazarus/story-e6frgcjx-1227142024178


This doesn't claim to be the actual exchange, but it's very funny nonetheless:




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As the mother of two kids about to start University, this is fantastic news. Jacqui Lambie is going up in my estimation every day. And I loved the Glenn Lazarus quote http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/pyne-embarrassing-himself-over-uni-reforms-says-glenn-lazarus/story-e6frgcjx-1227142024178


This doesn't claim to be the actual exchange, but it's very funny nonetheless:



reminiscent of



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We should be investing in the "manufacture" (yes Mr Abbott your most hated word) of renewables. As more countries agree "something" must be done about the climate and are looking at renewables rather than what gets dug up out of the ground, we will continue to slip further and further in to debt. Abbott simply cant continue with his head in the sand. The call for a DD and a new election continues to grow. I really hate to think what state the country will be in if Abbott and his team continue down the same track for the next 2 years.

I do wonder how much further ahead Labor would be in the polls if they had a leader with a bit of fire.

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Please don't insult us by talking about Abbott and debt.

You know very well this is Labor's debt we are trying very hard to fix.


When did Labor ever deliver a surplus despite all the promises by Wayne Swan ? Answer - never.

Their bequest to the new government was a $48 Billion deficit.

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Please don't insult us by talking about Abbott and debt.

You know very well this is Labor's debt we are trying very hard to fix.


When did Labor ever deliver a surplus despite all the promises by Wayne Swan ? Answer - never.

Their bequest to the new government was a $48 Billion deficit.


Oh goodness me, are you STILL blaming Labor? Haven't you read any of the figures that show that Hockey has almost doubled the debt since he's been "in control"?? How about reading this as it says it far better than I could http://theaimn.com/message-day/

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How are you supposed to pass legislation to cut spending when the people that started the rot vote against it at every turn

Interest alone on the debt is 13Billion a year before you even start paying anything back, you cant spend what you haven't got or maybe you can and keep borrowing, wait for it to end in tears then blame every one else

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An email doing the rounds amongst our older Australians



FW: Change the Entitlements



What do you think did you know about any of this ??????



Subject: Change the Entitlements




I absolutely agree, if a pension isn't an entitlement, neither is theirs. They keep telling us that paying us an aged pension isn't sustainable.

Paying politicians all the perks they get is even less sustainable! The politicians themselves, in Canberra, brought it up, that the Age of Entitlements is over:

The author is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in Australia will have this message. This is one idea that really should be passed around because the rot has to stop somewhere.


Proposals to make politicians shoulder their share of the weight now that the Age of Entitlement is over


1. Scrap political pensions.

Politicians can purchase their own retirement plan, just as most other working Australians are expected to do.

2. Retired politicians (past, present & future) participate in Centrelink.

A Politician collects a substantial salary while in office but should receive no salary when they're out of office.

Terminated politicians under 70 can go get a job or apply for Centrelink unemployment benefits like ordinary Australians.

Terminated politicians under 70 can negotiate with Centrelink like the rest of the Australian people.

3. Funds already allocated to the Politicians' retirement fund be returned immediately to Consolidated Revenue.

This money is to be used to pay down debt they created which they expect us and our grandchildren to repay for them.

4. Politicians will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Politicians pay will rise by the lower of, either the CPI or 3%.

5. Politicians lose their privileged health care system and participate in the same health care system as ordinary Australian people.

i.e. Politicians either pay for private cover from their own funds or accept ordinary Medicare.

6. Politicians must equally abide by all laws they impose on the Australian people.

7. All contracts with past and present Politicians men/women are void effective 31/12/14.


The Australian people did not agree to provide perks to Politicians, that burden was thrust upon them.

Politicians devised all these contracts to benefit themselves.


Serving in Parliament is an honour not a career.


The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so our politicians should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three or so days for most Australians to receive the message. Don't you think it's time?


THIS IS HOW YOU FIX Parliament and help bring fairness back into this country!

If you agree with the above, pass it on. If not, just delete

If your wonder why the above individuals are asking for your help look at the figures below.

[TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD][TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD][TABLE=width: 99%, align: left]





Date of Effect 1 July 2014

Specified Statutory Office

Base Salary (per annum)


Total Remuneration for office (per annum)


Chief of the Defence Force > $535,100 - $764,420

Commissioner of Taxation > $518,000 - $740,000


Chief Executive Officer, Australian Customs

and Border Protection Service > $483,840 - $691,200


Auditor-General for Australia > $469,150 - $670,210

Australian Statistician > $469,150 - $670,210

[TABLE=width: 100%]



Salaries of retired Prime Minister and Politicians





Additional salary (%)


Salary as of 1 July




Prime Minister








Deputy Prime Minister
















Leader of the Opposition








House of Reps Speaker








Leader of the House








Minister in Cabinet








Parliamentary secretary








Other ministers








Shadow minister









Remuneration Tribunal.

So if I press all the right buttons, the TOTAL annual wages for the 150 seats in the Parliament are:




Prime Minister






Deputy Prime Minister












Leader of the Opposition






House of Reps Speaker






Leader of the House






Minister in Cabinet






Parliamentary secretary






Other ministers*


$307,329 x 71 = A$21,820,359




Shadow ministers*


$243,912 x 71 = A$17,317,752





The TOTAL ANNUAL SALARIES (for 150 seats) =
$41,694,311 - PER YEAR!


And that’s just the Federal Politicians, no one else!

For the ‘lifetime’ payment example (below) I used the scenario that:


1. They are paid ‘lifetime’ salaries the same as their last working year and

2. After retiring, the average pollie’s life expectancy is an additional 20 years (which is not unreasonable).

It’s worth remembering that this is EXCLUDING all their other perks!


SO, for a 20 years ‘lifetime’ payment (excluding wages paid while a Parliamentarian)

Prime Minister @ $507,338 = A$10,146,760

Deputy Prime Minister @ $400,016 = A$8,000,320

Treasurer @ $365,868 = A$7,317,360

Leader of the Opposition @ $360,990 = A$7,219,800

House of Reps Speaker @ $341,477 = A$6,829,540

Leader of the House @ $341,477 = A$6,829,540

Minister in Cabinet @ $336,599 = A$6,731,980

Parliamentary secretary @ $243,912 = A$4,782,240

Other ministers** @ $307,329 = A$6,146,580 x 71 = A$436,407,180

Shadow ministers** @ $243,912 = A$4,878,240 x 71 = A$346,355,040


TOTAL ‘life time’ (20 year) payments, (excluding wages paid while in parliament) = A$833,886,220 –OVER $833 MILLION


·Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, John Howard, Paul Keating, Malcolm Fraser, Bob Hawke, et al, add nauseum, are receiving $10 MILLION + EXTRA at taxpayer expense.

Should an elected PM serve 4 years and then decide to retire, each year (of the 4 years) will have cost taxpayers an EXTRA Two and a half million bucks a year! A$2,536,690 to be precise.

A 2 year retirement payment cut-off will SAVE our Oz bottom lineA$792,201,909 *** NEARLY $800 MILLION.

There are 150 seats in House, minus the 8 above = 142 seats, divided equally for example = 71 each for both shadow and elected ministers.

This example excludes all wages paid while a parliamentarian AND all perks on top of that - travel, hotels, Secretarial staff, speech writers, restaurants, offices, chauffeured limos, security, etc. etc.

150 seats, 20-year payment of A$833,886,220 less annual salary x 2 years of A$83,388,622. [$41,694,311 x 2]


“Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.”

Doug Larson (English middle-distance runner who won gold medals at the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris, 1902-1981)

You’re Right, you have found where the cuts should be made!

Action: Push for a MAX 2 year post retirement payment (give ‘em time to get a real job).

Spread it far and wide folks. People should know.





Dr. Dale Kerwin

School of Education

MT Gravatt Campus

Grifffith University

ph. 07 3735 5884

fax. 07 3735 5991





































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When did Labor ever deliver a surplus despite all the promises by Wayne Swan ? Answer - never.

Their bequest to the new government was a $48 Billion deficit.

If you expect your economy to grow, why would you ever want a surplus? Economics 101 tells you to borrow to invest in further growth. There is not a single politician in Parliament who would dream of running his or her personal finances in such a way, so why would they think that was a reasonable way to run an economy?

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Borrowing for nation building infrastructure is one thing, but Labor unfortunately never did that either.

Thy borrowed for ridiculous schemes like pink batts in people's roofs and school halls.


Things that are of no use to building our economy.


There is a big difference to taking out a home loan for your family compared to running up a massive credit card bill.

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And Quinkla, Labor knew a surplus was a good idea and the aim of government.

After all they kept promising one every year.


Were you here when Wayne Swan infamously declared "the 4 years of surplusses that I anounce tonight ".


I think he never lived that one down, and cost him his job and all credibility lost I think

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Borrowing for nation building infrastructure is one thing, but Labor unfortunately never did that either.

Thy borrowed for ridiculous schemes like pink batts in people's roofs and school halls.

They actually spent on public projects to sustain Australia through the GFC. I don't know how long you have been in Australia, but if you missed it, the GFC brought other countries to their knees. It was a good one to miss and was very much in synch with building an economy.


Wayne Swan may have said silly things about surpluses - never understood why the ALP finds the urge to dress in Tory slogans - but he and Rudd should be heralded as heroes for Australia's economic performance during the GFC. Shame the Tories have already stuffed it up.

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They actually spent on public projects to sustain Australia through the GFC. I don't know how long you have been in Australia, but if you missed it, the GFC brought other countries to their knees. It was a good one to miss and was very much in synch with building an economy.


Wayne Swan may have said silly things about surpluses - never understood why the ALP finds the urge to dress in Tory slogans - but he and Rudd should be heralded as heroes for Australia's economic performance during the GFC. Shame the Tories have already stuffed it up.


That is ridiculous. The only thing that saved Australia from the GFC was the mining boom.

It had absolutely nothing to do with Rudd and Swan. They are idiots.


Borrowing money to send everyone in Australia a cheque for $700 or so to spend.

What an absolute joke that was.


They are a laughing stock.

They were so lucky we had the tax rolling in from iron ore sales to China.

BHP and Rio saved us, not Rudd and Swan.

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That is ridiculous. The only thing that saved Australia from the GFC was the mining boom.

It had absolutely nothing to do with Rudd and Swan. They are idiots.


Borrowing money to send everyone in Australia a cheque for $700 or so to spend.

What an absolute joke that was.


They are a laughing stock.

They were so lucky we had the tax rolling in from iron ore sales to China.

BHP and Rio saved us, not Rudd and Swan.


It seems that people with a little more economic nous than you disagreed with you about Swann http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-09-21/swan-named-best-treasurer/2908654

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Parleycross - the rest of the world looks at the Australian performance through the GFC with envious eyes. Australia was not unique in giving stimulus payments to people and might have been helped by having mineral resources to sell to China, but they played their hand very well indeed. You may be looking at this through partisan yes right now but history will show the Rudd government to have been one of he most successful in history. If I have one criticism of them, it is that they didn't seem to appreciate themselves just how brilliant they had been - they should have been singing their achievements from the rooftops.


Like I say, I know Tories tend not to look at the bigger picture, but ask yourself whether Ireland, Greece, UK, Portugal, Spain, USA, Iceland, and a host of other countries wouldn't have traded their governments for the Rudd one. Do you have any idea what 40% unemployment feels like?

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The Rudd/Gillard/Rudd years were an unmitigated disaster.


They were given a $20B surplus at the start and no debt and finished with a $48B deficit and something like $660B debt.


We are paying $1B per month just in interest on Labor's debt

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No they are not.

The GFC is long over and we are now struggling under a growing mountain of debt and deficit.


It is possible, if resources do not recover we may never be able to pay it back.

I don't want to end up like the US. It needs to be fixed before it is too late.


Thats all from me for tonight.

You are worse than my ex wife with the arguing.

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