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Is the IELTS test really as hard as it seems?

Dan Jade

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I also need to get 8 in each section. Just also found out from the Australian immigration website they are now also accepting alternative English test such as the TOAEL IBT and PTE Academic for many different visas. Different tests suit different people!
you say different tests for different visa.. what do you mean i am looking at a ielts and have to score 7 and above for my 10 points i require.. what other options are there?
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The Academic English test which needs to be sat for the professions certainly is hard and not to be underestimated. I hear the general IELTS English test is not that bad just be prepared for the format and do a practice run.


Hello, My partner has his IELTs test booked for the 6th Dec, being a Tradesman he isn't very confident with his reading/ writing.....& we have been doing ALOT of example tests etc to try and ease him into the test process......But he is now panicking about the IELTS & that he is going to fail....


We need him to score 8's in each section of the tests, being an Englishman, he should be ok with speaking and listening he is just worried about the reading/ writing.


Has anyone recently completed the IELT's and can give me an honest answer on how it really is?


Cheers in advance guys :)

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It is certainly worth making the effort with revision - if you haven't been in a classroom for 20 years then that's pretty weird to start with !


I needed to gain a score of 8 for my visa and thankfully I managed to sneak in with an 8.5 but I would definitely recommend have a good look into it beforehand and having a go at the sample papers.


Good luck

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Academic is said to be harder but only in the Reading and Writing components - the Listening and Speaking components are the same. In the Academic Reading component, the text and vocabulary is more academically oriented. In the Writing component, Section 1 of the Academic requires a description of one or more graphics, charts and/or images whereas for General, a short letter is required in response to provided information. Section 2 of both tests is similar.

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unfortunately you still have to take it - qualifications are irrelevant - don't underestimate it either as you can get caught short if you don't follow the process.


Good luck - the weirdest thing for me was being back in a classroom for the first time in 23 years !

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My husband is a painter/decorator too and is doing his ielts this Saturday. He has been practising but it's mainly the reading/listening he has practised, the writing is hard to know as it's hard to know how they expect things to be written. It's his first attempt and like you, needs 8's if possible, so I will let you know how he gets on when we get his results.

@ Mazza227 how did your oh find the test x

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  • 3 months later...

Has anyone taken the alternative tests such as TOFEL or PTE ACADEMIC? Feedback would be appreciated I took the IELTS twice and needed 8 in all sections. Unfortunately I didn't get the reading as just under at 7.5 and listening the second time at 6.5. It is unfortunate you cannot take one of these sections as a separate module. Doesn't make sense to have to retake the whole test again as you may achieve the required results in most but the next time you may achieve this but not in the others if you catch my drift!

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@satchet, I've downloaded a fair few test books (Cambridge IELTS prep books), from links I found online / youtube etc.

I'll upload them to my public dropbox folder for anyone interested (you don't need a dropbox account to download).


On the topic of alternative tests, I'm waiting on my 6th IELTS result. If I don't get the minimum of 8 across board, then I'll do the Pearson Academic and leave my feedback here.

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Thank you for replying I have booked the PTE Academic in four weeks and will also post my feedback here. I have just received the official guide PTE ACADEMIC book from Amazon, which received excellent reviews and from what I've seen so far it looks straight forward and easy to understand the different sections and exactly what to expect in the exam.

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I recommend going on YouTube as there are a few video lessons that are useful. Especially regarding the writing part and what they are looking for. Learn the pattern to answer the question and work as fast as you can. The writing section is one hour but it goes very fast so a few preprepared good (long) sentences are recommended. Try to remember ones that would fit into a variety of situations. Remember the word count - there is a minimum you need to write but no maximum. I wrote on average ten words to a line so I counted them to roughly make sure I had written enough.


My my writing test questions were on:

1. two tables comparing consumer thoughts and researchers thoughts as to how we can reduce, recycle and cut emissions - top five for both. Write a comparison report.

2. About banning mobiles phones in public places. For or against.


Look at http://www.ieltspractice.com for practice papers and hints.


There are a few apps you can get for iOS and android. Get them and practise.


Hope this helps and good luck and I hope things go well for all.

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