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I'm going back to Australia!


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OK - only for 2 weeks to see the grandkids!!!!!


At least I no longer vomit at the thought of having to return which is a huge improvement! I'm hoping that having lost 50kg in weight I might be able to cope better with the heat so it will be an interesting experience to see whether it has any more appeal than when I was dying to leave and trapped there.


Because it's a flying visit I doubt I shall get anywhere other than Canberra - the goal being to spend time with the granddaughters but I'm sort of looking forward to it although that may be more because I need a break from my dementia driven mother. Not looking forward to leaving the DH though and one thing this whole adventure has shown me is that he is the most important thing in my life, the country is an also ran!

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Nice one Quoll.It will be great for you to spend quality time with your family.The weather should be nice too,not too hot lol Which airline are you flying with?I flew with Emirates this year for the first time,and they were really fantastic!Have a great trip hon,xx

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Nice one Quoll.It will be great for you to spend quality time with your family.The weather should be nice too,not too hot lol Which airline are you flying with?I flew with Emirates this year for the first time,and they were really fantastic!Have a great trip hon,xx


all checked in with Qantas (love the FF program!) hope it won't be too hot - looking like 30 later this week!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking I might go back for a visit next year - I still have business interests in Australia and I would look forward to seeing people, and then it suddenly hit me OMG what if it rocked the boat and this little bubble of happiness I am in burst. A holiday is nothing like real life, of course people would (I hope!) make an effort to see me and I might find I like it!!

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It's a nice enough place for a holiday but I am looking forward to getting home! It's much more expensive than I remember - except for Apple stuff.... Should I buy a new laptop this afternoon??? The heat has been horrible - I've put on bloated weight but it's still much easier to handle than when I was heavy. I'm surprised at how dirty the streets are (yes there definitely is more dog poo as I remember, but that may be just lazy Canberra owners and no doggy bins!) - the number of chunder marks is quite astonishing. The dry dusty nature strips and the ants - OMG the ants! All very familiar. I'm not imagining the impassivity of people that pass you on your walks although it seems to me that anyone I see out walking is doing it for fitness not because they're going from A to B. At least the Koel hasn't been nesting in a neighbouring tree this year but I have heard one somewhere. It's been lovely to spend time with the grandkids and at least they will now both know me - the little one was under 1 when we last met so she had no idea. At 4 now she won't be confused by the lady in the computer!

So, in summary, nice place for a holiday now let me go home! How I will feel when I have to be here permanently I've no idea but air conditioning is going to be a priority!

Off to walk up Mt Ainslie now before it gets too hot!

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