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Best way to get company to sponsor you


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As I am nearly 50 it would seem the only visa I would get is the 457 which requires sponsorship. How do you go about getting a company to sponsor you? Is it simply a matter of using jobsites and applying? Any information appreciated. My qualifications are around HR and Coaching.

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You would probably get a better response if you were here to approach company's, attend interviews etc,, if a reccie / holiday is impossible your next best bet is to ring around companys as its much harder to be fobbed off (you see so many people post saying they get no response to e-mails).

Good luck and i hope you find something


Cal x

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when I was looking for a sponsor, I just researched the companies in my field of work and sent them an e mail with a copy of my resume. There were 4 big players in my case and I heard back from 2 of them and both offered me a job with sponsorship, so its definately doable.


Good luck!

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Thanks calingary and beckdownunder. It just seems quite daunting as I suppose my skills are quite general. Am hoping to go over for 6 weeks next summer so will do a bit more research on companies int he area I am going to and see if I can network through linkedin.


Can I ask if anyone knows what the situation is if you wanted to start your own business? What type of visa would you need and would you need a certain amount to invest?

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You wouldn't be able to start your own company on a sponsorship visa for quite a few years, as you would have to get PR first. I think a skilled visa would leave you open to start something up or an actual business visa,,, as i say ,I think,, im far from an expert but hopefully someone will confirm soon or at least set you on the right track.

Have you called any agents to see what they think?


Cal x

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Thanks calingary and beckdownunder. It just seems quite daunting as I suppose my skills are quite general. Am hoping to go over for 6 weeks next summer so will do a bit more research on companies int he area I am going to and see if I can network through linkedin.


Can I ask if anyone knows what the situation is if you wanted to start your own business? What type of visa would you need and would you need a certain amount to invest?


Hi Partnership,


Sorry, I don't know anything about starting your own business. Maybe speak with a migration agent and pick their brains about your different options.


I think coming over for 6 weeks and being able to meet up with people and network is a great start.


Good luck



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Have been in touch with global migrate and they were fairly helpful. However I have heard scare stories of paying agents so wonder if anyone has used them or other agents successfully and what their experience is. As part of their service they send your cv to companies they know are looking for people and willing to sponsor matching skills to companies.

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I you use an agent, you should only use a MARA registered agent. This is important.

I would not pay a company to send out my cv.

You need to be aware of what a 457 entails. It is a temporary visa and in order to gain pr after turning 50 it is very difficult as one of the requirements is that you are earning a substantial salary (I think it is around $170k) as a result, you are likely to find yourself returning to the UK in a few years.

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Thanks Verystormy for your reply. I'm not happy to pay a company unless I have done some research hence the post. In fairness to the company the agent was very clear about what they would do in terms of matching companies they know are looking to sponsor people with my skills. My dilemma is in knowing whether my skills match the list as they are varied. I don't want to just apply to companies and find out that they cannot sponsor me because they don't think it matches the list! I am aware that the 457 is temporary and at present that wouldn't concern me.

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