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What school year does my child go into in Oz (NSW) ?


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Apologies if there is a recent thread on this, I did a quick scan and could only find information that was 5 or 6 years old.

We are moving to Australia at the end of the year, in time for start of school year in Jan 2015.


I've just had a worrying piece of news from a school that I enquired with about school places..regarding school year entry.


My eldest daughter is in year 3 (DOB- 18-5-07) now in UK, she has been at one of these selective schools in UK where they actually start the year 3 syllabus a bit early too - so has been doing Yr3 coursework since Easter of this yr. (ie final term of Yr 2). I was just told by a NSW school that she would enter into Year 2 in Jan 2015. Eeek. !!


So the question is 3 fold:

i) is this right - ie she goes into Year 2 in Jan 2015?

ii) Does Year 2 curriculum in NSW roughly equate to Year 2 curriculum in England ?

(maybe they name the years differently I was hoping and perhaps its not such a big repeat?).

iii) Is there every a possibility of asking for your child to go into a Year ahead - to avoid her having to repeat a years worth of work and getting bored and sluggish with learning and loosing her 'drive'. Or is this perhaps to be avoided as she would be younger than the rest of the class and feel out of place.


Advice and info really appreciated for a new user here.




Ps great site..I have been a quiet watcher and reader of the threads for some time and this has helped plan our move immensely.

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By my calculations she would officially be in Year 3 in 2015. The cutoff date in NSW is end of July so she'd be one of the younger ones in the year. She would have started Kindergarten in 2012 (at age 4) and therefore would reach Year 3 in 2015. http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/gotoschool/primary/startingschool.php


This calculation only applies to public/state schools, though. Private schools have their own - usually earlier - cutoff dates so would probably want to put your daughter in the year below.


I have no idea whether Year 2 curriculum in the UK is the same as Year 2 in NSW. They're different countries so while there will be similarities due to similar ages, there's no way that they're going to be identical.


Year 2 in NSW is the third year of full-time school - first year is called Kindergarten, then Year 1, Year 2 etc.

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Thanks Nicky. Perhaps that is where the confusion is creeping in on my part...as it was a private school in NSW that just told me that she would be year 2, however I could have sworn that I had read on some sites that she would enter year 3 in 2015.

I think I will go back to the Private school, if we opt for that one, and question their cut-off dates so I can get a better understanding....doesn't make it easy when different schools have potentially different cut off dates for school age/years. Will check your link too.


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In a public school she could theoretically be in yr 3 - and TBH the private school could also agree to yr 3 if they checked out her ability (private schools are more likely to accelerate G&T kids whereas public schools won't). However, both public and private will look at the "whole child" and the cohort she will be going into. If she's a shy retiring little violet then they are likely to suggest yr 2 as being the most appropriate cohort and they may not bend. If she's a big strapping lass with a good all round development then they may agree to year 3.


Best thing for parents is to forget what happens in UK (unless you expect her to have to slot back in to the UK system at some stage) and go with the local flow. You are very likely to look with disfavour on what happens in NSW if you compare. The same pressures are not there and tall poppies are generally not appreciated.

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The cut off for state schools in NSW is 31 July - so she could either go into Year 2 or 3 (the cut off date is not rigid like in England).


My older son (30/08/06) will go into Year 3 in Jan 2015. My other son (18/07/08) and will go into Year 1 in Jan 2015 as I chose to hold him back. I was told by a private catholic school that they would recommend holding children back (especially boys) born from March onwards. I met someone at swimming the other day and her son was assessed and has been placed two years ahead of his age as he was bored with school, so it is possible to skip a year if you so wish, however I personally think from a social aspect they are better to be in their correct years.


My younger son did Reception and one term of Year 1 in England, and I put him into kindy when we arrived - Kindy do a lot more than reception, but less than Year 1 (it's actually very like P1 in Scotland). My older son had done one term of Year 3 then went back into Year 2 - he doesn't feel like he is repeating Year 2, he is ahead in some aspects, and level pegging on others.


If a move back to England is on the cards I would put her into Year 3.


Good luck with the move and school.

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My eldest daughter is in year 3 (DOB- 18-5-07) now in UK, she has been at one of these selective schools in UK where they actually start the year 3 syllabus a bit early too - so has been doing Yr3 coursework since Easter of this yr. (ie final term of Yr 2). I was just told by a NSW school that she would enter into Year 2 in Jan 2015. Eeek. !!


Gee another migrant with a talented child that is too advanced for the Aussie system. Never read about one of those before. Nothing your child has done in the UK has any bearing on the Australian edu system. And unless she is so 'gifted and talented' she'll be on her second masters degree by 11, what really is the point of accelerating her outside of her age group anyway? She'll still be doing exams at the same time as the others. Besides, how much of your own age 7 learning are you remembering and finding relevant? Just sayin...

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Gee another migrant with a talented child that is too advanced for the Aussie system. Never read about one of those before. Nothing your child has done in the UK has any bearing on the Australian edu system. And unless she is so 'gifted and talented' she'll be on her second masters degree by 11, what really is the point of accelerating her outside of her age group anyway? She'll still be doing exams at the same time as the others. Besides, how much of your own age 7 learning are you remembering and finding relevant? Just sayin...


I took my exams two years early in the UK. I remember feeling at a loose end when all my friends were doing their exams.


Seriously though, schools here will recognise academic potential and most will have extension clases in the different learning areas.


There are lots of options open to the OP. However, it is highly unlikely that a school will easily put a child ahead of his or her year at primary school as there is really no need.

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I move to Brisbane in Feb with 9 year old twins who are in year 5 here and a 5 year old who is in year 1 here and I found this post while searching for more information after discovering my 5 year old will be in the prep year in Australia having already been at school for a year and a half by the time we get there.

I was a little concerned but have come to the conclusion that either way he will progress at roughly the same pace as the other children so by the time he is 16 they will all be at the same level and as I hope he will want to stay in Australia it won't matter in the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, we are hoping to move to Oz early next year and are currently looking into schools in the Tamworth area (any recommendations or advise would be great).

As another person said, the Australian schooling system will be different as yes, it is another country. Having worked in UK education for 5 years I must admit that I am quite excited about my children (5 and 10) going to school in Oz and I have come across numerous ways of teaching that have actually started in Oz and NZ. From what I have heard or read about the education system it is a forward thinking country will a much broader curriculum, focused on the individual learners needs.


My advise, don't worry about it, it may be a daunting experience for your daughter so just allow her to find her feet, settle in and make friends before anything else.

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