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Tuned into the Biggest Loser and it had already started. I didn't see Cosi's reaction to not getting into the house again (I'm ashamed to say I wanted to gloat) ...... Was he gutted? Please let me know



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Not so much as you might think. Bit disappointing really! Have to watch it tonight; no surprises as to who'll be going I expect! Kirsten really went down in my estimation after her outburst. It's a game, so not the brightest thing to do really. Plus, I quite like Bryce now (not in that way though!)

Jo x

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Guest taffy 62

Have you joined the biggest looser website, as they also have a forum section and you can chat to people about everything on the show.

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Have you joined the biggest looser website, as they also have a forum section and you can chat to people about everything on the show.


Is you saying I is fat? (JOKE!) I am though:biglaugh:! I've looked at that before, but for the diet, not the chat! Maybe I'll have a quick squiz, thanks for that.

Jo x

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Guest taffy 62

Is you saying I is fat? (JOKE!) I am though:biglaugh:! I've looked at that before, but for the diet, not the chat! Maybe I'll have a quick squiz, thanks for that.

Jo x



:biglaugh:Nah not saying that lol but the forum site is good, its funny but everytime i watch biggest looser i seem to be eating my tea:biglaugh:

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Us too - Kirsten went down in our estimation too - how did Bryce know he'd be back in the house he had to do the challenge .... what a speech though when he said "money I can make" "friends I can make" "but this (poining to his weight loss on the board) is what I've needed help with" .... My son has liked Bryce all along ... I still have a soft spot for Sam ... what a sweetie (especially after putting regular choc sauce in the low cal bottle .. and feeling so guilt ridden he had to confess awwwww



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Us too - Kirsten went down in our estimation too - how did Bryce know he'd be back in the house he had to do the challenge .... what a speech though when he said "money I can make" "friends I can make" "but this (poining to his weight loss on the board) is what I've needed help with" .... Ali


Makes you wonder how well edited it is sometimes, what with the speeches and the eloquence of the contestants- or am I cynical?:skeptical:


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Tuned into the Biggest Loser and it had already started. I didn't see Cosi's reaction to not getting into the house again (I'm ashamed to say I wanted to gloat) ...... Was he gutted? Please let me know




Big bro uk! dance this, ice this

Biggest loser oz






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Guest taffy 62

Forgot to say its the biggest looser 2008 australia official ten website you need to go to not the biggest looser club.

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Guest taffy 62
As much as I didn't like Cosi - it probably was edited to make the most out of how selfish he was - I went off Michelle too a bit because Cosi was so obviously her favourite.




I dont like it the way he calls people clowns etc, but when he had all the weights on him and he wouldnt budge i thought good on him, he showed strength and determination, how hard would that be while all the while thinking that people dont like you!

At least he made effort whilst he was there, cause i feel really sorry for the people that didnt get through, that would have given their right arm for the chance to be there where some others didnt even want to be there, why bother in the first place. It seems so unfair.

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Guest taffy 62

Dont know, maybe its cause hes so tall and heavy hes not so agile as the others, and cant get the same fitness. or he could be heavy boned and solid so he fat has dropped but maybe his body is going to keep some substance about it in relation to his build. imagine if he was really skinny being that tall i dont think it would look good.

my son is 6 ft 3 and only 75 kilos i wish there was a show for him to put weight on lol.

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Guest taffy 62

:biglaugh::biglaugh: Same here, he could have some of mine, as for some reason when im on this computer i cant stop eating! lol

Keep saying im going to go to the gym but then put it in the too hard basket lol.

Doesnt help that im a bit partial to the glass (bottle) of wine either lol.

Oh well you may as well enjoy life, your only here once!:biglaugh:

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Same here, he could have some of mine, as for some reason when im on this computer i cant stop eating! lol

Keep saying im going to go to the gym but then put it in the too hard basket lol.

Doesnt help that im a bit partial to the glass (bottle) of wine either lol.

Oh well you may as well enjoy life, your only here once!:biglaugh:



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Taffy and Jo we would so get one ... wine, food, aversion to the gym ... you can be my new best friends. When Cosi was doing the weight challenge, he manipulated Micheal and Rachel for voting for shaun. Last year the eliminated contestents had a chance to win $50,000 (the one who'd lost most), shaun might win, 'cos when they did the weigh in he was the biggest loser out of everyone.



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Taffy and Jo we would so get one ... wine, food, aversion to the gym ... you can be my new best friends. When Cosi was doing the weight challenge, he manipulated Micheal and Rachel for voting for shaun. Last year the eliminated contestents had a chance to win $50,000 (the one who'd lost most), shaun might win, 'cos when they did the weigh in he was the biggest loser out of everyone.




You and Mrs B I think it was got me on to Fruity Lexia?!

Shaun probably will lose the most, he's done so well, especially not being in the house. Never seen an Aussie version before, but watched a couple of the U.S series- the British one was rubbish!

Jo x

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