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A Year of living in the ACT - Reflections


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My family and I have now lived in Canberra for around 15 months. This website was quite a big help to us in planning our move, so thought I would repay the favour and hopefully help some people out who are now planning the move.


First up, we're a British family who moved from the North East (near Durham). My wife and I have two kids, who are 2 and nearly 4. We were granted a PR visa (old 176) on my skills as a Policy Analyst, although I understand that this is no longer on the list.


Where to start?


We arrived in Aug 2013 and used serviced apartments in Braddon (inner north), until we sorted out a longer term rental in Gungahlin. This is a relatively new development in the North of Canberra, which is popular with families with young children. It has really good facilities and good public transport access into Civic for work. I was fortunate to get a good job with the ACT Govt and like it there very much. As a Perm Res, you can work for State & Territory Govts.


Rentals are very easy to get and I think its getting easier, certainly a lot of media talk seems to be about prices dropping.


We love living here. I genuinely don't understand why the rest of Australia has a go at Canberra, it remains a total mystery to me. At our stage of life, it really is a fantastic place to raise children. There are so many things to do, places to go, events on (usually free) and the city is so well served with parks. The city is safe, people are usually polite, educated and quite wordly, so we've found it quite easy to mix and meet new people.


I find it quite odd that Canberra's safety is sometimes used as a criticism of it, as though it is not edgy enough. When you have kids, I've found that the desire to live in an edgy neighbourhood tends to fade. The fact that so many people have come here from somewhere else contributes to the ease to meet people in my view, although there is no doubt that having kids has made it easier to mix with people. The city also feels as though it is developing and even in a year we can see positive changes. There are loads of good quality restaurants and cafes too, with more coming all the time.


It has to be one of the most naturally pretty cities I have ever seen too, with a very laid back feel and nowhere is too far away. We are also only 2 hours (very easy drive) from some of the most fantastic coastline that Australia can offer. From Wollongong all the way to the Victoria border is simply stunning. Loads of vineyards and high quality food production locally, so great for seasonal eating. If you eat with the seasons and are prepared to use markets - I think you can eat quite well, for quite reasonable prices.



I think clothes shopping is quite poor, but then with two toddlers you don't particularly feel like going shopping very often. To be honest, I find clothes shopping in Australia quite poor compared to the UK, so I'm not sure anywhere in Australia will impress you if you are used to the UK.


I like the climate here. Winter is cool, although the days are invariably crisp and sunny. I've found that more modern houses are built better and cope with the cool night perfectly well. Sure, I can understand that if you are from Darwin, winters are cold here, but poms shouldn't have any worries with the winter.


Due to Canberra being the bush capital, which is an accurate description, spring and autumn are really beautiful and a really nice temp. Summers are hot, although the dry heat is more comfortable to me than, say, Brisbane's humidity.


Thats it for now, if you have any questions, please feel free. I hope this is helpful.


Anyone moving from the UK, or recently arrived, who wants to meet up and chat, drop us a line.



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Hi Jonord1,

I agree with you totally about ACT. We emigrate just over 2 years ago and moved to the Gungahlin Suburb. Now bought our own home in Nicholls and are keen to stay here for the long term. Great to hear your views which are very accurate. One question though when I applied for work within a Govt division I was told I couldn't until I was a citizen as a PR did not qualify. Has this changed recently?


All the best with your new life here in ACT and maybe bump into you and your kids in Yerrabi Park (we have a 3yr and 8yr old).[




My family and I have now lived in Canberra for around 15 months. This website was quite a big help to us in planning our move, so thought I would repay the favour and hopefully help some people out who are now planning the move.


First up, we're a British family who moved from the North East (near Durham). My wife and I have two kids, who are 2 and nearly 4. We were granted a PR visa (old 176) on my skills as a Policy Analyst, although I understand that this is no longer on the list.


Where to start?


We arrived in Aug 2013 and used serviced apartments in Braddon (inner north), until we sorted out a longer term rental in Gungahlin. This is a relatively new development in the North of Canberra, which is popular with families with young children. It has really good facilities and good public transport access into Civic for work. I was fortunate to get a good job with the ACT Govt and like it there very much. As a Perm Res, you can work for State & Territory Govts.


Rentals are very easy to get and I think its getting easier, certainly a lot of media talk seems to be about prices dropping.


We love living here. I genuinely don't understand why the rest of Australia has a go at Canberra, it remains a total mystery to me. At our stage of life, it really is a fantastic place to raise children. There are so many things to do, places to go, events on (usually free) and the city is so well served with parks. The city is safe, people are usually polite, educated and quite wordly, so we've found it quite easy to mix and meet new people.


I find it quite odd that Canberra's safety is sometimes used as a criticism of it, as though it is not edgy enough. When you have kids, I've found that the desire to live in an edgy neighbourhood tends to fade. The fact that so many people have come here from somewhere else contributes to the ease to meet people in my view, although there is no doubt that having kids has made it easier to mix with people. The city also feels as though it is developing and even in a year we can see positive changes. There are loads of good quality restaurants and cafes too, with more coming all the time.


It has to be one of the most naturally pretty cities I have ever seen too, with a very laid back feel and nowhere is too far away. We are also only 2 hours (very easy drive) from some of the most fantastic coastline that Australia can offer. From Wollongong all the way to the Victoria border is simply stunning. Loads of vineyards and high quality food production locally, so great for seasonal eating. If you eat with the seasons and are prepared to use markets - I think you can eat quite well, for quite reasonable prices.



I think clothes shopping is quite poor, but then with two toddlers you don't particularly feel like going shopping very often. To be honest, I find clothes shopping in Australia quite poor compared to the UK, so I'm not sure anywhere in Australia will impress you if you are used to the UK.


I like the climate here. Winter is cool, although the days are invariably crisp and sunny. I've found that more modern houses are built better and cope with the cool night perfectly well. Sure, I can understand that if you are from Darwin, winters are cold here, but poms shouldn't have any worries with the winter.


Due to Canberra being the bush capital, which is an accurate description, spring and autumn are really beautiful and a really nice temp. Summers are hot, although the dry heat is more comfortable to me than, say, Brisbane's humidity.


Thats it for now, if you have any questions, please feel free. I hope this is helpful.


Anyone moving from the UK, or recently arrived, who wants to meet up and chat, drop us a line.



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I think if you asked the people in Tuggeranong they'd regard Gungahlin as bogan country. Nowhere is that bad in Canberra, there tend to be good and less desirable pockets in each suburb. Where to live depends more in preferences of schools and where you work, budget etc.

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What's your take on the Southern suburbs of Canberra? One thing I don't like about Gungahlin and surrounds is that they are so depressingly flat. On the South side the landscape is more varied and attractive but it seems that areas like Tuggeranong are regarded as Bogan country?


Oh yeah, Tuggeranong is bogan (LOL) - nappy valley of the 80s and 90s. There are spots like Fadden, some bits of Wanniassa and Kambah that are upmarket but if you're a Northsider then Tugg is to be avoided in the same way that if you are a Southsider you wouldn't touch Gungahlin with a barge pole. I wouldn't live in either, personally - I'm an Inner North gal.

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Excuse us? Gungahlin bogan country? We beg to differ strongly! I think one of the best suburbs if not the best in Canberra!


I think if you asked the people in Tuggeranong they'd regard Gungahlin as bogan country. Nowhere is that bad in Canberra, there tend to be good and less desirable pockets in each suburb. Where to live depends more in preferences of schools and where you work, budget etc.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Excuse us? Gungahlin bogan country? We beg to differ strongly! I think one of the best suburbs if not the best in Canberra!


Gungahlin looks like the all entries from a "worlds ugliest house" competition were dumped there. Not as bad as Palmerston though. I'm not sayin they are bad suburbs, just bloody ugly.


(Welsh boy, I've been In Canberra for 12 years now, will be leaving in 5.)

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Modern, not ugly..but it is still under construction, and it was about being "bogan" not looks anyway...


Gungahlin looks like the all entries from a "worlds ugliest house" competition were dumped there. Not as bad as Palmerston though. I'm not sayin they are bad suburbs, just bloody ugly.


(Welsh boy, I've been In Canberra for 12 years now, will be leaving in 5.)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi. Thanks for your posting this is really helpful. I am moving to Canberra in a few months with my girlfriend, who is originally from Canberra. I am 38 and come from the UK, I have been living in Auckland for the past two years. Drop me a line if you would like to meet up


Thanks, Mark

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Just had my godson over from Blighty for a week,he's doing a gap year tour.


He went away making the same comment everyone who has stayed with us comes up with; "Canberra is amazing, it's so beautiful, how come no one knows about it?"

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Guest littlesarah

The main drawback with Canberra, for many, is its distance from the ocean, and/or the relatively cold Winters. For us, anywhere without the beach very close (i.e. less than 10 minutes) would be a no-no! I haven't spent much time there, I have to admit, but would love to visit. I think it's like anywhere, though, you shouldn't really have an opinion unless you've spent some time in a place.

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