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189 Visa Lodged October 2014


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Hi all,


Very happy to say, we got our grant this morning. Could not be more happy! But one quick question if anyone is still on this thread. We've been given our entry date but our visas and medical will have expired by this date, is this correct? As I have previously heard that you have to have valid police checks and medicals when you enter the country?




Bradley, that is some wait! Congratulations.

Regarding the other matter, you're correct in thinking that the PCC and Medicals must be in date, however I suspect that you've been allowed some leeway because of the additional checks that you've been subjected to. That being said, it would be wise to double check with DIBP that a mistake hasn't been made, it's better to sort this out now than be quizzed in the airport on your arrival.

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You don't need valid medicals/police checks when you arrive, it's simply the policy of DIBP that these should be valid when the visa is granted. The CO has some discretion around the entry date if the expiry date is soon after the visa grant, so that may be why yours is beyond the 12 months.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thought I'd post a quick update on here. We are flying out to Adelaide on 2nd September (less than 2 weeks!!!!) and provided we find jobs in Adelaide we will settle there, if not I guess we'll head on to Melbourne where we have been told we can pretty much walk into jobs.


It's been a long old ride, but the end is in sight. We first started thinking seriously about moving to Oz in late 2013, probably around September/October time. We got married in December 2013 and had decided before then we would postpone the honeymoon until we got accepted/rejected for a Visa.


Hubby did the IELTS exams on valentines day 2014 and then we started with the skills assessment, that took ages to go through. A lot of correspondence back and forth before they agreed his degree valid. That finally came through at the end of September last year and we then did our EOI the same day. It took 3 weeks for us to be invited to apply and we lodged our application the next day. Having done police checks and medicals during the wait.


I think the grant came through on 2nd December and then we had the fun of carefully breaking the news to the parents over Xmas. They didn't like it much and have been in denial most of the time!


We went on our honeymoon/recci in March and decided we loved Adelaide and we would settle there if we could get jobs.


We engaged recruitment agencies on our return and booked the flights in May. We started trying to arrange shipping then.


The weeks have been flying by so quickly and now we are almost there but still have so much to do!!


The shipping company are coming in 6 days and we are anxiously waiting for calls from the recruitment agencies to tell us more about our chances in the Adelaide market. Hopefully everything will come together and we can have our happy ever after in Adelaide :)

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