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Achievements of the Abott govt to date!


Are you impressed by Abbottt's achievements to date??  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you impressed by Abbottt's achievements to date??

    • "YES": so much damage in so little time, WOW!
    • YES: the adults are in charge, do NOT doubt these guys!
    • NO: I feel physically sick thinking they may be in power for 2 more years AT LEAST
    • I couldn't care less..SCRATCH/BURP/FART (delete as appropriate)

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Much more important to take cheap shots at Abbott apparently.


Never heard a bad word from any of you about what ISIS are doing though.

Obviously not close enough to home for you.

I think Harpo did refer to them as 'evil b@stards' who pose a significant risk to Australia's well-being.



























…and he doesn't like ISIS much either.

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Its not a war mate, its a mission


(or should that be 'emission', as in the stuff that comes out of Tony's gob?)

What about the things he didn't put in the LNP election manifesto, but has since dumped on the country? Would that be a case of 'Omission (not) Impossible?'

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Yes. Very amusing.

Meanwhile people are being slaughtered in Syria and Iraq.


No point trying to score moral points mate. You discarded any right to moral high ground with your disdain for innocent kids suffering in detention.


Hang on, are you saying that I.........find it funny that 'people are being slaughtered in Syria and Iraq'?


I meant 'funny' as in 'strange'. Its a figure of speech.


I don't have to spell it out to the likes of you...no, sorry, I've just been informed that I do...what my thoughts are on ISIS, do I?

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What about the things he didn't put in the LNP election manifesto, but has since dumped on the country? Would that be a case of 'Omission (not) Impossible?'


Yeah that GP co-payment was nowhere to be seen pre election was it?


Or for that matter draconian changes to welfare support, that potentially breach human rights legislation.


Actually, coming to think of it, I seem to recall......ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION of the assault on the ABC (let alone such drastic funding cuts) and press freedom.



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All of that was a direct result if Labors incompetence.

Do you think any if this would be necessary if Labour had managed a surplus in their 6 sorry years in office.

Your silly rants are directed at the wrong people.

Seeing as you jumped up and down like Rumpelstiltskin on Speed when I happened to spell your PM's name incorrectly a few months ago, I'd exercise some discretion if I were you! :wink:

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The threat to press freedom since the campaign against ISIS should be criticised and Bill Shorten went along with it. BUT it has to be said that Juliar and the rest of the left wanted to ban Murdoch with no evidence that the AUssie Murdoch papers were like their UK counterparts.


Why should the ABC NOT be subject to cuts?

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Just back from seeing Bill Bailey live here in Adelaide - he was saying since he's been in Australia he hasn't found a single person who admits to voting for Abbott's lot! Described Tony Abbott as like a plastic bag stuck in a tree - no-one knows how it got there, but nobody can get it down :-(

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Just back from seeing Bill Bailey live here in Adelaide - he was saying since he's been in Australia he hasn't found a single person who admits to voting for Abbott's lot! Described Tony Abbott as like a plastic bag stuck in a tree - no-one knows how it got there, but nobody can get it down :-(


That is EXACTLY the way that the left thought about Tony Abbott from the minute he was elected leader of the Liberal Party, i.e. they underestimated him. Besides, it is to be expected that any comedian from Britain would spout his left wing credentials - been that way since Thatcher's time, despite the fact that they are more Tory than Thatcher herself.

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Why should the ABC NOT be subject to cuts?






When someone makes pledges **the night before the election**, and then go on and break them within the first year, doesn't that make him a..........LIAR?


Something you despise so much in a former PM you hilariously incorporate the word LIAR into her name?


But HEY! don't take my word for it, listen to the words of your hero (well, one of your heroes), Bolt:



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The carbon tax was a biggie though, not a 'little'un.'

Health, education and pensions are 'little'uns'?


Says a lot about your skewed version of integrity that you vilify a politician for making a stand against climate change AND deify a politician who attacks your beloved 'battlers' (whom you purport to represent) with the worse budget in living memory.

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Health, education and pensions are 'little'uns'?


Says a lot about your skewed version of integrity that you vilify a politician for making a stand against climate change AND deify a politician who attacks your beloved 'battlers' (whom you purport to represent) with the worse budget in living memory.


Afraid anyone with such ardent views of support to the Abbott government is self deceiving themselves if remotely thinking they support battlers.

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It is exactly the same on Q & A - I expect Bill Bailey will be on the panel if he is in Australia - they make some anti-Abbott statement and the predominantly anti-Abbott audience cheers madly.


One of the best political shows on tv and if you watched it would have come to your attention the audience is pretty much equal in voting preferences. Even true Liberals dismay at Abbott's and Co tactics.

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One of the best political shows on tv and if you watched it would have come to your attention the audience is pretty much equal in voting preferences. Even true Liberals dismay at Abbott's and Co tactics.


Occasionally, it is well-balanced, but not when they do it at Ultimo, with 'Rent-a-young student mob' in attendance. When was the last time the Young Libs disrupted a live TV show? (Or stopped a Labor woman from speaking in a university?)

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