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medicare v nhs


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Would love to move back to uk but unsure about nhs. I have quiet a complex chronic illness and have at least 4 specialist looking after me with differing views on my condition. I'm happy with my care but have been told the nhs takes a more holistic( hope this is spelt right) view to a serious illness.

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There is no fault with the NHS system. Persoanlly one of the best free services you can get. Once you have the specialists/ Consultants they provide the required treatment. It's just a shame that many people abuse the system which then slows the process down.

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You'll probably find you have as many consultants looking after you as you have in Australia, but in my oh's experience (he's a hospital consultant who has worked in most states in Aus and several places in the UK), you'll find more of a multi specialty crossover here (depending on where each consultant is based, they're likely to have case meetings together to decide on the best treatment plan).

It doesn't happen everywhere, and current changes in the NHS mean lots of places are undergoing 'restructuring', but, in his experience, it is still a more 'joined up' service. There are places like that is Aus, but it's not so common, yet.

You'll probably find a more multidisciplinary approach as well. Depending on your condition you may well find that you see specialist nurses, OTs, physios etc who are part of a specialist team and they will meet regularly with the consultant to discuss progress.

It works well where the team is strong and established, but there's a lot of interference atm which isn't a good thing. Fingers crossed it all settles down again soon....

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I can only speak from my parents perspective as it's a long time since I used the NHS but they have found the care to be fantastic. My Dad has some complex issues and the various specialists had team meetings ahead of his appointments to decide the best course of action and to make sure they were all across the situation. My Mum has Parkinson's Disease and again her care has been exemplary.

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