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I need a WHV buddy for next year sometime?!


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I'm still in the middle of saving at the moment but it's definitely a goal of mine to live and work in Aus and maybe some day move out there permenantly. I haven't taken this lightly and are working hard towards it, however I'm thinking next year I will be finally ready to go, more towards the end! I was wondering if there was a buddy that had similar plans/ideas. I have nothing solid right now, but it would be great to hear others' ideas and talk to someone in the middle of planning like me!

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Haha I must of been a mind reader Melza, just happened to click this without seeing my name.


Hey Jessica, I'm the exact same as you. Still saving with no solid plans yet but I'm thinking of going to perth first. Just going alone. Would definitely be nice to meet up over here :) I'm hoping to be there in May but it's more likely going to be later than that

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I'm hoping to do the same too! (I can't believe I'm actually saying that!!!) I'm in my final year of my degree, I will finish in the summer, then need to work and get my registration before I go. I probably won't be going for another 18-24 months, but when I joined the forum it was 6 years away! Getting there slowly lol! STACE!?!?!?!? You're going to soon?? Brilliant! We totally need a catch up, I'm so behind. x

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I'm hoping to do the same too! (I can't believe I'm actually saying that!!!) I'm in my final year of my degree, I will finish in the summer, then need to work and get my registration before I go. I probably won't be going for another 18-24 months, but when I joined the forum it was 6 years away! Getting there slowly lol! STACE!?!?!?!? You're going to soon?? Brilliant! We totally need a catch up, I'm so behind. x


I can't believe you've almost finished your degree! Very proud of you! We definitely need to catch up, I keep meaning to PM you x

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Hey guy's! Just found out about this forum, exciting stuff! Me and my girlfriend are going next September, I think the 8th, booking it this weekend! Oh, and having a 3-day stop over in Kuala Lumpur :D Nothing is set in stone BUT, we're hoping that this plan goes something similar; Stay in Sydney from September until the New Year, local traveling and working in Sydney (staying for the NY fireworks) ;) and the flying over to Cairns, renting/buying a camper van and travelling down on a really, really long road trip...looking to get a 3-5 person camper so open for more travellers to create memorable experiences! ABSOLUTELY BUZZING!!!

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Hi mess... I'm in the same position as you! I have just started saving and I am looking on going over next October? I need some suggestions on where to start etc... And I'm really hoping to make a friend or 2 so I'm not completely alone and to share accommodation etc. if your interested in talking more over it just send me a message.

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I know it's scary isn't it! When are you gonna apply for your visa? We should all try and plan to go together/around the same time! At least you have family there, I have nothing haha! Scary!!!


I've already applied for mine although I sometimes wish I hadn't applied so early because the money situation is stressful! Yeah that would be good if we could get a group :) I bet you'll meet loads of people as soon as you get there! My family over there are my dad's cousins, I think I've only met them when I was little so I'm not that close to them although we talk quite often on Facebook. Between here and hostels you'll meet loads of friends! :)

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Yeah you need to use it within a year don't you? Have you got it back to as you've been accepted or have you just sent it off? Yeah the money situation is harder at the moment with Christmas coming up! I'm sure we will get on track after the new year :) have you got any idea at all where your gonna go first?

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Yeah I need to be there for September the 13th but I wanted to apply early to give me a kick up the bum. I couldn't even make the decision on wether to go so I just had a mad moment and applied. It was accepted within 2 hours :) Christmas is cancelled this year for me lol only buying a few little things for people. Yeah we'll both get there in the end! I'm thinking that I'll probably go to perth first but I'm not 100% sure yet. I'd ideally like to work it out that I'm not somewhere really hot and humid for summer so I might have to hide in Tasmania and hope for the best lol but at the same time I want to go to Sydney for Christmas and new year so I might just have to suck it up!

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Yeah I think Perth would be a good place to go first and Sydney for Christmas and new year sounds amazing!! I reckon you well suck it up! I wanna save up enough to explore for about a month first then look at getting a job! I've heard it's pretty easy getting a job over there isn't it? Where would you be flying from?

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Most of the people I know on here are from perth so might be a nice place to start and try get settled into Aussie life! I'm not a massive fan of crowds but it sounds like new year in Sydney is a must! I don't think it'll be really easy but it really depends on what your experience is and what your looking for. There also seems to be plenty voluntary work for accommodation type things as a stop gap. I'll be flying from glasgow or Edinburgh unless I travel down to England

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Yeah totally... It's beautiful isnt it! Just can't wait to be over there next year! Yeah tbh I'll probably just settle for anything as long as I get money... I'm a bit of a grafter! I currently do office work so something like that would be ideal but I've worked in a bar before and done waitressing so I'm pretty flexible! Ahhh are you? You should well travel down to England and be my travelling bud! You on Facebook or anything so we could talk more about things? I feel bad us just chatting away on someone's blog haha!

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Yeah totally... It's beautiful isnt it! Just can't wait to be over there next year! Yeah tbh I'll probably just settle for anything as long as I get money... I'm a bit of a grafter! I currently do office work so something like that would be ideal but I've worked in a bar before and done waitressing so I'm pretty flexible! Ahhh are you? You should well travel down to England and be my travelling bud! You on Facebook or anything so we could talk more about things? I feel bad us just chatting away on someone's blog haha!


Sounds like you'll be fine! You can just go around bars and restaurants handing cv's. Your welcome to send me a PM :)

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