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Not many moving back?

beach pig

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I have been here 2 and a half years, and will stay for another 2 till i get my citizenship. Its been tough for the most part to get a decent job, Australia in my eyes has become too "Americanized" and regardless of your visa status,immigrants (no matter where they are from) seem to be looked upon as some sort of "second class citizen". The whole "lifestyle" argument is quite debatable, I live a block from the beach, but hardly get down there as I have to work so much :(


Be warned if your a construction or engineering professional you will be expected to do massive hours on a salary, 6 days a week for the most part 10-12 hour days. The health care system and many other services are being privatized at an accelerated rate (due to the current government)


I am astounded at the open corruption in politics over here, its like its job description! The cost of living is very high, though wages are high, but I know family's that earn 2-3k a week combined, yet after all payments are made don't have much left in the kitty. I am quite lucky that I am single with no debt, but I would think life for an average family would be quite tough? big mortgage repayments, childcare, food etc.


Australia unfortunately is running down the road of unbridled capitalism, with no thought for the social consequences and this will become a major problem in the future.


I am enjoying my time here for the most part, no country is perfect, but my hart tells me Europe is where i belong (eventually) :tongue:

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Going back as soon as we get a job for my OH sorted out. I really hope it's before Christmas but trying not to get my hopes up too high. Been here 3 weeks as of next week, as well as 18 months previously. Priorities changed after a death in the family last year and since having our baby here.


Australia is just not home for us. As someone else wrote on here recently, it feels like living a half life, even through the major life event of having a baby.

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I have been here 2 and a half years, and will stay for another 2 till i get my citizenship. Its been tough for the most part to get a decent job, Australia in my eyes has become too "Americanized" and regardless of your visa status,immigrants (no matter where they are from) seem to be looked upon as some sort of "second class citizen". The whole "lifestyle" argument is quite debatable, I live a block from the beach, but hardly get down there as I have to work so much :(


Be warned if your a construction or engineering professional you will be expected to do massive hours on a salary, 6 days a week for the most part 10-12 hour days. The health care system and many other services are being privatized at an accelerated rate (due to the current government)


I am astounded at the open corruption in politics over here, its like its job description! The cost of living is very high, though wages are high, but I know family's that earn 2-3k a week combined, yet after all payments are made don't have much left in the kitty. I am quite lucky that I am single with no debt, but I would think life for an average family would be quite tough? big mortgage repayments, childcare, food etc.


Australia unfortunately is running down the road of unbridled capitalism, with no thought for the social consequences and this will become a major problem in the future.


I am enjoying my time here for the most part, no country is perfect, but my hart tells me Europe is where i belong (eventually) :tongue:

If this is the way you feel, then why bother getting citizenship?
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If this is the way you feel, then why bother getting citizenship?


I have spent a lot of time and money to get here, so I need to make it a worth while operation, who knows, I might have kids in the future who might look back and thank dad for their Australian passport? Australia is a great country, but i feel its going down the wrong road, its been an experience and will continue to do so.

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After 29 years moving back to the UK at the beginning of 2015, as soon as house sells I'm off!! Have got six months long service leave and six months unpaid leave for whole of 2015. My eldest daughter is leaving in early December so she can have a couple of weeks of school and then start the term properly on 5 January. We are so ready to go - we were in the UK in April and didn't want to come back. Now even the constant sunshine is getting on our nerves!! I'm so looking forward to being close to my family and being able to experience that sense of tradition, culture and history that unfortunately is just not here in Oz. It is probably not the smartest move financially, however there are some things that are just so much more valuable.

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Yes it is a long time and I do wonder sometimes where those years have gone!!


Where do I start? The people that know me well have said they are not surprised as they can see how unsettled I've been for quite a few years. There is no one defining reason, and I definitely don't hate Australia and I have had some amazing experiences here. However, the feeling of not being totally at 'home' has grown stronger over the last few years. Every time we come back to Oz it has taken us longer and longer to get settled again. Somehow I just can't see me finishing my days here in Australia. A few years ago my brother, his wife and my niece came for a visit and we had a wonderful time. However they have said that it is just too far for them to come again. I understand how they feel - it it such a long way. I have a great family and am very close to my siblings particularly my younger sister. I still have those forever friends from school and college in the UK.


Career wise it makes sense, I have worked in the education and business sectors so have lots of flexibility. I'm really ready for a change and there are lots of opportunities in the UK. In terms of schooling, perfect timing for the younger one, but not so good for the older one! She is confident that she will be fine and has very supportive schools both here and there who are helping with the transition. She is keen to pursue studies in the performing arts / media sector and there are lots more opportunities for her in the UK.


I don't want to live my life wishing 'if only'...:daydreaming:

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We have been here almost six years now and have never felt "at home" or very settled. I can really understand the feeling of living a half life. We are moving back next year in the UK summer time, I am currently in the process of interviews and job applications for a NHS job so really hoping to have something set up before we go. Although financially it is going to be really hard on us we just can't place a price on feeling at home and seeing our family regularly again. For our children to have a connection with family is priceless, which is difficult here even with today's technology. We miss the seasons, the culture, the country itself! Seeing roaming hills and greenery, all the wildlife. Bring on the rain!

The logistics of the move is very daunting but we've done it before.

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I'm just waiting on the sale of my house and my Citizenship ceremony date then I'm off. Seem to be spending more and more time on the phone to back home, it's costing a bloody fortune! Hoping to get back early next year all depending on to ceremony date

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We might be another family heading back. Funny as a couple of years ago I was desperate to go back, then grew to be happy here, but now my employment prospects are better there than here. At the moment I am flitting between unemployed and doing fifo for rates you wouldn't believe - my next gig is paying less than $20 an hour for hard physical labour. So not survivable money. I have started applying for jobs back in the UK and if one comes up, we will be heading on a plane.

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