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Not many moving back?

beach pig

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There's not many moving back threads recently.all must be good in oz. me personally at the moment can take it or leave it. I am in no rush to go back soon,I have seen the light after 6 years maybe I like the joint or I am trapped here with all the trappings life brings you with a family of five.Anyway I digress come on own up who has the slightest incling of going back.it keeps mbttuk alive.do not worry you won't be eaten alive if your thoughts differ from the love it or leave it camp.I HOPE. By the way me personally i am a swinger, sometimes I love it other times I hate it. But as long as the sun shines and the family's healthy what more could I want.

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We're thinking about it. My OH is the Brit. I am dual AU/NZ so we will need to sort a spouse visa. If we do it will probably be next UK summer. OH hasn't lived there for 25 years and I only lived there for about 18 months in my very early 20s so I have some reservations about returning in our 40s with two kids. Would be great to hear from others who are thinking of making the move.

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Yes! I'm going back and can't wait. Had 12 years (so you can't say I didn't try!) and that's the end of that chapter and new one about to begin. I'm older, want different things, sun and beaches no longer do it for me. Don't hate it here just don't want to live the rest of my life here. Got half family in England, half here so I'll be back for a holiday but thankfully not to stay!:wink:

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Yes! I'm going back and can't wait. Had 12 years (so you can't say I didn't try!) and that's the end of that chapter and new one about to begin. I'm older, want different things, sun and beaches no longer do it for me. Don't hate it here just don't want to live the rest of my life here. Got half family in England, half here so I'll be back for a holiday but thankfully not to stay!:wink:


I know what you mean. We moved to Oz in 1996 and, apart from a brief 2.5-year stint back in NZ, have been here ever since. I don't hate it here, but its not home for me, nor is it home for OH. The kids were born here so we have to get them on board, but with eldest turning 11 at the end of this year and the younger one turning 7 at the beginning of next year, its a good time to go as eldest will go straight into secondary and everyone will be changing schools. I'm hoping that will make it easier on her rather than going into an established class.

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I know what you mean. We moved to Oz in 1996 and, apart from a brief 2.5-year stint back in NZ, have been here ever since. I don't hate it here, but its not home for me, nor is it home for OH. The kids were born here so we have to get them on board, but with eldest turning 11 at the end of this year and the younger one turning 7 at the beginning of next year, its a good time to go as eldest will go straight into secondary and everyone will be changing schools. I'm hoping that will make it easier on her rather than going into an established class.


Certainly can be harder uprooting them when they're teenagers but if it's what you all want then go for it. When I first started posting on this site I'd only just made the decision and was to be honest having doubts and feeling really insecure. But months have passed now and I've become more and more certain it's what I want and it feels right too. I've now got rid of the "what ifs" running around in my head and if anyone tells me the grass isn't greener etc I just laugh to myself! All of us are different and value different things . Other than family, friends and sunshine there's really nothing else I will miss about Oz (and to be honest each year I like the heat less!), as for England I've missed family, friends and so much more that replace the sunshine and beaches a hundred times over.


What if I decide I don't like it anymore? What if! Who cares! If that's the case I'll deal with it but not going to miss out on doing something my heart wants me to do just because I "might" not like it.


Big step with a young family but could be an exciting adventure too. Keep thinking positive. So many opportunities for your kids over there when they're growing up. I remember the yearly trips to Europe with my family , regret not being able to do the same with mine. Good luck!

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I'd happily move back. Been here just over a year and feel as settled now as i did the day I stepped off the plane!


We chased the 'dream' and in all honesty all we need was right under our noses back home.


It has been a good adventure so far and will continue to be for as long as we are here, but forever, even past 2 years etc is hard to see.

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I'd happily move back. Been here just over a year and feel as settled now as i did the day I stepped off the plane!


We chased the 'dream' and in all honesty all we need was right under our noses back home.


It has been a good adventure so far and will continue to be for as long as we are here, but forever, even past 2 years etc is hard to see.


There's always going to be a small proportion of people who just don't settle here and that's not a failure, it can just be a realisation of what you had before but took for granted. If you take away the pressure of having to make it work then either you will eventually return or you'll become more relaxed and maybe enjoy it more here. If you and your wife are on the same page then it'll all work out!


I was married to someone who refused point blank to return and so morally and legally I couldn't take the kids away from him so stuck it out here. Now we're not together it's so liberating being able to do what I want! 12 yrs is a long time to be away but in a way that's good as I'm not returning to my old life but going to start a completely different one. Can't go till end of next year though once daughter finishes school but then I'm on that first plane outta here!

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I suspect a lot are moving back to countries of origin including Brit's. Interestingly NZ numbers are way down entering according to most recent figures as their economy picks up. I would have thought similar could be said for Britain as conditions there improve.


I would guess those waiting too long may well miss the boat with the falling exchange rate. I know in Perth I've ben told a lot of Irish have left during the past half a year. Certainly far less accents on the streets than a year ago.

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......arrived here in 1992.......

......and Australia has been good to my children......

.......we've had some good times......

.......enjoyed the lifestyle we have achieved.....

.......but life's a journey......

........and there's no where for me to go here anymore.....

.........things/ people change....

.........your wants and needs change.....

.........I hope to return as soon as I have achieved a few necessary goals.....

..........if I could do them from there I would.....

..........but circumstances dictate

..........and so I'll wait a while.........

..........as long as it takes...............but with my next steps in place........my heart set........I'll return ...

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We're thinking about it. My OH is the Brit. I am dual AU/NZ so we will need to sort a spouse visa. If we do it will probably be next UK summer. OH hasn't lived there for 25 years and I only lived there for about 18 months in my very early 20s so I have some reservations about returning in our 40s with two kids. Would be great to hear from others who are thinking of making the move.
Hello there we are in a similar situation to you. My OH the Brit i'm Aussie. ALso in our Forties. No kids though they're both at Uni. My OH hasn't lived in England for twenty years we have had few longish stays over the years though, We were planning on making the move over next UK summer however i've had a serious health issue to deal with so it's all on hold now. We too would need to sort out a spouse visa.
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Just posted on another thread couple in late 40's with kids not sure about coming to aus. I'm the opposite lived here since 1978 never really hated it but last couple of years started to not like the direction australia is going. Not sure if uk is any better but feel if I don't go before i turn 50 i will die here. Not much family in uk but only brother & sister here. Hard decision no matter where you live.

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I know what you mean. We moved to Oz in 1996 and, apart from a brief 2.5-year stint back in NZ, have been here ever since. I don't hate it here, but its not home for me, nor is it home for OH. The kids were born here so we have to get them on board, but with eldest turning 11 at the end of this year and the younger one turning 7 at the beginning of next year, its a good time to go as eldest will go straight into secondary and everyone will be changing schools. I'm hoping that will make it easier on her rather than going into an established class.


Good timing. We'd go back if it was just us. We've left it too long as our eldest girls are now early/mid 20s and not so keen to move back. Youngest is 16. Once they're in relationships/uni/work its so much harder.


I'm bored here now after 14 yrs. Also creeping slowly to retirement and our priorities have changed (tho medical care here IS better overall)

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I'd happily move back. Been here just over a year and feel as settled now as i did the day I stepped off the plane!


We chased the 'dream' and in all honesty all we need was right under our noses back home.


It has been a good adventure so far and will continue to be for as long as we are here, but forever, even past 2 years etc is hard to see.


If you feel this way, maybe start the process to go back Wattsy. We waited too long, kinda not wanting to give up too soon. Wish we'd just stayed a couple of years then returned. A lot of people said give it a bit longer and it made sense as our kids were in far better schools than in UK and we felt overwhelming guilt at having uprooted them.


I'm now very unhappy with the political direction Oz is going in. Things are said publicly here you'd never get away with in UK. Some posts say beaches and space don't make up for not having family and friends around. Yep. That's the sum of it.

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If you feel this way, maybe start the process to go back Wattsy. We waited too long, kinda not wanting to give up too soon. Wish we'd just stayed a couple of years then returned. A lot of people said give it a bit longer and it made sense as our kids were in far better schools than in UK and we felt overwhelming guilt at having uprooted them.


I'm now very unhappy with the political direction Oz is going in. Things are said publicly here you'd never get away with in UK. Some posts say beaches and space don't make up for not having family and friends around. Yep. That's the sum of it.

I feel for you Ali we too have children early twenties both at Uni however they have both said they don't mind if we go. They're both fairly self sufficient both have jobs as well as studying. We have decided we will go at some stage. Few things to work through first my health issues for one thing. Life is to be lived they way you want to and where you want it to be. To be fair it's not in Australia anymore most of our days are spent talking about being being in England and having a life there. Says it all really.
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Just posted on another thread couple in late 40's with kids not sure about coming to aus. I'm the opposite lived here since 1978 never really hated it but last couple of years started to not like the direction australia is going. Not sure if uk is any better but feel if I don't go before i turn 50 i will die here. Not much family in uk but only brother & sister here. Hard decision no matter where you live.


I think this is part of OHs issue. We've been here a long time but Australia has changed in recent years. No doubt the UK is not what he remembers either, but he does have family over there. The only family we have here is one cousin of mine.

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Good timing. We'd go back if it was just us. We've left it too long as our eldest girls are now early/mid 20s and not so keen to move back. Youngest is 16. Once they're in relationships/uni/work its so much harder.


I'm bored here now after 14 yrs. Also creeping slowly to retirement and our priorities have changed (tho medical care here IS better overall)


Thanks. It feels like it might be now or never. It is predicated on a set of circumstances coming together that means we have the savings together for the spouse visa, but we're hopeful that will be sorted over the next couple of months. Otherwise oh might have to try and get his brother to offer him a job.

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We are probably returning to UK early next year. We are actually perfectly happy here and quite sad about moving back, although we are coming round to the idea and getting more and more excited about the next chapter. Our return is out of necessity, don't really want to go into it. But being logical, the UK just makes a lot more sense for us at the moment. I know that I will be happy in either location.

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I'd happily move back. Been here just over a year and feel as settled now as i did the day I stepped off the plane!


We chased the 'dream' and in all honesty all we need was right under our noses back home.


It has been a good adventure so far and will continue to be for as long as we are here, but forever, even past 2 years etc is hard to see.


We moved back within the year and had to completely start again...we even bought a house online from Australia and picked up the keys when we returned. It was a wreck that needed renovating, as it was all we could afford after the cost of the move. We had 3 children under 8 and my husband is Australian. That was 4 years ago and we have never looked back. We have no family here as they are all in Australia and we miss them but we simply love the UK.

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In what way has Oz changed in recent years ladies? My husband is in Oz and simply refuses to leave lol. I would be really sad to leave the UK to join him.. Though it has deteriorated badly over the last 10 years. Geraldton, where he is, seems quite isolated, overpriced and boring to me.. Love the nature, cultural life, there is so much happening always in the UK, love the diversity here too.. Yea, will be sad to leave :(...

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Wish we'd just stayed a couple of years then returned.



This is our 'plan' at the moment, and then if we decide to stay we will.



Some posts say beaches and space don't make up for not having family and friends around. Yep. That's the sum of it.



This is something I agree with. We knew we would miss family etc but actually experiencing it for what you get in return doesnt really compensate it.



We moved back within the year and had to completely start again...we even bought a house online from Australia and picked up the keys when we returned. It was a wreck that needed renovating, as it was all we could afford after the cost of the move. We had 3 children under 8 and my husband is Australian. That was 4 years ago and we have never looked back. We have no family here as they are all in Australia and we miss them but we simply love the UK.



Good on you Connie, sometimes you just have to follow your heart when you know. Glad you are settled and have no regrets. I have days where I think should we go or stay then something happens here or one of the kids asks if they can see nanny or grandad etc and everything is put in perspective!



Dont get me wrong, I'm not unhappy here and I know that the beaches and weather are much better but it takes being away to realise whats really important in life and whats just 'nice to have'



My wanting to move home it doesnt mean I dont like Australia. People get these 2 things confused all too often

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In what way has Oz changed in recent years ladies? My husband is in Oz and simply refuses to leave lol. I would be really sad to leave the UK to join him.. Though it has deteriorated badly over the last 10 years. Geraldton, where he is, seems quite isolated, overpriced and boring to me.. Love the nature, cultural life, there is so much happening always in the UK, love the diversity here too.. Yea, will be sad to leave :(...


Oh dear. I like visiting these remote places like Geraldton, but this is going to be a massive culture shock for anyone and going there when you don't particularly want to sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. Am I mixing you up with somebody else or are you pregnant? And your husband is dragging you out to Australia against your will?

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In what way has Oz changed in recent years ladies? My husband is in Oz and simply refuses to leave lol. I would be really sad to leave the UK to join him.. Though it has deteriorated badly over the last 10 years. Geraldton, where he is, seems quite isolated, overpriced and boring to me.. Love the nature, cultural life, there is so much happening always in the UK, love the diversity here too.. Yea, will be sad to leave :(...


In some ways the changes are not much different to those that are occurring in other places, including the UK, but I guess somehow they seem harder to take here. OH experiences a lot of "casual" racism here, particularly at work, which gets him down. As a Kiwi I get some of that too, but I've worked in my current company for a long time now, and it seems less of an issue. This year's Aussie budget, particularly, seemed to have an effect on him and I think the news this week that the government is finding excuses to introduce new and ever more draconian security laws won't help.


We had the misfortune to choose late 2009 as a good time to return to Christchurch (NZ) and buy a house. Hopefully once (if ever) the insurance company decides to settle our claim we'll have enough cash for once to satisfy the savings requirement for a spouse visa so if we don't do it then its unlikely we'll ever be in the right place again. Even with that cash we would be unable to afford to buy here in Melbourne, but would have a better chance of owning a home again in the UK, as long as we don't want to be in London.

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We are moving back to the UK in the next six months - hoping DH can secure a UK job while we're still here. As soon as he does we'll be offski. We've had 11 happy years here (just realised yesterday was the 11th anniversary of our arrival in Aus!) but it's time to go home now. I have some reservations as others have mentioned but I'm excited too - really looking forward to this new adventure and the next stage in our lives.

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