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Well I'm not "Down Under"!I returned to the UK a few years ago.I split from my aussie OH,and decided with my kids that we wanted abit more out of life,in the way of more travel,things to do and so on.It was'nt unbearable in Oz,just as it is'nt in the UK!Did I want to move to Oz in the first place?Well we emigrated when I was 9 yrs of age,so us kids back then had no choice!My parents emigrated for sunshine.Back in the 1960's,living in the UK with 5 kids,and lots of snow around did'nt fit too well with my parents!These days,we don't have the snow like we used to!What are your reasons for wanting to go Blackbetty?

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The OP hasn't gone yet - thread is only a week old blackberry.


Im back in UK after 32yrs in Aus - absolutely over the moon about it and even after 3 years I love it!


Went to Aus in the first place because I'm married to an Aussie and we had a good opportunity, not to be missed! First 10 yrs were fun, great adventure etc. Second 10 yrs ho hum. Last 10 "Get me outta here!" Bored to death!

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Well, I'm not from UK, I come from Croatia. So,although beautiful and safe and yada yada,it actually doesn't provide anything but that. For example I've started looking for a job a 1.5 year ago and still nothing, I'm stuck here with my old one, even though I am an experienced professional, there is no demand on the market,no job ads. There were some,pretty obviously set for a specific person (relative,friend,friend of a friend etc.) which is very common here. and you know what -people are actually saying that I should be grateful for getting a salary,like I didn't earn it or what?!


I don't know if you understand,but people here are happy not for having a great job they enjoy,they are happy if someone is paying for their work as there are many of those who work for months and don't receive their money,they are like volunteers in their companies but not willingly. So we are actually talking about basic requirements for having a normal life that can be fulfilled only if you're lucky...

Yes,I'm kind of embarrassed for living in almost a third world country (although we're in EU). So the reasons are pretty much clear,I want to provide something more than that to my kids.

But reading about your experiences makes me feel a bit anxious to be honest :/ however I would rather like to see the whole picture before we make a big step. Therefore,feel free to say what has changed,why you are now sorry for moving to oz.

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It's very difficult to explain why the UK is preferable to Oz for some who have come here. It's easy to seem ungrateful - especially when so many people crave to be here - If there was a choice between no job/poor prospects compared to opportunity in Oz it would be a no brainer - Oz still offers a great standard of living, if you can get well paid work. It's a pleasant environment - I am paid well, the climate is fantastic and we have a reasonable standard of living ( we rent which I hate but that's our fault for not selling our UK property). After 7 years here I miss the complexity of Europe, conversation, the travel opportunities, the affordability of part time education. Mostly I just miss having a circle of friends, the ability to pick up the phone and ask a girlfriend out for a walk or coffee without seeming needy. Hubby and I need other people instead of being thrown together all the time. It's not that I can't tough out the loneliness - there is a better alternative for me waiting in the UK. I want to live my life, not merely exist. There is so little stimulation here - at work, play or leisure. Having said that, for sporty people it's a paradise. Just doesn't suit everyone. Very few people go back IMO because they hate it. But many realise what they had before - and that's a gift in itself.

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well guys, after reading all 3 pages, I was wondering why are you still downunder and what happened to you? why did you change your mind? what is so unbearable in OZ that makes UK better? did you want to move to OZ in the first place, what were your reasons back then? you must had one obviously...cause its quite an expensive adventure and a big move, especially if you're coming with the family.


I don't think anyone has said things are unbearable in Australia and quite a few posters that have commented are very happy in Australia. It is just that It is very common for people starting out to have rose tinted specs on about "better life" and so on and it can be helpful to make them think more clearly about the options and try to help them make fact based decisions.

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Pumpkin I think you're right. It isn't awful here but a lot of potential emigrants from UK/Europe think this is dreamland. They talk about weather and beaches as if you'll be on permanent holiday. The reality is that you get up at 6.45 for work, sit at the computer or contact clients just like you did at home, go round supermarket, cook dinner, watch telly - just like at home.


People who work outdoors tell me the heat from sat Dec till April is a real major problem. I see workers on sites burnt red and sweating. A lot of people find getting a DECENT job is hard, if you take anything, yes there's work. But you don't want to build up a solid career at home then come here to do something you'd not have looked at at home.


It's easier to come here in 20-30s as you can build a life here. After that you just have too much to leave behind. We often feel caught in two lives: the real one in UK up to the age of 41. And the "bubble" here for 14 yrs.


Blackbetty - we didn't want to stay longer than two years. We sold our Uk house and couldn't afford to move back from Oz two years later. We could now but our girls are mid 20s, settled and we don't want to leave them. At the moment they say we should go home if we are unhappy and say they'd be fine. I don't know if they would be fine with it if we actually got on the plane.

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Hi, we're a family of four, daughter age 7 and son age 2, and we're undecided as to whether a move to oz is worth the obvious upheaval! My wife and I visited for a month pre kids and loved it, but we're not sure whether a move is better for us than staying in UK.

We have a good life over here with great friends and family but the thought of moving to oz is never far from our minds, now more than ever with all this Isis stuff going on and the British government's inability to see the danger on our doorstep.

Has anyone got any opinions on this either way, we would really appreciate your advice, thank you!



Its just as bad over here with the recent raids on homes. TBH i would just stay put if I was you, your life seems fine there? Just buy a holiday home in Spain! they are quite cheap these days :)

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Chipvan - We are on high alert here. Im a teacher and we have had to read out directives to the kids. Most Australians live in metropolitan areas and there are suburbs that contain pockets of fundamentalists, just like say London, Birmingham, Leeds.


These nutters are neither religious nor are they normal. As i said on another thread, Islamic State ( aka ISIL aka ISIS) are as un-moslem, as KKK are un-christian. They masquerade as believers but the reality is that they are brutal power-hungry thugs operating all over the western world.


I dont think you'd be any more or less safe in Oz or UK. Plus Tony Abbott is truly a mouthy clueless idiot who is likely to drop Oz in even more poo by the things he says and does in the global arena, trying to get voters here to see him as "strong".

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Honestly, if you are happy and have a good life in the UK, I'd seriously consider staying put. A month on holiday is nothing like migrating with two young kids and leaving it all behind.

@chipvan I agree with this 100%. If you are looking to change something or gain something and Australia can offer that then yes, go for it but if you have all you need and want there I would honestly stay put.


We had all we could ever want/need and then some back home but Aus was an itch...and we scratched it. We have a good life here but we have left behind way much more that we have/will ever gain here. Yes we live near the beach, but after a while the novelty of that wears off, cant say that about having family and friends around.


By all means make your own decisions and at the end of the day you will most likely ignore the experienced advice (we did) but if you have it good there i'd stay...wish we had!


Good luck in whatever you choose.

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well guys, after reading all 3 pages, I was wondering why are you still downunder and what happened to you? why did you change your mind? what is so unbearable in OZ that makes UK better? did you want to move to OZ in the first place, what were your reasons back then? you must had one obviously...cause its quite an expensive adventure and a big move, especially if you're coming with the family.


My observations after being on these forums for a while, is that for the vast majority there's nothing wrong with Oz - except isolation.


Many people don't realise how much they'll miss family until they're thousands of miles from them. Especially young women - once they've had a baby, their whole attitude to family changes.


Friends are also an issue - most people assume they'll make new friends in their new country, but they forget that most people make their lasting friendships at school or uni. So they get to Oz and find that while they make acquaintances, they struggle to make the kind of close friendships they had back home.

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