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Seriously consider the goodbyes....


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This is our final night in the UK. Soooo many goodbyes. All made easier that I will see them all (hopefully) again in Jan when I pick my mum up. Staying with our closest friends tonight who are driving us to the airport tomorrow. Been a weird mixture of morose and bursting at the seams excitement. Just can't wait to be on the plane tomorrow and arrive safety on the other side.





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I think you just have to toughen up and get on with it. I know I sound hard but you've made your decision to live on the other side of the world. If its genuinely too painful then ddon't do it, its not compulsory, don't put yourself through it if you can't cope . I don't Skype because it upsets everyone afterwards. I'm probably hardened due too losing both my parents relatively young. That wasn't a choice I could change. I'm now a Grandparent and my eldest lives in Brisbane we live in Perth so I will only be able to see them twice a year. It is what it is and you have to make the most of what you have. Or just don't do it.


Yup, put on your big girl panties and get on with it! Australia has hardened me too!

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This is our final night in the UK. Soooo many goodbyes. All made easier that I will see them all (hopefully) again in Jan when I pick my mum up. Staying with our closest friends tonight who are driving us to the airport tomorrow. Been a weird mixture of morose and bursting at the seams excitement. Just can't wait to be on the plane tomorrow and arrive safety on the other side.



Good luck mate, safe journey and see you there. 6days for us!

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Thank you everyone for your replies. I do love this forum with some really kind and genuine people on here. I will post when we arrive and let you know how we are getting on. We are saying goodbye at the house as I could not bare an airport goodbye. I'm going with the mindset that it's an adventure and life experience and it doesn't have to be forever, otherwise I'd probably just crumble to the floor! I'm trying very hard to be strong as don't want to upset the kids. This has to be the hardest part of all, makes the visa process a piece of piss! Makes selling the house look easy! Nothing prepares you for this part!

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Its really is hard. Telling our families was so difficult, one Side were ok, the other side were devastated, tears etc. We are moving grandchildren which never helps, but we honestly believe that as a family we need this and we deserve a chance to experience something different. Onwards and upwards xxx

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Migrating to Australia from Glasgow is the hardest thing we had ever done. We moved to South Australia 2 years ago then moved to Port Macquarie in NSW in December 2013. We will be moving to the Gold Coast in around 4 weeks. We have lived in 3 states in 2 years and 3 kids under 5.

Moving is tough, see it as a new chapter, get out and meet like minded people. We have not regretted moving here at all, the lifestyle is great.

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  • 8 months later...
We are a week away from getting on a plane and embarking on our new life on the Gold Coast. I should be really happy, excited etc etc. This is everything we have worked towards. Cost of visas, the trip to Aus, left jobs, sold house blah blah blah.


Then comes the goodbyes! BANG that hits you like a truck. Anyone considering this huge move do not underestimate how hard this is! Taking kids away from their grandparents and seeing the pain on their faces and in their eyes is so hard to watch.


Of course we knew this would be the hardest part of all but even we didn't realise just how hard.


Feel terrible


Sorry for such a rubbish post :(



Just read this post and had a terrible twinge in my heart about it. I'm so used to going away with work, but this will be so much more permanent. It doesn't help at all that my Dad was diagnosed as being terminally ill on Friday. He didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to change my mind about going to Aus but it's hurting a lot now and although I have to think of my own family, its going to break my f**king heart to leave.

I think I just wanted to get this off my chest and write it down, but anyone reading this that has been in a similar situation it would be great to hear from you.

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Just read this post and had a terrible twinge in my heart about it. I'm so used to going away with work, but this will be so much more permanent. It doesn't help at all that my Dad was diagnosed as being terminally ill on Friday. He didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to change my mind about going to Aus but it's hurting a lot now and although I have to think of my own family, its going to break my f**king heart to leave.

I think I just wanted to get this off my chest and write it down, but anyone reading this that has been in a similar situation it would be great to hear from you.


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Yesterday my husband and I went for a celebratory meal with my lovely mum and dad. This morning I woke up and handed my notice in at work. When we went for our meal, I winged about every course tasting crap and I even didn't like the wine (this should have set alarm bells ringing). Today I have felt sick all day, nothing tastes right. Every time I look at my sweet pooch Alfie, who is going to live with our friends, I feel guilty. Then I look at my poor mum who is being absolutely devestated by our decision yet is being so brave and trying not to show how she is feeling. I know from experience it gets easier as we all went through the same thing with my sister over 7 years ago. It's not just the goodbyes, it's the guilt of doing this to your loved ones. I feel your pain. (On the plus side. Might lose a bit of weight before I go, given that I have no appetite. )

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We are a week away from getting on a plane and embarking on our new life on the Gold Coast. I should be really happy, excited etc etc. This is everything we have worked towards. Cost of visas, the trip to Aus, left jobs, sold house blah blah blah.


Then comes the goodbyes! BANG that hits you like a truck. Anyone considering this huge move do not underestimate how hard this is! Taking kids away from their grandparents and seeing the pain on their faces and in their eyes is so hard to watch.


Of course we knew this would be the hardest part of all but even we didn't realise just how hard.


Feel terrible


Sorry for such a rubbish post :(


I felt the same. Heartbroken, seriously heartbroken and in tears and a weird sense of emptiness and distress on my last day. Lasted till about 30 ins into the plane journey. You get over it and adjust. Well, I did anyway....it comes back after the first and subsequent visits and goodbyes from family, but never as intense and just as shortlived. God I'm a shallow cow.

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Just read this post and had a terrible twinge in my heart about it. I'm so used to going away with work, but this will be so much more permanent. It doesn't help at all that my Dad was diagnosed as being terminally ill on Friday. He didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to change my mind about going to Aus but it's hurting a lot now and although I have to think of my own family, its going to break my f**king heart to leave.

I think I just wanted to get this off my chest and write it down, but anyone reading this that has been in a similar situation it would be great to hear from you.


Big hugs again CaptainC! I kinda know where you are coming from, today I received the news my grandad's Big C had progressed and was now likely to be spreading into other organs. He is 87 so they are unlikely to operate and despite being raised by my parents, my grandparens mean everything to me. They so selflessly brought up 6 children, 26 grandchildren and now have around 15 great grandchildren and have been there for each and everyone of us. They have never had a nasty bone in their body and have gone without forever. Whenever, I was a grotty teenager and struggling with my parents I could nip round for a brew and they would make everything okay. When my ex cheated on me, I spent days with them and again they made me feel better and strong enough to keep going. It was hard enough going to Australia and leaving them and then this. Despite having such a large family my grandad would always turn to me for advice. He knew that if he asked I would find the information, explain it to him and action anything that needed doing. He relied on me for so much despite spending 4 years living 100 miles away. Leaving will be the hardest thing in the world.

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Thanks all, I know that I'm not the only one, but sometimes it really feels like it and it's lovely people like you on here that remind me.

I've been sat in the house all day doing sweet FA, my wife's been so busy at work today that it's the first real day I've had on my own since I got the news last Friday. And, to use the expression from the original post it's hit me like a truck. I just can't bear the thought that it's really possible that I might see my dad at Manchester Airport and that will be it.

Sorry to seem like a moaner because I'm the one that usually holds everything together, but at the moment I'm losing it. He's such a good man and only a year into his retirement, it's just not fair.


Anyway I just woke the wife up, so I'm getting up for a cup of tea.....Makes it all better according to my mum!

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Hi CaptainC

We were in the process of moving to Oz in 2009 when I had the news that my mum had cancer. We left it a while then decided to carry on the process. Shortly after, we found out mum was terminally ill with the cancer so we decided not to go. Am I glad we did that now as mum lasted a lot longer than they said she would and that time was precious, but now 5 years down the line we also realise that we still want to do this. So the skills assessment, english test, EOI are all done and we'll see if we can do it again. Leaving my dad will be heartbreaking but he is 110% behind us and happy to visit a few times a year hopefully.

It was a tough decision to stop the visa back in 2009 and only you can make that decision but I am glad we put it all aside whilst I had that time with my mum - you don't get that time back again x

Just do what feels right. x

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The only advice I could give is to say your goodbyes at home- not at the airport. Obvious reasons really.

Thanks, when I used to go away for long periods we never did any goodbyes at the airport anyway they were always at home. I don't know why I said it!

Hi CaptainC

We were in the process of moving to Oz in 2009 when I had the news that my mum had cancer. We left it a while then decided to carry on the process. Shortly after, we found out mum was terminally ill with the cancer so we decided not to go. Am I glad we did that now as mum lasted a lot longer than they said she would and that time was precious, but now 5 years down the line we also realise that we still want to do this. So the skills assessment, english test, EOI are all done and we'll see if we can do it again. Leaving my dad will be heartbreaking but he is 110% behind us and happy to visit a few times a year hopefully.

It was a tough decision to stop the visa back in 2009 and only you can make that decision but I am glad we put it all aside whilst I had that time with my mum - you don't get that time back again x

Just do what feels right. x

It's food for thought, I'm spending a lot more time with him now. Actually, just about to leave to go see him. Funny how it takes something like this to pull a family together tighter. Thanks.

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Has anybody done this? I am seriously considering it when the times comes... Take parents over with you first time. My Mum has to feel she is helping, she is happiest when she is helping us. I know that when I tell her this news, it will absolutely shatter her, it will be like me taking her babies away.


So I am thinking to somehow soften the blow, ask Mum and Dad to come out with us for the first time for a month in a holiday rental. It would be like a holiday for them, they could help with the kids whilst we are looking for a long term rental, and she would feel soo involved and hopefully realise what a lovely place it is and be assured the kids are going to be fine.


On the other hand I feel like this is our adventure and we should be doing as a family alone.


Just wondered if anyone else had ever done this?

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Has anybody done this? I am seriously considering it when the times comes... Take parents over with you first time. My Mum has to feel she is helping, she is happiest when she is helping us. I know that when I tell her this news, it will absolutely shatter her, it will be like me taking her babies away.


So I am thinking to somehow soften the blow, ask Mum and Dad to come out with us for the first time for a month in a holiday rental. It would be like a holiday for them, they could help with the kids whilst we are looking for a long term rental, and she would feel soo involved and hopefully realise what a lovely place it is and be assured the kids are going to be fine.


On the other hand I feel like this is our adventure and we should be doing as a family alone.


Just wondered if anyone else had ever done this?


No, but it sounds like a fantastic idea to me. If nothing else you get a free babysitter while you and your husband stress yourselves out with everything else!

I think you should go for it to be honest, especially if your mum & dad think it will help and would like to do it.

You'll get your adventure when they travel home, but i think it will be all that more special that they get to share a little bit of it with you.

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Thanks for that CaptainC. I didn't know if I was being stupid. It will certainly make them feel like they are sharing the adventure a little and I am absolutely sure they would be a big help with the kids.


Thinking of you with your situation x x x x x

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