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Skilled Migration Visa 189 - Apply while in Australia


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I'm just about ready to start my visa 189 application but have some questions that I hope someone could please give me some help with

I haven't started my application as yet but I'm wondering has anyone started their application whilst in Australia rather than at home in UK/Ireland? are there any disadvantages as to doing this in Australia?

I do not want to use an agent as I want to keep the costs as minimum as possible

I'm an Accountant (ACCA) and need to get my skills assessed as well as complete the IELTS test but I'm confused on whether to complete all this before or after I submit an expression of interest? I think I need to complete first but is this all I need to do before the EOI, then is it just a waiting game until I get invited?

How long does the process normally take?

I really appreciate any help at all on any of the above

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Skills assessment and IELTS first (if you need the points) before EOI.


See my timeline below on how long things will take you approximately as a guide. You can do skills assessment in parallel with IELTS if you are in a hurry.


Make sure you fully understand skill assessment requirements and IELTS requirements from your awarding body and that your discipline is on the 2014 Revised SOL (released in July I think).

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No major differences that I am aware of for onshore versus offshore apart from for onshore Form 80 must be completed and it is mandatory for onshore applications. For offshore applications it 'may be requested'. Others may put me right on that one. @Pumpkin is Straight to the point and will put me right! ;-)


Recommend you do as much as possible in UK. Australia is an expensive place to just wait around for a visa that you may or may not get granted. Nothing in life is certain until it's in your hand.


Good luck.

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Your EOI is not valid until you have a positive skills assessment and can pass the points test. An accountant will need academic IELTS before you can apply for the skills assessment.


What visa are you planning on being on in Australia?


There is no offshore/onshore difference with 189 visas anymore but travelling to Australia on a visitors visa to lodge and application onshore is not the correct use of a visitors visa, and could be refused entry if found with certain documents on you be immigration.

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  • 2 weeks later...


thanks for your comments and feedback, appreciate them

Ok so i really need to get my skills assessed and IELTS sorted as soon as possible then so and then lodge my EOI then sit back and wait for a while

I didn't realise skills assessment would take so long to obtain

I want to spend some time traveling in oz before I start working there and that's why I obtained the visitors visa and this is why I want to know can I do this in oz and parallel to me travelling as no point me coming back home and having to wait another 9 or so months to get back out there

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thanks for your comments and feedback, appreciate them

Ok so i really need to get my skills assessed and IELTS sorted as soon as possible then so and then lodge my EOI then sit back and wait for a while

I didn't realise skills assessment would take so long to obtain

I want to spend some time traveling in oz before I start working there and that's why I obtained the visitors visa and this is why I want to know can I do this in oz and parallel to me travelling as no point me coming back home and having to wait another 9 or so months to get back out there


You need to do IELTS, then do skills assessment for your occupation. Timing of skills assessments vary by occupation, yours should be pretty quick, other than you have to do academic IELTS first.


Take care with your plans for travelling, you should not really be saying things like there is no point coming back home. You are going as a tourist, your intention should be to leave at the end of your holiday.

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The main advantage of lodging onshore is that the decision can be reviewed by the Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) if your application is refused. The MRT stands in the shoes of the case officer and looks at the merits of your application afresh. If you lodge offshore you won't have access to merits review and your ability to challenge a refusal will be limited to fairly technical legal grounds that you would have to argue in a court. This may be a moot point if you clearly satisfy all of the criteria, but nonetheless worth bearing in mind.


If you come to Australia on an ETA (with a genuine intention to stay temporarily) and later decide to make a 189 application onshore, then you should be granted a bridging visa A with work rights when you make the application. This would come into effect three months after you arrive in Australia - when your first travel period expires - and would allow you to remain lawfully while the 189 application is processed. This means that if there is any delay in processing, including if your application is refused and you need to apply to the MRT, your time without the ability to work will be 'capped' to those three months (provided you don't leave the country and re-activate your ETA).


Skills assessments are a lot faster for accountants than engineers going through Engineers Australia, particularly if you pay for 'fast-tracking'. You have a choice of three assessing authorities - CA, CPA and IPA:





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Thanks again for the comments I really appreciate the help

So basically I need to do the IELTS before the skills asssssment, I think I'll try and get that sorted before I leave Ireland and hold fully the skills assessment doesn't take too long

of course if I don't have my skilled visa before my tourist visa runs out then I'll leave the country as I don't want to overstay my visa and deporise my skilled visa coming through, my tourist visa is actually for 12 months and not 3

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Thanks again for the comments I really appreciate the help

So basically I need to do the IELTS before the skills asssssment, I think I'll try and get that sorted before I leave Ireland and hold fully the skills assessment doesn't take too long

of course if I don't have my skilled visa before my tourist visa runs out then I'll leave the country as I don't want to overstay my visa and deporise my skilled visa coming through, my tourist visa is actually for 12 months and not 3

if your visitors visa is for 12 months you should check if you have the 8503 condition applied to your visa, no further stay.
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