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Is the 'Pacific Solution' unravelling?


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exactly my point.



......and again I ask.....

......to leave them to what....!

.....this attitude of not caring what goes on beyond our own front/back call it what you will....door.....

......has encouraged the sad and shameful attitude that has allowed disgraceful behaviour to happen under our noses...

......from next door abuse and murder.....

......to a people desperate for help.......

.......until we can look beyond our own comfortable existence.....

.......the world will continue to spiral into a place where persecution and abomination.....are accepted.....

.......as long as it doesn't affect us personally........shameful.....IMO.....!

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I cannot come to terms, no matter how hard I try, with those who condemn the government on it's "boat people" policy. They have the right to seek asylum in the first safe haven they arrive in - which is not Australia. These people evidently have enough money to reach Indonesia, pay for food and shelter there until the people smugglers take thousands to put them on a leaky boat. Why didn't they use these thousands to obtain a visa? My sympathies lie with the people who are living in the refuge camps,very often for years in deplorable circumstances and who are disadvantaged every time these boat people arrive and money has to be spent on them. I totally agree with boat people being sent back from whence they came so that these poor people in the camps, who have already been screened, have a better chance of being resettled.

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I cannot come to terms, no matter how hard I try, with those who condemn the government on it's "boat people" policy. They have the right to seek asylum in the first safe haven they arrive in - which is not Australia. These people evidently have enough money to reach Indonesia, pay for food and shelter there until the people smugglers take thousands to put them on a leaky boat. Why didn't they use these thousands to obtain a visa? My sympathies lie with the people who are living in the refuge camps,very often for years in deplorable circumstances and who are disadvantaged every time these boat people arrive and money has to be spent on them. I totally agree with boat people being sent back from whence they came so that these poor people in the camps, who have already been screened, have a better chance of being resettled.


The fact that you condone child abuse completely undermines any claim you might have to the moral high ground.

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I cannot come to terms, no matter how hard I try, with those who condemn the government on it's "boat people" policy. They have the right to seek asylum in the first safe haven they arrive in - which is not Australia. These people evidently have enough money to reach Indonesia, pay for food and shelter there until the people smugglers take thousands to put them on a leaky boat. Why didn't they use these thousands to obtain a visa? My sympathies lie with the people who are living in the refuge camps,very often for years in deplorable circumstances and who are disadvantaged every time these boat people arrive and money has to be spent on them. I totally agree with boat people being sent back from whence they came so that these poor people in the camps, who have already been screened, have a better chance of being resettled.



.........often the reason they don't obtain a visa.....

........is their fleeing for their lives......

........no time to submit the form....

........wait for it to be issued....!

........if there even is a facility in the country their fleeing from....!

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The fact that you condone child abuse completely undermines any claim you might have to the moral high ground.


You are ridiculous! What right or basis have you to accuse me of child abuse, firstly you know nothing about me and secondly you are obviously someone who condones children being put in danger on a leaky boat and doesn't care what happens to them. The people who come on these boats have no thought for their children as they obviously have enough money to obtain a visa.

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.........often the reason they don't obtain a visa.....

........is their fleeing for their lives......

........no time to submit the form....

........wait for it to be issued....!

........if there even is a facility in the country their fleeing from....!



Tink, they have the money so could apply in the first safe place they arrive in.

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Tink, they have the money so could apply in the first safe place they arrive in.



.....but often that place hasn't the facilities to cope......

.....they are poor countries often struggling with their own.......

......I do think such as Australia should do more to help these people....!

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What right or basis have you to accuse me of child abuse

I didn't 'accuse you of child abuse'. Read the post again: you condone a policy that does actually harm children mentally, and has been judged by a large majority of Australian paediatricians to constitute 'child abuse'. Seeing as paediatricians are the experts in the field of diagnosing child abuse, I'd take their word for it, wouldn't you?



you are obviously someone who condones children being put in danger on a leaky boat and doesn't care what happens to them

What a ridiculous and frankly offensive assumption you make about me.

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The fact that you condone child abuse completely undermines any claim you might have to the moral high ground.


Not really. It's obviously better than where they have come from.


So it's either war zone, or holiday camp. I know which I'd choose.

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I didn't 'accuse you of child abuse'. Read the post again: you condone a policy that does actually harm children mentally, and has been judged by a large majority of Australian paediatricians to constitute 'child abuse'. Seeing as paediatricians are the experts in the field of diagnosing child abuse, I'd take their word for it, wouldn't you?


You accused me of condoning a child abuse policy which is nonsense. You want the policy to change so that more boats will come, putting more children in danger. Children suffer if they are confined for a very long time and are made to feel stressed. This is what you want with your anti government policy stance. So my comments were hardly offensive. Fewer boats, less children in danger and less children in detention.

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You are ridiculous! What right or basis have you to accuse me of child abuse, firstly you know nothing about me and secondly you are obviously someone who condones children being put in danger on a leaky boat and doesn't care what happens to them. The people who come on these boats have no thought for their children as they obviously have enough money to obtain a visa.


Do you think there just 'might' be a little bit more to it than that? Just maybe?

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I didn't 'accuse you of child abuse'. Read the post again: you condone a policy that does actually harm children mentally, and has been judged by a large majority of Australian paediatricians to constitute 'child abuse'. Seeing as paediatricians are the experts in the field of diagnosing child abuse, I'd take their word for it, wouldn't you?


You accused me of condoning a child abuse policy which is nonsense. You want the policy to change so that more boats will come, putting more children in danger. Children suffer if they are confined for a very long time and are made to feel stressed. This is what you want with your anti government policy stance. So my comments were hardly offensive. Fewer boats, less children in danger and less children in detention.


What on earth do you think detention does to them!!!!

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.......this smacks of not in my backyard...!.....the sentiment...!

.......by ignoring those who need help.......we are helping the baddies...!

.......because by fearing the few bad apples......an excuse to ignore the needy....

.......the rot will spread......

.......the bad will just get stronger.....

.......if we help those in need............we help minimalise the effects of the harm.......

.......these are neighbours...!

.......human beings.......

.......and as such deserve to be recognised as needing help.......

.......we would expect the same if in their position........

........and there but for the grace....!



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What on earth do you think detention does to them!!!!


Didn't you read all of or understand my post? I said this is what happens to children in these circumstances and more would be subject to this if the governments policy was changed.

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Didn't you read all of or understand my post? I said this is what happens to children in these circumstances and more would be subject to this if the governments policy was changed.


I think there are crossed wires....I disagree with the detention aspect...I would like to see a better way of dealing with boat arrivals...a fairer system...a right to claim asylum...be it by boat/plane or whatever means an individual takes...

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I think there are crossed wires....I disagree with the detention aspect...I would like to see a better way of dealing with boat arrivals...a fairer system...a right to claim asylum...be it by boat/plane or whatever means an individual takes...



It would be nice if that were possible but unfortunately there are too many people claiming refuge status who are not really refuges and some who want come to cause trouble. It would be so good if there were no refuges and everyone lived in harmony but unfortunately there seems to be more and more people who have no regard for their fellow man. Utopia is along way away.

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What on earth do you think detention does to them!!!!


That means that all of our 'official' refugee intake must also be suffering from mental illness, and to a much worse degree because they are interned in their camps for so much longer. Therefore, all official refugees should get priority over illegal immigrants.

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It would be nice if that were possible but unfortunately there are too many people claiming refuge status who are not really refuges and some who want come to cause trouble. It would be so good if there were no refuges and everyone lived in harmony but unfortunately there seems to be more and more people who have no regard for their fellow man. Utopia is along way away.



But the answer is not to close the door...how many are not genuine? Some stats I read recently said the vast majority were found (by governments own methods) to be legitimate. Its not the answer to tar genuine asylum seekers with a trouble maker tag and its misleading to assume that many are. We seem to have no regard for our fellow man by supporting the current policy.

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