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Is the 'Pacific Solution' unravelling?


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But just think how many lives have been saved now that the boats have stopped. Every day another unseaworthy and overcrowded boat set out from Indonesia, hoping that they would be rescued by Australian ships before they shipwrecked somewhere off the Australian coast. Hundreds have already drowned.



.........but stayed and endured what........?

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Nobody has actually proposed an alternative policy to the present Government's either? Encourage more boats? Send Australian ships and planes to Indonesia to pick them up before they make the hazardous voyage? No, this is the best and safest way to do it.




.......for who though.....?

......desperate circumstances ......cause desperate deeds.....

......all we have done is close a door......

.......lets just hope theses desperate people don't succumb to a worse and more dangerous means.....!

.......easy to say its solved....!

........but it's not solved for these people is it.....?

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.......for who though.....?

......desperate circumstances ......cause desperate deeds.....

......all we have done is close a door......

.......lets just hope theses desperate people don't succumb to a worse and more dangerous means.....!

.......easy to say its solved....!

........but it's not solved for these people is it.....?


:notworthy:...only looking to solve immediate issues and concerns, short term solutions for the immediate future are what make the problems and issues of the world as horrendous as they are...everyone wants a quick fix....

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.......for who though.....?

......desperate circumstances ......cause desperate deeds.....

......all we have done is close a door......

.......lets just hope theses desperate people don't succumb to a worse and more dangerous means.....!

.......easy to say its solved....!

........but it's not solved for these people is it.....?


Thimk of it as puttimg bars on your windows. It might not stop the burglars gettimg in but it is harder for them so perhaps they will burgle another home.

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.........but stayed and endured what........?


Isn't it telling though if they have stayed ?


Given they are capable of leaving, having done so under previous policies, if they are now choosing to stay, that clearly shows they are not suffering genuine persecution in their home country.


If they were really persecuted to the extent you suggest, then they would flee anyway and be happy to go anywhere.

They certainly would not stay home just because the open door to Australia has been slammed shut.


Can you imagine the poor people in Syria being overrun by ISIS.

Do you think they would say, No we are not going to escape to Turkey, we insist on going to Australia. That would be ridiculous.

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Thimk of it as puttimg bars on your windows. It might not stop the burglars gettimg in but it is harder for them so perhaps they will burgle another home.



.....that's not the same thing.......!

.....think of it as holding your hand out to a child in need....

......or closing your eyes to one....!

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Isn't it telling though if they have stayed ?


Given they are capable of leaving, having done so under previous policies, if they are now choosing to stay, that clearly shows they are not suffering genuine persecution in their home country.


If they were really persecuted to the extent you suggest, then they would flee anyway and be happy to go anywhere.

They certainly would not stay home just because the open door to Australia has been slammed shut.


Can you imagine the poor people in Syria being overrun by ISIS.

Do you think they would say, No we are not going to escape to Turkey, we insist on going to Australia. That would be ridiculous.




........again you are quoting about the few....!

.......many have genuine reasons to flee.......

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A parent desperate for a future away from war, famine and rape. What sort of parent wouldn't flee though conditions should perhaps be the logical question. But then all said before, in fact several times at least.

So where they are now, is better than where they were?


That's good then.

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Isn't it telling though if they have stayed ?


Given they are capable of leaving, having done so under previous policies, if they are now choosing to stay, that clearly shows they are not suffering genuine persecution in their home country.


If they were really persecuted to the extent you suggest, then they would flee anyway and be happy to go anywhere.

They certainly would not stay home just because the open door to Australia has been slammed shut.


Can you imagine the poor people in Syria being overrun by ISIS.

Do you think they would say, No we are not going to escape to Turkey, we insist on going to Australia. That would be ridiculous.

[h=2]Are they still genuine refugees if they don’t just flee to the closest country? Aren’t they cherry-picking?[/h]Yes, they are still genuine refugees. There’s no law that says refugees must flee to the nearest country. In most cases, this would simply land them in a poverty-stricken, dangerous refugee camp for years. Nor is there any rule that says refugees can’t flee by plane or choose their destination.

It seems odd to me that some Australians want to vilify these people for using commonsense and, in the process, reducing the load on the desperately poor countries that are actually being flooded by refugees.

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Thimk of it as puttimg bars on your windows. It might not stop the burglars gettimg in but it is harder for them so perhaps they will burgle another home.




.......this smacks of not in my backyard...!.....the sentiment...!

.......by ignoring those who need help.......we are helping the baddies...!

.......because by fearing the few bad apples......an excuse to ignore the needy....

.......the rot will spread......

.......the bad will just get stronger.....

.......if we help those in need............we help minimalise the effects of the harm.......

.......these are neighbours...!

.......human beings.......

.......and as such deserve to be recognised as needing help.......

.......we would expect the same if in their position........

........and there but for the grace....!

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