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Entering UK on expired UK Passport


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Hi, I know this topic has probably been covered before but both my daughter's and my UK passport have expired. I understand it's possible to enter the UK on an expired UK passport (we have valid Aussie ones) but wondered if anyone knew if this was still the case if travelling on a 1 way ticket to the UK.


I'm going to contact the consulate tomorrow but just wondered if anyone had any experience of this.



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If you're planning to stay it could be a bit tricky - obviously entering on a valid pp is the way to go. If you enter on your Aus one you will be stamped with a 6 month visitor visa and heavens knows where you stand with respect to services etc but you could apply for a new pp immediately you land and IIRC they ask which passport you entered the country on so you aren't chased up when your visa expires. Easiest just to get new ones before you go then no hassles.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for the replies. I've applied for new UK passports...now the anxious wait begins...!


It took about 5 weeks for our UK passports to arrive yesterday , so that should give you some idea as to when yours should get to you ..


Dave C

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My wife went back to the UK on her Australian passport and had her expired UK one with her. She showed both to Border Control who said she could have entered with her UK one without a problem.

I've just sent off my application to renew my UK passport. It runs out in February next year so they will add on the time left on my old one, up to 6 months, so I don't lose any time. My Australian passport runs out at the same time but the new passport will only last for 10 years from the date of issue so I'll apply for a new one when it actually runs out in February.

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Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's really interesting to hear you can enter on an expired UK passport. And thanks for sharing your timesines for receiving new UK passports back. Hopefully ours won't take too long and I'll post my timeframe in due course to guide others. Cheers guys!

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