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Any midwives made the move?!


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Hello all


Apologies if I've posted in the wrong place or if I ramble too much. Just dipping my toe in the water here. redface.gif


I've planned on moving to work in Australia as a midwife since I started my training. 10 years, a husband and two children down the line and I'm still here but hoping to get the wheels in motion - finally! We are off to the Working In expo at Earls Court in London at the end of the month to find out more as I am pretty clueless about matters of visas etc.


Any advice on where to start getting organised would be appreciated, as I literally have no idea where to begin. I would love to hear especially from any healthcare professionals who have moved down under. I don't really know how midwifery differs in Australia and whether I could earn enough as a midwife, as everyone keeps telling me how expensive Australia is and how we'll never make it work! My husband works in IT/e-commerce and our children are 3 years old and 5 months old. We are thinking of living in Melbourne, but as I say nothing is set in stone!


Thanks for reading. thumbsup.gif

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Hi, I am a midwife with 18 years experience and just about to send EOI. I am registered in OZ now and just had my skills assessment completed. Are u looking at permanent residency? U really need to speak to a mara registered migration agency to understand the process and how to get started. Re midwifery in OZ I believe it is very different, very behind what we do and I get the impression it is quite medicalised. If u need any other advice just let me know!!! X

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Hello all


Apologies if I've posted in the wrong place or if I ramble too much. Just dipping my toe in the water here. redface.gif


I've planned on moving to work in Australia as a midwife since I started my training. 10 years, a husband and two children down the line and I'm still here but hoping to get the wheels in motion - finally! We are off to the Working In expo at Earls Court in London at the end of the month to find out more as I am pretty clueless about matters of visas etc.


Any advice on where to start getting organised would be appreciated, as I literally have no idea where to begin. I would love to hear especially from any healthcare professionals who have moved down under. I don't really know how midwifery differs in Australia and whether I could earn enough as a midwife, as everyone keeps telling me how expensive Australia is and how we'll never make it work! My husband works in IT/e-commerce and our children are 3 years old and 5 months old. We are thinking of living in Melbourne, but as I say nothing is set in stone!


Thanks for reading. thumbsup.gif


My best advice is to start by reading the Ahpra website that outlines the new criteria for obtaining midwifery registration before you do anything else.http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/.../FAQ-IQNM...

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Yes I lodged visa a few days ago then discovered these new registration restrictions. Of course I can't prove 20 continuity cases within my training so even though I've been a caseloading midwife for 3 of my 8 years since qualifying it looks like I'm going to have to be supervised for 12 months! Complete nightmare.


The changes that have been introduced by AHPRA for both midwives and nurses are a shambles to say the least. The bottom line is no degree = No registration, as they no longer count experience!

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The changes that have been introduced by AHPRA for both midwives and nurses are a shambles to say the least. The bottom line is no degree = No registration, as they no longer count experience!


After 10 months waiting I have heard today that I have to complete 12 months supervised practise before I can become properly registered. All down to the lack of completing 20 continuity of care episodes at uni and despite having caseloaded 150 women per year for 2 years!


Being here on a WHV and hoping to do some agency work and move around doesn't really go well with supervised practice! Pretty gutted.


Has as anyone applied for jobs or spoken to hospitals regarding supervised practice?

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My thoughts exactly….well I have more thoughts but I will not vocalise them… I am just shocked really that they have done this. Makes me mad! Experience of case loading should be enough not the number, especially when it is not part of EU requirements!

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Thing is... They aren't in the EU so they don't care about that. They can have their own rules and of course we want to move there and should respect that... HOWEVER.... I think once they realise they can't employ from overseas any more they will soon change it. The hospitals won't be able to support that many needing supervision and the bank numbers will rapidly reduce as no one will be able to go as working holiday or anything as it's not conducive to completing their requirements. It's very sad that ANMAC and AHPRA are singing from different sheets. I have applied for my PR visa (and paid for it) so effectively I can come over and live off benefits there (if I so wished - not my idea of emigration fun though!) more likely they will let me in as a midwife but will be miserable working full time or I just wasted over 5k putting in my application!?

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If the only way in is supervise practice and the hospitals support those who enter under those conditions then it is a small price to pay and I know 12 months will fly by. I don't mind the supervised practice per se as it is a different model of care etc - it is the point that it may reduce my chance of me getting a job!

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Yes I lodged visa a few days ago then discovered these new registration restrictions. Of course I can't prove 20 continuity cases within my training so even though I've been a caseloading midwife for 3 of my 8 years since qualifying it looks like I'm going to have to be supervised for 12 months! Complete nightmare.


I think you should appeal pending the outcome of your registration and demonstrate how you have met the criteria for continuity of care...Far greater than 20 cases! Strange thing is, I checked out midwifery training with one of the Uni's in Oz, and they have to begin the continuity not later than 35 weeks...erm so near the end of pregnancy then?? Not exactly caseholding is it?? At least the 4 women that I followed in my training were from the time of booking. Bunch of Jokers

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Very rude when you consider their training was based on ours as is their entire midwifery led model of care!
Hi everyoneWell I applied for my registration at the beginning of March and after 6.5 months found out on Fri I also had been given my registration with 12 months supervised practice. After all these months of waiting I thought I would be ecstatic but I feel worse than ever! Especially as I had an interview beginning of July and the hospital have been patient in waiting for me. Now I am not sure if they will want me as I'm not going to help with the staff shortage. I feel this has made us un-employable. I'm going to speak to the manager tomorrow and see what she says but if it's a no I don't know what I will do. I wrote to Queensland health minister in regards to the ridiculous time frame we had to wait for registration. They were disgusted with AHPRA and said I should have my registration within a week, which I did. So I have wrote to him again on behalf of all us midwives who will struggle for employment with these restrictions. I also emailed the woman at the bottom of the AHPRA letter! If everyone emails such people surely they will have to change the restrictions. I expected 6-12 Wks not 12 months! Well I hope everyone has luck in their quest for a job!
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