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Hostel & house share questions- tips?


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Me and my friend start our travels October 2nd to Sydney to hopefully stay there for christmas and new years.


Any advise on how long to stay in a hostel for and any recommendations would be great, iv seen on google, bounce?

Initially we were thinking a week in the hostel as we are wanting to make friends that we can have a house share with.


Anyone who has done this and has any advise on this is greatly appreciated :)

Also how much money are people taking to start with, we are wanting to work but as a starting point would £2,500 be enough? Feeling a little clueless


Thanks, Jade!


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Hi Jade,


Your plans are almost identical to mine, I arrive in Sydney 1st October with two friends and we're looking at staying in a hostel for around a week but then settling down in some sort of shared accommodation and getting a job.


Let me know if you want to talk!



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Hi Jade,


Your plans are almost identical to mine, I arrive in Sydney 1st October with two friends and we're looking at staying in a hostel for around a week but then settling down in some sort of shared accommodation and getting a job.


Let me know if you want to talk!





Hi Tom,


do you have anything booked for your first week yet?


We have been looking at bounce, bit more pricier but does look pretty nice for a hostel! :)



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Me and my friend start our travels October 2nd to Sydney to hopefully stay there for christmas and new years.


Any advise on how long to stay in a hostel for and any recommendations would be great, iv seen on google, bounce?

Initially we were thinking a week in the hostel as we are wanting to make friends that we can have a house share with.


Anyone who has done this and has any advise on this is greatly appreciated :)

Also how much money are people taking to start with, we are wanting to work but as a starting point would £2,500 be enough? Feeling a little clueless


Thanks, Jade!



Hi Jade,


I love reading these posts as it reminds me of my days on a WHV !!


My one bit of advice...


I wanted to say, if you are booking a hostel before you go, a week is fine, by then you'll know if the hostel suits you or not. I found many flat shares advertised mentioned no backpackers.


I booked for a fortnight before I went in a hostel that looked great on the internet, but it was a nightmare, on a busy road and the residents, (mostly men), liked to stay up v late get drunk, smoke dope and play risk , fine if you like that sort of thing !!! I was a women travelling alone and it made me feel uncomfortable.


I then went to another hostel and it was great, quieter residents and much better mix of men and women... I stayed there for 4 months in total in a 4 bed dorm, it was $125 a week back then, I've no idea how much it costs now !!! I worked all that time.


Sydney in New Year is brilliant, buy a slab of beer, get yourself a spot around circular key for the kiddie fireworks, then your in prime position for the main event. I went with all my new friends from the hostel. We lived in manly and getting home was a breeze, I would not have thought it's changed much.


You'll have a great time, good luck with everything.

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I would think you'd be lucky to find a house share in a week. Personally I'd find a job first as Sydney is a big place and you might find the only work you can get is nowhere near your house. Or as happened to a few people I knew, they couldn't find work and decided to move to other cities.

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