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IT job in Australaia


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This question probably has been asked many times before.


What are the chances of getting a sponsorship or a job and getting A Visa to Austrialia for myself and family.


I am 28 years young which seems to be a good age.


I have been working in It for 10 years now and have many skills


The main reason I want to move is due to a better life style for my children which are 2 years old and 2 months.


Any advice would be great.


Just to clarify If i got a sponsorship or job offer I would consider moving to Australia ASAP.


Mods if this is in the wrong place sorry


Many thanks

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This question probably has been asked many times before.


What are the chances of getting a sponsorship or a job and getting A Visa to Austrialia for myself and family.


I am 28 years young which seems to be a good age.


I have been working in It for 10 years now and have many skills


The main reason I want to move is due to a better life style for my children which are 2 years old and 2 months.


Any advice would be great.


Just to clarify If i got a sponsorship or job offer I would consider moving to Australia ASAP.


Mods if this is in the wrong place sorry


Many thanks



It will be like looking for a needle in a haystack for the majority of people. Most people would not follow this path, have you heard of skilled migration? If not, have a read about the 189 or 190 visas on http://www.immi.gov.au


FYI. There is no guarantee of a better life here, it is just another first world country.

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I realise that just browsing the Internet which then led me to this site with some promise and lots of great information.


I also realise that there is no guarentee and have read many people say it hasnt worked out for them. (I have read quite a bit of the forum) I am willing to have a go and see what comes of it for my family.


Thank you for the link. I have looked into these. Is it possible to Organise it all yourself and not go through an agency?



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I realise that just browsing the Internet which then led me to this site with some promise and lots of great information.


I also realise that there is no guarentee and have read many people say it hasnt worked out for them. (I have read quite a bit of the forum) I am willing to have a go and see what comes of it for my family.


Thank you for the link. I have looked into these. Is it possible to Organise it all yourself and not go through an agency?




It is not a case of either "better life" or "not working out" as the only two outcomes. I know loads of people on PIO who are perfectly happy here and would say it worked out for them, me included, but we still don't tend to say it is a better life. It is really quite similar in many respects. I raise it because it is good to think about what you are leaving and what you are gaining and have realistic expectations as you embark upon this journey.


Yes it is perfectly possible to organise your own visa and will save lots of money that way. I was a lot happier when I fired my agent and went it alone ... but you need to be organised, have patience and be prepared to read. If you forsee any complications, like medical issues say, then a migration agent is advisable.

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At 28 it is highly unlikely that you would have acquired sufficient skill level to get sponsorship - exceptions for obscure/ hard to find technical skills perhaps. I do think it is a lovely age to be moving over to experience a different (not necessarily better) life. Also depends on what you do - if you are a high earning London based IT contractor used to earning shed loads you may have to adjust your earning/expenditure expectations accordingly. If you qualify for a visa, have a think about where you may wish to go and people can advise you on the potential for jobs. I'm in Brisbane which is quite a tough market but rates not too bad at the moment.

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I realise that just browsing the Internet which then led me to this site with some promise and lots of great information.


I also realise that there is no guarentee and have read many people say it hasnt worked out for them. (I have read quite a bit of the forum) I am willing to have a go and see what comes of it for my family.


Thank you for the link. I have looked into these. Is it possible to Organise it all yourself and not go through an agency?




Really mate I think that's your best bet. I was in a similar position to you when we emigrated, my wife was really up for it too as she had lived in Canada for a few years so knew there was something else available.


Helps if your partner is all for it too, the kids will be fine.


I think it's even harder to get in than when we came and you might be better spending some money on an agent, they should be able to put you right. I would be going for the skilled migration visa, which gets you the permanent residency visa and you choose where you come to live, very important that you get that right.


Good luck.

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First thing.


If you want to make a permanent move, the a sponsored visa is rarely the best option. Particularly for a family as it is normally only a temp visa with no automatic path to permanent residence. There a also a number of very significant downsides. Hence, when ever possible it is advised that you look at the possibility of a permanent visa.


For either sponsored or permanent visas, the first stop are the two occupation lists - the SOL and the CSOL as for either way, the occupation must be on one of them. Look and research in detail immi.gov.au


Aside from the visa issues, what "better life" do you think Oz will give your kids? We have the same problems as the UK for kids and young people.


Education issues - half of kids in some areas leave school illiterate.

Unemployment - young unemployment is bad and rising

Access to drugs - at least as bad and potentially worse

Teen pregnancy - walk around a shopping centre during the day. No shortage.

More family time - Oz works the longest hours in the developed world.


We have all the same issues as any other first world country such as the UK. Potentially better (sunnier) weather, but there again they will have a 35% chance of skin cancer and in 6 years I have learnt the whole "more outdoor lifestyle" is a myth. Kids are kids and today they want to sit in front of an x box or computer. Think and research your motives.

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Where do you live now and what part of IT do you work in?


We moved to Sydney with our daughter two years ago and are now preparing to go back where we came from which is London.

It's nice in Sydney with lots of sunshine but childcare is quite expensive - we pay A$250/day although our daughter does go to a great daycare! But it's nothing we can't get in London. As for job opportunities London is far better.

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