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The Hardest Bit?


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So we've got the visa. The flights are booked. The Movecube is packed and on its way to Australia. We've got a place to live sorted in Melbourne. The mister has a job waiting for him. We leave in 7.5 weeks.


Of the whole process Its this bit that I'm finding the hardest. This wait. Waiting for D day, now that everything is sorted it's almost painful haha! Time seems to be passing so slowly. It's like waiting for Christmas when you're a kid :biglaugh:


Those of you that have made the move, did you do anything to make the time go faster? How did you get yourselves through the last couple of weeks?


Are any of you who are due to depart feeling the same?

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Not sure if like us you have children but we used the last bit of time to take them to various famous 'sites', we went to London, did the open top bus tour, Buckingham palace etc,we also had numerous catch up nights/ days with friends and family we wouldnt see for a while.


Lots of luck with your journey

Cal x

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Wow, you're very organised! We had great plans on how to spend our last weeks there once all the hard work stuff was out of the way and we were free of the house, work, packing etc. In reality, we were busy right up until the day we left and the time raced by at an alarming rate!


I'd say take some time to do some fun things and trips while you have the free time.

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We had 4 weeks in limbo land before we left and i agree it was really hard, i found it very emotional too. We had lots of different meals and meet ups with friends and family that come the end i just wanted to go, it was prolonging the agony for me, plus it was january this year and if anyone remembers the weather was bloody horrendous, it rained every day of our 4 weeks, making it that much harder to entertain a 4 & 7 year old! But do try and do lots of nice things without wishing your time away too :0)

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So we've got the visa. The flights are booked. The Movecube is packed and on its way to Australia. We've got a place to live sorted in Melbourne. The mister has a job waiting for him. We leave in 7.5 weeks.


Of the whole process Its this bit that I'm finding the hardest. This wait. Waiting for D day, now that everything is sorted it's almost painful haha! Time seems to be passing so slowly. It's like waiting for Christmas when you're a kid :biglaugh:


Those of you that have made the move, did you do anything to make the time go faster? How did you get yourselves through the last couple of weeks?


Are any of you who are due to depart feeling the same?


I know exactly where you are coming from. Once your stuff has gone and everything is done you are just waiting until you go and it's a bit like 'why can't we just go now?' We stayed at my mum's for 7 weeks after our stuff went before flying over so the kids could finish most of the school year. For some of the time I was still working, but the rest I was in a kind of limbo, just hanging out really. It was nice to get to spend some quality time with my folks before coming over but there was definitely a part of me that felt it would have been easier to just go.

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