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Partner Visa 820/801 - any advice gratefully received!


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Brand new to PomsinOz and hoping for some help as I begin the daunting process of applying for an 820/801 Visa.


Quick facts:



  • British national
  • Currently on first WHV (expires 28/12/14)
  • Unmarried but meet the 12 month de facto requirement
  • Based in Melbourne



I've had a look at a few existing Partner Visa threads (what a great community you have on here!), but am still conflicted about the best course of action. I'd really value some advice in relation to the questions below:




  1. Application - online, or hand in a paper-based in person?
  2. Police check and Health exam - in advance and submit with application, or wait for a CO to request it?
  3. Supporting evidence - can anyone give a rough idea of how many documents to provide for each sub-category? Trying to find the balance between submitting enough essential evidence to make the application watertight without superfluous documentation. I'd be very grateful for any 'do/don't include' suggestions!
  4. Registering the relationship in Victoria - worth it?
  5. Bridging Visa - I can't seem to find any clear-cut info on the immi.gov site about whether or not I will have working rights (assume I'll likely be given BVA?) and am a bit concerned as current processing time is 12-15 months. Can anyone share their experience?



Thank you so much for any help you can provide!



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Just my thoughts:


1) personal choice but I would do online as I could not be bothered going to an immigration office and waiting in a queue for hours on end.


2) Wait for request, as per the instructions.


3) Focus on evidence of your joint address for the 12 months and joint finances where you can. Invitations, phone bills, emails you swapped are what I would call superfluous but people seem to love including this rubbish.


4) I cannot see any need if you already have evidence of 12 months cohabitation.


5) Yes you will be able to work, but you will need to get travel rights (BVB) if you need to leave the country and return.

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Pumpkin's list is good. Unless you've both resided in Victoria for 12 months (if you're on your first WHV I assume you only moved to VIC in Dec. 2013?) you can't register your relationship. But if you've got enough other evidence of living together 12 months, then registration isn't necessary.

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