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Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer


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UK has had a mass influx of scroungers...the Govt should one day be tried for treason against its own people..


So why not stay and claim your rights as an Englishman in that country instead of inflicting us of your tabloid racial sensationalism and bigoted statements. We don't need to import ignorance. There's enough home grown.

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Much better to get them processed quickly and the majority of them sent back. Alternatively stick to the governments policies, that have seemed to have stopped a lot of people coming anyway and the problem will dwindle into insignificance. The money that's saved can then go into making things better for the people that are on struggle street here.


As if money would go to those here. What which be much better would be to ditch the lowest common denominator vote and do the right thing.

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Not all Brits are racist, just white ones, because racism is a crime perpetuated solely by white people, against, of course, non-white people. Naturally, there are plenty of nasty 'isms' perpetuated by non-white people against other non-white people, based upon such differences as tribe/gender/religion/caste, but, however bad, they are never as bad as white racism.


The subject being of course the ill treatment of folk seeking Australian protection as a legal right, not whether parochial or to what degree Poms may or may not be.

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Hardly get the quality of immigrants from other sources it would appear. Asian immigrants in case you've failed to notice as in UK and Canada and USA are the highest achievers and the wealthiest.


Who told you that?

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Educational results have long stated the top achieving races are Asian. UK has less Chinese of course, but ethnic sub continental students have achieved very impressive results in UK as well.


Yes but you said they are the highest achievers and wealthiest in the UK, i really do not think that would be the case to be honest however i do not know for sure.

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Yes but you said they are the highest achievers and wealthiest in the UK, i really do not think that would be the case to be honest however i do not know for sure.


They are in Australia and USA and Canada. WE refer to Asians more as Chinese are related races. Indians are rather new to the Australian but rapidly becoming a force to be reckoned with. Much longer settled in Canada and USA though. Yes Indians and the like have high school performances in UK as well as some of the lowest. Many are wealthy through business as well.

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We really need checks on the suitability of migrants allowed from countries such as UK and RSA among others. The Netherlands has a test to gauge tolerance of foreigners wanting to live in that country. The ability to adjust to living in a multi ethnic society is clearly not suitable for all.


Such a test would weed out unsuitable applicants as yourself as save yourself the anguish and those around the reaction to statements such as those above.

That's an excellent idea , if more countries followed suit we might see more genuine multi cultural societies , not as currently seems to be the case , many many mono cultural societies .

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We really need checks on the suitability of migrants allowed from countries such as UK and RSA among others. The Netherlands has a test to gauge tolerance of foreigners wanting to live in that country. The ability to adjust to living in a multi ethnic society is clearly not suitable for all.


Such a test would weed out unsuitable applicants as yourself as save yourself the anguish and those around the reaction to statements such as those above.



How would you administer such checks? You would also have to do the same thing to other cultures. For instance, surely you would not want people coming in who hate gays and lesbians, think women are second class citizens (or worse), believe that arranged (child) marriages are right, agree with honour killings, agree with female circumcision, etc. All of these things are far, far worse than people who express the odd, allegedly racist feeling towards non-whites.

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How would you administer such checks? You would also have to do the same thing to other cultures. For instance, surely you would not want people coming in who hate gays and lesbians, think women are second class citizens (or worse), believe that arranged (child) marriages are right, agree with honour killings, agree with female circumcision, etc. All of these things are far, far worse than people who express the odd, allegedly racist feeling towards non-whites.

Exactly. , I'd make the first question. " would you allow your children or other members of your family to form a relationship / marry who ever they choose from what ever cultural / social/ religious background . In fact id make it compulsory to marry someone from the host country , not a village thousands of miles away .

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If you actually look at flags Dutch example he supports , it's pretty much fit in or fxxx off . You can only come in if you agree with us . Some thing these faux liberals express such distaste at, unless it's expressed in a foreign language.

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Sick. The bloke should be sent packing in my opinion. A danger to the success of an ever emerging multi ethnic society within Australia. You can feel the hate and distaste towards others. Hopefully not too many of this calibre getting in.

You should get a job in Govt, you would fit in very well, a true "DO GOODER" hate white people, your own but will bend over backwards for other races, ethnic minorities...

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I'm surprised that nobody at the ABC or Fairfax or the UN has not accused Australia of deliberately sinking a boat. They have accused and/or printed stories alleging plenty of awful things already - RAN sailors deliberately burning people, total lie, but as soon as someone said it, trumpeted around the world as fact, without bothering to make even the most cursory of checks. Ditto the riot at Manus Island from the alleged eye witness. The Herald printed her allegations, and in the same article, ADMITTED she had only HEARD reports about it.


Anyway, bottom line, there has been one boat since Tony Abbott won the election, which means no boats have shipwrecked, no lives have been lost, and no traumatic experiences for our sailors and/or the residents of Xmas Island. Which reminds me, what happened when that ship wrecked off Xmas Island? Australia blamed by the mealy mouthed hand wringers.


I don't know if you can ever really achieve a successful multi-cultural society because there always seems to be trouble simmering somewhere, whoever you blame for starting it. UK in the early 80's, Cronulla here in 2005 I think and just about anywhere else in the world, Sunni v Shia in The Middle East. It's depressing just to list all the trouble spots.


Maybe if you have a society where everybody speaks the same language and follows the same customs, holds the same values, regardless of their origins. Funny, I remember sitting at Kogarah station the other week, engrossed in my phone (sad) and listening to these schoolgirls talking, all in broad Aussie accents. I looked up and realized not one was a 'conventional' white Anglo Aussie.


Is there a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic Utopia somewhere in the world? Come on Flag, Harpo and PB, where is your ideal society located?

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They are in Australia and USA and Canada. WE refer to Asians more as Chinese are related races. Indians are rather new to the Australian but rapidly becoming a force to be reckoned with. Much longer settled in Canada and USA though. Yes Indians and the like have high school performances in UK as well as some of the lowest. Many are wealthy through business as well.
Not sure about the UK, but in USA, Indians are top notch. Their per capita income compared to other ethnicities ( even Asians and whites) is the highest.



There are lots of Indian CEOs in US MNCs



The credit goes to USA which is a true meritocracy. As Ayn Rand had mentioned, capitalism in its purest form is the best antithesis to racism

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Anyway' date=' bottom line, there has been one boat since Tony Abbott won the election, which means no boats have shipwrecked, no lives have been lost, and no traumatic experiences for our sailors and/or the residents of Xmas Island. Which reminds me, what happened when that ship wrecked off Xmas Island? Australia blamed by the mealy mouthed hand wringers.[/b']



How do you know? It's all shrouded in military secrecy.


What we do know for sure is that detention is permanently damaging children and adults. Not that you care of course.


And I'm not sure how you can logically justify *deliberately* damaging alive children and adults in the name of 'preventing death by drowning'.

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How would you administer such checks? You would also have to do the same thing to other cultures. For instance, surely you would not want people coming in who hate gays and lesbians, think women are second class citizens (or worse), believe that arranged (child) marriages are right, agree with honour killings, agree with female circumcision, etc. All of these things are far, far worse than people who express the odd, allegedly racist feeling towards non-whites.


Of course it would apply to all nationalities and races. The Dutch example given tests the acceptance of same sex couples among other things. Colour and race acceptance being only one criteria. Only democrats and those os a liberal tolerance to difference and diversity that make up the human condition need apply.

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Exactly. , I'd make the first question. " would you allow your children or other members of your family to form a relationship / marry who ever they choose from what ever cultural / social/ religious background . In fact id make it compulsory to marry someone from the host country , not a village thousands of miles away .


Well no a true democrat allows the person the right of choice. That includes the right to reject. Of course should be allowed to choose from their cultural/religious background if so wish. No social engineering. Less regulations and more freedom. All have the right to be respected as long as not infringing on another's right to their freedom. That right does not include the right to be abusive to another due to their sexuality, race, religion, age, appearance.

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How do you know? It's all shrouded in military secrecy.


What we do know for sure is that detention is permanently damaging children and adults. Not that you care of course.


And I'm not sure how you can logically justify *deliberately* damaging alive children and adults in the name of 'preventing death by drowning'.


How do you know that detention is permanently damaging them? Genuine refugees would be already permanently damaged by their experiences. Seems to be that is just your excuse for when some of them start committing nasty crimes in Australia. 'It's not their fault. We should have let them straight into the community.'


You obviously would like to see hundreds more people drowning on the way to Australia, crammed into unseaworthy boats that would not be allowed in a duck pond in Australia. Surely the trauma of shipwrecks and drowning would be far more than anything to be experienced in a detention camp?


Why stop at asylum seekers in detention camps anyway? What about the thousands of prisoners in Australian gaols? Should we release them all out into the community because they are all suffering psychological torture from being incarcerated?


I would actually care more for the welfare of our prisoners, because they at least are mainly Australians.

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