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Is it just me or anyone else find it hard to de-clutter and get rid of stuff? I've decided that the right time for me to move back is in about 18 months and if I start now I might just be ready. After 25 years here I'm dismayed at the things that just sit in my cupboards. I'm not even a hoarder but given the right conditions I think I could be. Part of me thinks how can I speed this process up and not waste any more time? It sounds easy but I look at things and think "that might be useful, I'll look at it later" and so it goes on. When we came over we had 2 suit cases and a single crate and I long to get back to that.

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I did but now I relish it! I came to UK on holiday with just a backpack and though I have acquired a bit of clutter I am really happy throwing/giving stuff away. My house in Aus is still full of stuff but I know that when/if I go back, the local op shops will have a field day. It's liberating!

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I'm not a hoarder either but I'm very sentimental and attach all sorts of feelings to things. We are slowly decluttering but a part of me wishes someone would just take it all without me knowing! I love the idea of starting from scratch (apart from things like photographs) but the actual doing can be a challenge - especially when it comes to books!

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We've moved house alot (OH's job)so I never had time to have a house that got too cluttered!lol Each time we moved though,while packing up the house,I would have a mini de clutter.I really only have essential things in my kitchen for example.Used to have a coffee machine,got rid of it and now use a plunger/cafetiere instead.Same coffee and hotter too!lol I am going to sort out my clothes when I get home.Perfect example of how little I need,Ive been in Oz for nearly 6 mths now with only two suitcases of clothing,and havent had to buy any extra things!So there's a message there!lol If I had too much stuff I'd definately either take it to a car boot or hold my own garage sale.

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Yes maybe a car boot/garage sale maybe the way to go. My son's raising money for a scout trip so I could get him involved. At the moment I'm working on the nett possessions i.e. if I don't buy anything (avoid the central aisles of Aldi) and aim to fill the bin or send to op shop every week I should have less stuff in the end. It's good to feel I have a goal.

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They do say that the old 12 month rule is the best for clothes - not worn it in that time, chuck it! I've started to do that - and no more keeping "fat" clothes "thin" clothes. They don't fit they go. I'm encouraging DH to set up an ebay book business with all the books he's got and I'm doing my very best to only knit with stash wool and buy nothing more!!! (Well, not until the next wool show at least)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is it just me or anyone else find it hard to de-clutter and get rid of stuff? I've decided that the right time for me to move back is in about 18 months and if I start now I might just be ready. After 25 years here I'm dismayed at the things that just sit in my cupboards. I'm not even a hoarder but given the right conditions I think I could be. Part of me thinks how can I speed this process up and not waste any more time? It sounds easy but I look at things and think "that might be useful, I'll look at it later" and so it goes on. When we came over we had 2 suit cases and a single crate and I long to get back to that.


For me, the solution was eBay. Yes, I know it's a bit of work - but it made a HUGE difference to me when I was able to sell stuff rather than just throw it away. It didn't seem nearly so wasteful. I made $6,000 by simply selling stuff from around the house, and I'm definitely not a hoarder. It's easy to sell collectables like ornaments, coins, dinner sets (sell the pieces separately, people are always looking to replace broken bits), "vintage" clothing (I was shocked to realise some of my 90's clothes are regarded as vintage!). It costs nothing to sell up to (I think) 40 items a month, so you've lost nothing if it doesn't work.


Bigger items like furniture are better sold on Gumtree.

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