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190 Visa July lodge Gang!

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No NEWS @SUMU ... Wait is killing me ...

I called DIBP and they said my application is 95% complete, they are now finalizing my health checks.


I wonder why it is taking so long to finalize my meds. I have no history of illness and my medical reports submitted by clinic were all clear.

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Hi Usman!


I have 2 questions for you!


1)If you call DIBP the can tell you the status of your application????????

2)Where can I find that excel where there is a timeline of all the applicants???


Thank you very mucha and good luck with everuthing!!!

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Hi Usman!


I have 2 questions for you!


1)If you call DIBP the can tell you the status of your application????????

2)Where can I find that excel where there is a timeline of all the applicants???


Thank you very mucha and good luck with everuthing!!!



1) Yes they will tell status of your application...

2) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkrdCphtU8u-dGJQSWROUlZ0bThIaUF2VW9zdUZmMlE&usp=sharing#gid=29


Only enter your timelines. Please don't play around with excel sheet.

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Plz help me out as well. I went thru medicals yesterday for sub 190 and was further told to do ECG as they couldn't detect my pulse. Doc didn't comment much except that there r changes in the ECG scan. From what i could see my heartbeat was 54-55 power min n normal is 60-100.

Really worried if this will effect my visa grant. Ny1 went thru the same. ???

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Hi Friends,

I am a Software Engineer. I want to apply for 190 visa. Before that I need to apply for EOI.

My ACS and IELTS are already cleared. As you know, in 22 Oct, 2014 NSW list, Software Engineer is not included this time.

Please suggest that when can I expect Software Engineer profession to be included in any nomination list of Australia in any state. Please note that my IELTS band is 6 each but my points are 60 in case of State Nomination visa.

Can you please suggest and guide me that what should be done from my side.

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Hi Friends,

I am a Software Engineer. I want to apply for 190 visa. Before that I need to apply for EOI.

My ACS and IELTS are already cleared. As you know, in 22 Oct, 2014 NSW list, Software Engineer is not included this time.

Please suggest that when can I expect Software Engineer profession to be included in any nomination list of Australia in any state. Please note that my IELTS band is 6 each but my points are 60 in case of State Nomination visa.

Can you please suggest and guide me that what should be done from my side.



Dear preetiwala, I would suggest you to re-take IELTS test and try to achieve 7.0 in each band. This way your score will be 65 without State Nomination and you can apply for 189 Visa...

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"I wish to advise that a decision has been made on this application and visas have been granted

on 24 October 2014 to the applicant(s) listed in the attached Visa Grant Notice"


Officially now: Oh Crap!



Congratulation Kevsan,

May I ask you what is your Initial date of entry.

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