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Ningi/ Naranba or Upper Caboolture

Kylie Clayton

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Hi all, I'm be moving to the Brisbane area in the not to distant future. I've been looking at the above areas and would love to hear from anyone that knows them. I really love the look of Ningi because it's so close to the beach, Narangba because of the great schools and Upper Caboolture because of the house prices. Do we go for life style, schools or price? Any advice would be great. Thank x

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Hi, I work in Caboolture hospital..... I really wouldn't recommend the area- the houses are cheap for a reason! Caboolture has a bit of a reputation as a low socio- economic area and in my experience that seems to be the case. Of course there are good people there but a lot of undesirables.....

Narangba is nice- stil a bit " country" in places which is quite nice. I don't know much about ningi except it is built on a marsh and is prone to floods and mozzies ( according to a friend who lives there!)

good luck!

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Sarah Jane has said it all.............Narangba has some nice estates and depending on where you choose, is handy for rail and you'll get more bang for your bucks house wise closer in. Personally, I wouldn't touch Caboolture or Ningi with a barge pole. Good luck

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I would agree about Caboolture but there are lots of nice places and properties around caboolture and morayfield. Friends lived at ningi and moved because it was quite isolated and whilst it is not far to the nearest decent shops, DIY stores etc it is a pain in the neck. The beach there is ok but not brilliant and how often are you going to go to the beach? In reality it is not going to be often and probably at weekends. I've lived very near beaches in Devon and in Melbourne and hardly went to them. The beach lifestyle seems wonderful but in summer it is too hot to go to the beach and it gets dark at 5.30 to 6pm. Ningi is notorious for rip tides and bull sharks and consequently, dawn or dusk can be dangerous to go swimming. Bribie is only up the road so why would you live in Ningi? We have not long moved to narangba and like it here. It is slightly rural, but we like it and all of the shops and superstores etc are not too far away by car. We do go to the beach and there are a few within 20 mins

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Driving through Ningi it looks like a hole. Caboolture also a terrible reputation, don't think it would be good for schools

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Hi guys, thanks so much for the advice. Everything I've heard about Caboolture you've all confirmed...and NIngi is a hole (that made me smile). I'm from Brisbane/Sunshine Coast but have been living in the UK for 13 years. Caboolture was always a dump but I thought it may have changed...drastically. I don't want to bring my husband to Australia and scare the crap out of him by moving to boganville. Narangba on paper and from what you all say is the best place.

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Petrie is nice (just moved from there), Kallangur isnt bad (some bits nice others need doing up but nothing horrible), Murrumba Downs, Mango hill, Redcliffe, anywhere near the new train line really. North Lakes is like a rabbit warren and you need a sat nav to get around. I cant stand the place but the houses themselves are nice and there are loads of amenities, shops and superstores

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I've looked at North lakes. It is lovely but I really want some space for my kids to run around. I'm fed up with having to take them somewhere to stretch their legs. My dream would be enough space for them to ride a bike around. That's why ningi and caboolture looked so appealing. My oldest will be starting school in 2016 so a happy balance between space and schools will be the goal. I'll be checking out all those areas. Thanks again for your suggestions.

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I've looked at North lakes. It is lovely but I really want some space for my kids to run around. I'm fed up with having to take them somewhere to stretch their legs. My dream would be enough space for them to ride a bike around. That's why ningi and caboolture looked so appealing. My oldest will be starting school in 2016 so a happy balance between space and schools will be the goal. I'll be checking out all those areas. Thanks again for your suggestions.



How many houses in the Uk have space to run round or ride a bike in? Not many. There are more parks and open spaces to do this than in the UK but if you think that everyone lives in huge blocks of land you are mistaken. Modern aussie gardens are probably much smaller than Uk ones. You should be able to get a decent 700 block in most of the northern suburbs easily and cheaply enough. The house might need some work putting in new kitchens etc but you rarely find your perfect home anywhere.

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