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Stick in Dubai or goto Aus ????

kev and iza

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Sorry I didn't reply to your post last night Kevin, I zonked out whilst watching the footie!


Queensland is beautiful but you will have days (once you acclimatise) where you may feel it's too hot to do anything as temperatures can get up high (not compared to Dubai however). Brookfield was where I was and it was a little suburb, we had a huge property and the bus used to come to the bottom of Brookfield Road and take us to school in Indooroopilly. Anyway, that was a long long time ago and it's much more built up now but there are good schools in the area and Chapel Hill used to be very nice. I've not been back there for many years and when we leave the UK, we are going to Perth anyway and not back to QLD.


Beaches, swimming, schools etc., are all fantastic if you choose the right suburb and the locals are friendly.


Alternatively, think about Perth, I know you said you haven't been there before but it's the sunniest Capital city in the world (allegedly? I read that somewhere but it could tabloid style propaganda) and lots of expats to meet up with. Plus I'll be there and you're always welcome for a cuppa and chat and bring the kids too :biggrin:

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We were in the UK last year and I expected finding things cheap. Can't say I noticed anything that struck me as being cheaper than here. Same sort of stores in the UK selling the same cheap stuff you can buy here. Same with eating out, you can get a pretty average pub grub cheap there, you can eat cheaply at a food hall and some pubs here. Go to a decent restaurant in either place and it's going to be costly. One thing that is cheaper in the UK is going out for a beer, which was nice. Petrol is double the price though and the roads are packed.


It's all relative to what you earn and what you can save on.


You are so right Paul, the UK is ridiculously expensive and the cost of things is spiralling. Interest rates are very low for mortgages but Petrol has got expensive and things like car insurance, road tax, home insurance. Crime is a hot potato but I think it's always been like that and although some people may profess that it's brilliant (which it is, don't get me wrong), all the things that made it "Great" originally have all been abused and misused and the whole country is suffering.


Housing is expensive in Australia but then it's very expensive over here to live in a decent area with a half decent school and London and the surrounding areas are just crazy prices.

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been to dubai twice ..and i have worked there for 5 years.although lifestyle,food and especially security is perfect there but the problem lies when the work visa expires or sum1 reaches retirement age which is quite early in many companies there,things begin to feel difficult. it is quite difficult to get citizenship there and doing savings is not much as children education tend to get higher especially in colleges..


hope everything works out for you guys . best of luck

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Hi Anya,


My wife read your post and agreed with every point- the insecurity and visa can be stressful at times, however she does love it here and will miss the availability of "5 star lifestyle" which i am sure you enjoyed during your time here in Dubai, with the Restaurants and Hotels.


Sh e would like to PM you to get more info on the move which i hope would be OK.


Camberwell very nice area borders Toorak or St kilda? nice close to city regardless which is nice.

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Watching the footie, i hope that is real football (soccer for the Ozzie's) and not aus rules footie ;-)


Queensland would be easy adjustment for us, beaches, high rise apartments within touching distance with the added bonus of being in Australia and not the ME.


From research only, Perth looks great and especially for family, however i continue to hear that the housing market is crazy high in comparison to other cities which could become a problem.


At the end of the day , if work opportunity's are there and my family are happy, I will be happy to move anywhere ;-)


Keep the door open and expect me and the kids soon for that cuppa ;-)

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Watching the footie, i hope that is real football (soccer for the Ozzie's) and not aus rules footie ;-)


Queensland would be easy adjustment for us, beaches, high rise apartments within touching distance with the added bonus of being in Australia and not the ME.


From research only, Perth looks great and especially for family, however i continue to hear that the housing market is crazy high in comparison to other cities which could become a problem.


At the end of the day , if work opportunity's are there and my family are happy, I will be happy to move anywhere ;-)


Keep the door open and expect me and the kids soon for that cuppa ;-)


I don't think housing costs are any more in Perth than any other major City in Aus, if you compare like for like. You can move out of Perth 30Km or so, North or South, be very close to gorgeous beaches (I'm talking walking distance) and pay around $600,000 upwards for a 4 bed detached place with a fair bit of garden, maybe a pool. Lots of areas to choose from. Go a bit further and it gets cheaper.


For example, we live 30Km North in a 4x2, within walking distance of one of the best beaches on the Coast, work on Stirling Highway about 32Km away and it takes me 45mins to get there. I don't use the freeway and have a very pleasant drive along West Coast Highway. If we wanted to move to say Sydney and have the same sort of lifestyle I would have to be living near somewhere like Manly, where the same sort of property would be 1.6 Mill upwards. I checked on a real estate site and that was the cheapest comparable property I could see. The others were all up for auction or over 2 Mill. I think ours has a lot more garden than any I saw around Manly and it's a much quiter suburb.


Same thing goes for Melbourne and the beaches and weather aren't anywhere near as good. Gold Coast or Sunshine Coast would be the only places comparable I reckon, maybe Adelaide too, don't know Adelaide so well, only visited a few times.

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Hi Anya,


My wife read your post and agreed with every point- the insecurity and visa can be stressful at times, however she does love it here and will miss the availability of "5 star lifestyle" which i am sure you enjoyed during your time here in Dubai, with the Restaurants and Hotels.


Sh e would like to PM you to get more info on the move which i hope would be OK.


Camberwell very nice area borders Toorak or St kilda? nice close to city regardless which is nice.


She's more than welcome to ask any questions and I'd be happy to help.


I love living in Melbourne and don't think I'd be happy anywhere else in Australia. After enduring the weather in Dubai, all of us actually love the weather in Melbourne (winter is not at all extreme as many would have you believe!) I think we have a far better quality of life in Melbourne compared to Dubai - there are so many things that we enjoy in Melbourne, which no amount of money can buy in Dubai.


My advice would be to research your employment prospects well. I'd also highly recommend you start saving more than you're doing now (and I mean crazy saving) before you make the move. Kick your Dubai 5* lifestyle habits out of the window. You won't believe how far this will go in helping you settle down in Australia.



PS: Our single minded aim and goal in Dubai was to earn, save and get the hell out. No, we didn't enjoy a 5 star lifestyle there. We are instead now enjoying a 7 star lifestyle in Melbourne :).

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Mine do.:cool:



How do you know that? All the time you spend posting on this forum, bet you never ever get the chance to talk with them.


And.....why is it that everyone who keeps telling us how good Oz is, spends all their time on this board "telling us how good Oz is" - why don't they just get on with enjoying Oz?

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And.....why is it that everyone who keeps telling us how good Oz is, spends all their time on this board "telling us how good Oz is" - why don't they just get on with enjoying Oz?


They're probably at work and have a lot of free time? How good is that - getting paid while posting on PIO? .....lol


So how does one get on with enjoying Oz? No idea. I guess when people say they enjoy living in Oz, they probably mean that they're content with their life? I don't have to go out to enjoy Oz - at the moment I'm quite content being at home and posting on PIO.


Live and let live :)

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My advice would be to research your employment prospects well. I'd also highly recommend you start saving more than you're doing now (and I mean crazy saving) before you make the move. Kick your Dubai 5* lifestyle habits out of the window. You won't believe how far this will go in helping you settle down in Australia.



PS: Our single minded aim and goal in Dubai was to earn, save and get the hell out.


That IS good advice - Dubai can only ever be temporary (even if its for many years) and not somewhere you can ever really call home. Its a great place if you have little kids, but not so great once they reach 10/11 years old and start to develop a need for their own independance. We saw what some of our friends' 13 and 14 year olds were like (really nice kids btw) but not at all worldly wise as they had grown up in a bubble. We left when our eldest was 9, to get him into the last year of a UK primary school and prepare him for secondary.


We've all got great memories of Dubai - the savings we made there paid for our house back in the UK, but we don't miss it and have no wish to go back. We moved on from Dubai and sooner or later everyone has to..its just a question of when.

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We've all got great memories of Dubai - the savings we made there paid for our house back in the UK, but we don't miss it and have no wish to go back.


Ditto. No amount of money would drag us back to Dubai.

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Mine do.:cool:



How do you know that? All the time you spend posting on this forum, bet you never ever get the chance to talk with them.


And.....why is it that everyone who keeps telling us how good Oz is, spends all their time on this board "telling us how good Oz is" - why don't they just get on with enjoying Oz?


I only come on here when I'm at work mate, rest of the time is spent enjoying myself. I'll be leaving in a few minutes and get the whole evening to chat to my kids, after I've been for a swim.:cool:

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My nephew worked for a while in Dubai and saved hard. His now wife, then girlfriend couldn't join him.


When they were married and she had a visa for the UK, he had the chance to work back there, as a Turkish muslim (though not practicing) she did not want to go. The cash does mean they now have a lovely house in Chilslehurst and the freedom for her to have some time out with their young son and baby due in September.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We've settled down in Camberwell (East of Melbourne CBD). Feel free to ask me any questions regarding moving from Dubai, school, rentals, cost of living etc :)



Hi Anya


i am from Dubai and looking to move to melbourne preferably towards the eastern side by March 2015 along with a family of 3 (Myself, Hus and 5 year old son). Could you please let me know the key things to be considered from dubai to Oz.


1. i am thinking about bringing furniture like sofa set, bed mattress, few side table, dressing table.

2. Melbourne having cold weather, what kind of attire should be carried for office? I presume its shirts & trousers. Do ppl normally wear skirts?

3. should we bring home appliances like microwave, washing machine, mixer/choppers?

4. Also, checking out for good shipping deals in Dubai. Please let know if you know any with economical rates.

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