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social worker keen to move, what else do i need to do

Opal Fiend

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It seems there are very few social workers on this forum.


I know I'm on the skills list.

I've taken the ielts x2 and have it rebooked for end of month

More importantly I'm 40 so I need to get my skates on

I'm not going with rose coloured glasses as I think it will be bloody hard work just as it is here, as I intend to work in children's services

More importantly any tips re ielts as if it was work focussed I'd fly through it but discussing free speech and graphs, OMG


I also have a migration agent


any other tips would be fab


Ps I want to do the independent visa but if others think the sponsored is better then please say why.

If I ever get there I intend to let my house as my back up plan


Plus my dog coming is essential.

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To be perfectly honest your Migration Agent should be answering all these questions, they're not there to simply make the visa application, peace of mind throughout the process is also important. If you're unsure about the process, ask them to clarify it.

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Sitting the IELTS a couple of times seems to be quite common. They always find a little mistake to make you pay for sitting another one. I recomend trying another test like the TOEFL.


My fiance is finishing his social work degree next year and we are planning to move to australia asp. We are just not sure about the Skills Asessment. AAWS is stating that there should be practical Placement during the degree. He is doing his Cours via open University uk and they don´t offer thhat in the courses. Does anyone know if it is common procedure in Britain to do that?

Any anweres are much appreciated.

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It seems there are very few social workers on this forum.


I know I'm on the skills list.

I've taken the ielts x2 and have it rebooked for end of month

More importantly I'm 40 so I need to get my skates on

I'm not going with rose coloured glasses as I think it will be bloody hard work just as it is here, as I intend to work in children's services

More importantly any tips re ielts as if it was work focussed I'd fly through it but discussing free speech and graphs, OMG


I also have a migration agent


any other tips would be fab


Ps I want to do the independent visa but if others think the sponsored is better then please say why.

If I ever get there I intend to let my house as my back up plan


Plus my dog coming is essential.


Hi Opel fiend


I am a social worker who moved to vic almost 5 years ago (on a 457 visa)


I now have pr and intend to get citizenship really soon


I am a manager within child protection. It's really hard work, exhausting and a complete different system to the uk but I love it ;-)


If I can answer any questions about the job let me know. I didn't have to do the ielts test so won't be much use to you in that front but if I can help with anything else I will



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  • 1 month later...
Guest Guest49502

Hi, I am starting my last year in social work this September, Opal, I Am 41 and husband is 3 years older. I retained so I could move to Oz. Any information you get, I would be so grateful to be copied in on. loopy Lou 13 if you have any pearls of wisdom, please let me know too.


I have two two teenagers, two dogs and one cat, and a house to sell. I really dont think I will get a job in Northern Ireland as they haven't been recruiting, moving to England, Scotland or Wales would present with as many difficulties as migrating ie house kids etc.


My main worry is job security, costs for education for post GCSE teenagers and the right way to go about it.


hope to hear from you guys soon.



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Guest Guest49502

Hi very stormy, there's problems every which way. I shall look into it more, thanks for your advice.



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Hi chuckles everything crossed for u :) I had to have 3 years experience to get my visa but that was 5 years ago so it may have changed. There were also people in there late 40's came out at the same time as us on 457 visas because we live in a rural area they were able to get PR by being tied in again on a 857 visa but again not sure if this will have changed given time has gone by since we all got our pr

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I am a social worker too, I have just over 1 years post qualification experience and hoping to apply for 189 visa next year.

I emailed AASW regarding post qualification work experience needed to apply for visa and was told:


"Provided that your qualification meets our criteria you will not be required to provide evidence of post qualifying work experience. The assessment of skilled employment claims is an optional part of the assessment."



Therefore if you have enough points from age, degree etc then 3 years post qualification experience is not needed.

I will need score of 8 in IELTS in order to qualify.


Good luck.


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Guest Guest49502

Hi kmrg


many thanks for that! I had been told that a recent graduate from university of ulster had a Skype interview prior to graduating and was offered a post. So to hear this from you is excellent news!


good luck with the tests, would love to hear how it goes for you!


chuckles x

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